History Lesson
Targetter (Dar Getter)

[ 94] Symantha: History Lesson: Targetter (Dar Getter)
Sun Aug  1 04:48:20 2021
To: Shadow ( Drakkara Necrucifer Cayenna Scorn RP )

A yinn of outstanding divine destiny. 

In our annals, he is written of in the Sunset Dawn and our Magister Ibiza le
Toad has gone into detail on this leader of ages past in a dissertation of
his own. 

San Gohdam, after the man set out from Knighthood under an auspicious
eclipse, would form Eclipse and it is known that Dar Getter followed him.
Many others would flock to the leadership of Gohdam and take up arms within
the movement of Eclipse, which first introduced a firm basis of power for
Necrucifer's ultimate determination - which was nothing less than Dominion
of Algoron. 

It was here that the beginning of organized Darkness would form between he
and Gohdam but in the assassination of the first Highlord later, so the Sons
of Malice formed and we see (perhaps) the first recorded instance of Higher
and Lower Darkness clashing.

It was Dar Getter who saved the broken force afterward, to rebuild.  Ibiza
makes note that it is indeed Targetter who appears to have been chosen by
Necrucifer as the vessel of His command on Algoron, the yinn having
demonstrated immense and unique divine abilities even before he attained the
gift of thauma by beheading another named d'Astaroth. 

'Peace.  Unity.  Power' were the foundation of Dar Getter's Vision.  He saw
a doomed Darkness, a doomed world, and knew that what 'was' required tearing
down to be built back up in the image of Darkness.  Eclipse was to be the
hammer and anvil of the future. 

This esteemed Highlord, who could see further than most, also knew what
would be required to do this.  He saw the abilities of all, not just humans
and not just those of darkness, toward this end and stepped outside the
bounds of what he had to achieve it. Eschewing racism both in his love of a
dark elf and in further rebuilding of his forces.

It is at this time that he began to draw allies to him.  A demonlord,
bearing the will and the favor of Necrucifer, gave to Dar Getter a Legion of
possessed barbarians. Necrucifer also sent His children, the ogres, while
the minotaurs - before the founding of Ganth I believe - bent to His will to
serve as well.

The obtaining of the Draconus would follow after Targetter received a vision
and successfully thwarted the Conclave in obtaining the powerful artifact -
an object that permitted control of the Firstborn - thus netting Dar Getter
an army of dragons. 

The Dragonwars would follow and it was in the midst of this that, though on
the cusp of success, Dar Getter would fail.  The conventional tale claims
that Dar fled the field to rescue Verra, his dark elven love, but the
Eclipsian version tells that the yinn Highlord was slain with finality in
combat during a dragon battle, his cause lost due to Kwainin's intervention,
and failure to protect the Draconus. 

To date, no Servant of Darkness has come closer than Dar Getter toward the
Vision.  Among many, he serves as a Singularity: a pillar unto which we should
gaze and learn. 

His destiny was unique, his achievements relegated to the Age in which he
lived, but in its detail there is much to ascribe to today.
