Changing of the Guard - Lanival Illithi to Zorreau de la Vega

[51  Human Swb] [ Shadow ] Beydalar Yildiz, the Death of Doubt (Warder)

[51  Human Skn] [ Shadow ] Zorreau de la Vega, the Malus Lupus  (Chancellor)

[51  Human Pri] [ Shadow ] Novitiate Lillymae Illithi, Discerning the Vision

[51  Human Skn] [ Shadow ] (WANTED) Lanival Illithi, Jade Emperor [Dark Lord] [Blackwinds]

[51  Human Mon] [ Shadow ] (WANTED) Marcaus Madaur, Pugilist of the Purists

[39  Human Wlk] [ Shadow ] Ithelim Nyioldial Petitioner of the Legion

[35  Human Sha] [ Shadow ] Stefani Kylen, Echo of Eternity.

[26  Human Asn] [ Shadow ] Ashem Taba Novice of the Legion

[25  Human Bnd] [ Shadow ] Kirael Raerin, Petitioner of the Legion.

Lanival clans 'The meeting begins.'

Lanival says 'For all of our successes of late, we have seen a troubling trend.'

Lanival says 'Drakonn fled his duty.  Jalm chose to give up his life rather than soldier on.  Even Crelius made the same decision.'

Lillymae nods slightly in agreement.

Stefani sighs lightly under her breath.

Lanival says 'And for what?  Were these men so selfish that the difficulty of the work was more important than our mission?'

Lanival says 'I do not know the answer.  But I do know this:'

Lanival says 'If you believe we are destined to ultimately prevail simply because of the Prophecy, you are wrong.  You are WRONG!'

Lanival says 'If you think your life is so purposeless that you can cavalierly give it up when things get tough, you are WRONG!'

Lanival says 'NOTHING is granted to us!'

Lanival says 'NOTHING is fated!'

Lanival says 'Necrucifer is mighty, but he is not almighty.  If we do not work hard, our hardest, and prevail, He will not prevail either, Prophecy or not.'

Lanival unsheathes a sword and kneels for a moment, placing the hilt straight down upon the ground so that the tip points to the ceiling.  He mutters an incantation so the blade stays in place.

Beydalar watches this with interest

Lanival says 'When it is time for me to step aside as your leader, will I fling myself upon this sword?'

Lanival says 'Am I so self-absorbed that some grand soldier's suicide is my fate?'

Lanival angrily kicks the sword away, it rattles and clanks before resting.

Lillymae smiles in satisfaction at this.

Lanival says 'No.  I am here for you, and for our lord, always.'

Beydalar nods firmly

Lanival exhales audibly, changing his countenance.

Stefani nods her head along with Lanival's words.

Lanival says 'Now, there has been much speculation and rumor as to the purpose of this meeting.'

Lanival says 'Before I address it, allow me a moment to share a journey.'

Lanival says 'I was handed the keys to a skeleton of a clan.'

Lanival says 'I didn't care, of course.  I knew hard work and faith would restore flesh to the bare bones.'

Lanival says 'And I was right.  New soldiers arrived, old ones returned.  We became strong, and we accomplished much.'

Lanival says 'Think of the money we raised for three engines of crafting.  For our ship, the Purist.  For the new offices of the Templar and the Gray Robes.'

Kirael walks in.

Kirael salutes.

Lanival says 'And so too remember our invasion of Dojia.  Recall the new alliances we have forged across the world.  Think of the many battles we have won.'

Lanival says 'Together, we have been the prime reason for winning all the Shards.'

Lanival says 'Together, we have banded as one and defeated heathen gods.  Together, we have rediscovered powerful artifacts of yore.'

Lanival says 'I am immensely proud of all of it.'

Stefani lets a smile crack her lips as she listens.

Lanival says 'But all of those things we have done during my stewardship of this order, they are dwarfed by something.'

Lanival says 'I will remember all we have accomplished and gone through, but when my time comes and the keepers of our lord's celestial gate ask me of what I am proudest,'

Lanival says 'I will say with no hesitation it was the honor of serving alongside each and every one of you.  My knights.  My brothers and sisters.  The SHADOW KNIGHTS OF NECRUCIFER!'

Lanival brings a fist to his chest as he swells with pride.

Lillymae smiles.

Stefani brings her fist to her chest in salute to Lanival as she bows her head.

Beydalar brings his fist to his chest in salute, a look of pride also on his face

Ithelim taps his cane on the ground before bringing his fist up to his chest in salute

Lillymae salutes.

Marcaus drums his staff on the hard floor in applause.

Lanival says 'I have given you the very best of my spirit, brethren.'

Lanival says 'But my era wanes.  And it is time for a change.  I am proud to preside over this change in a time of strength rather than weakness.'

Lanival says 'I have one final order for you.'

Lanival says 'Follow my successor with the same vigor that you followed me.'  He takes to one knee and bows his head.  'All hail Dark Lord Zorreau de la Vega.'

Stefani frowns for a moment at Lanival declaration before turning to Zorreau, offering a crisp salute to the chest.

Zorreau unsheathes his blade and lets it hang by his side as he faces the soldiers.

Marcaus says in a low toned manner 'All Hail Dark Lord Zorreau de la Vega!'

Beydalar kneels, 'Dark Lord Zorreau de la Vega!'

Marcaus salutes Zorreau.

Salainn walks into the midst of the cry, taking a moment to process the development before saluting sharply.

Ithelim salutes Zorreau.

Zorreau offers a brief salute and motions for Lanival to rise.

Salainn says 'Hail, Dark Lord de la Vega!'

Lanival returns to his feet.

Lillymae smiles as she salutes Zorreau

Lanival says (to Zorreau) 'I serve at your discretion, my lord.'

Zorreau says 'Unfortunately my time is short this day and I can not go into the detail I wish for the future.'

Zorreau says 'Though there is a change in command, we remain upon the same course and aim for the same goal at the end of the road.'

Zorreau says 'However, I feel you will all echo me in thanks for the time, effort and spirit Lanival has given us and the Lord and I hope to see it continue.'

Lillymae nods.

You nod sagely.

Lanival bows his head in thanks.

Salainn nods his head in full agreement.

Ithelim nods.

Lanival clan gossips 'May the Blackwinds guide the Dark Lord.  Power to Necrucifer.'

Zorreau says 'In the coming days, I will let each of you know what will happen. Until then I have no words prepared. Just know this, I gladly give my body, mind and spirit to the Lord. I expect nothing left from each of you.'

Stefani clan gossips 'Power to Necrucifer!'

You clan gossip 'Power to Necrucifer!'

Salainn clan gossips 'Power to Necrucifer!'

Salainn nods.

Zorreau says 'Now, unless any others have anything they wish to say. I wish for you to go forth and do our duty.'

Stefani salutes Zorreau.

Salainn salutes Zorreau.

Lanival salutes Zorreau.

You salute Zorreau.

Salainn tips his head forward slightly in respect to Lanival.

Marcaus salutes Zorreau.

Ithelim salutes Zorreau.

Zorreau salutes.

Lillymae salutes Zorreau.

[51 Skn] [ Shadow ]          Zorreau      Dark_Lord        (Leader) (Recruiter)