Petitioner of Storm Keep

All aspirants of Storm Keep begin as Petitioners of Storm Keep, a title to be
displayed until such time as they attain Novice.

At the end of each of the following conversations, the Petitioner will ask the Knight overseeing the task to leave a missive to the Council confirming that discourse took place and the Petitioner's knowledge and understanding is satisfactory.

*All tasks are expected to be recorded within the personal libram acquired at Petitioner rank.

1. The Petitioner shall complete the cleansing and sacrifice before the Altar.

The Petitioner must cleanse themselves from all personal effects, giving themself completely unto the Vision of Darkness. All personal wants, needs and desires shall be washed away, leaving only the Vision. The Petitioner shall also be issued with a uniform. 'Petitioner of Storm Keep'

2. All recruits are responsible for maintaining a written record of their tutelage. Within this book, all tasks and other notable activities should be recorded in their order of completion and in an organized fashion. Failure to record a completed task will be considered as if it was never completed. The book must be titled as a journal with the name of the Petitioner clearly marked.

The first page will contain a table of contents, and the second their letter of introduction and date of entry to Storm Keep

Every task both those formal and assigned will be recorded and serve as the marker of progress towards attaining the rank of a Dark Knight. Any task not recorded will be considered incomplete.

3. The Petitioner shall collect or be provided with a set of armor and weaponry after the cleansing and sacrifice.

An unprepared Petitioner does not serve the Vision. A new set of armor and weapons will be provided to the Petitioner as needed.

4. The Petitioner will complete an orientation of the Keep.

A tour around Storm Keep will be provided, either by the recruiting officer or other member of Storm Keep. This is to familiarize the Petitioner with the layout and location of rooms of interest, including the Council Chamber, Sect Offices and Library.

5. The Petitioner will study and fully understand the Code of Conduct.

A strict Code of Conduct is adhered to at all times and is a cornerstone of what it means to become a Dark Knight. The Petitioner must familiarize themselves and understand the Code of Conduct and why it is important in achieving our goals. When complete, this must be discussed with any ranked Dark Knight or higher.

6. The Petitioner will complete their formal training with the basic and advanced guilds.

7. Upon completion of these tasks, the Petitioner will present their journal to a member of the Council or Sect leaders for inspection. If satisfactory, the Petitioner will be advanced to the rank of Novice and receive a new uniform.