The Sanctum and Umbra

The Sanctum

One of Storm Keep's highest honors is being allowed specialized training under Dame Barra as a Shadowknight. The roll of Shadowknights is short, but each are possessed of their own greatness, many having served as Dark Lord.

The Umbra

"Necrucifer said, 'This is my blood, the first blood of the Gods to touch the earth. I do this so that the inhabitants can one day rise up, and stand out against Austinian and his followers.'"

    - Ta'Plak the Heretic, History

As the Blood of Necrucifer was made to fall on Algoron, it was carried by the rivers and seas throughout the lands touching all. Vestiges of Necrucifer's divinity are present, still, and it is from the traces of immortal blood found in all things that the Shadowmage draws his power. Taken into the Chamber of the Umbra for study, Shadowmages delve into secrets not known outside of the Gray Robes of Shadow.


 Initial Explanation of Research - Ibiza le Toad

 Short Discussion - Aesea, Elaynah, Ibiza

 The Umbra and Shadowmagic - Ibiza le Toad

 Further Report on Test Research - Reklah Kayen

The Umbra - Ibiza le Toad

 Seeking Answers - Salainn Illithi

 The Black Winds of The Umbra - Rochford The Black

 The Black Winds Breakthrough - Samcro 

 The Book of Shadows - Rochford, Salainn, Ibiza

The Art of Brewing 

The Cauldron Compendium - The Art of Brewing - Ibiza le Toad

 Reagents and Recipes - Ibiza le Toad

Germane Gourds - Ibiza le Toad