Three Principles

by Reklah Kayen


Tesalon Gareth believed in many of the traits we do.  Storm Keep and Gareth

share many similarities.  Honor is held high among both sects, as is

kinship, and even a desire for peace.  Of all the organizations on Algoron,

Gareth is the most similar and the most different to Storm Keep.  

There are three concepts which have developed into black and white

viewpoints.  Storm Keep is viewed by our opposition as a Higher Evil.  That

term must be put to death.  Evil implies a wrongness, and we do not think

ourselves wrong, or immoral, as the description suggests.  

The difference lies in the three main viewpoints.  Kwainin dictates that

there must be eternal balance.  In balance war is neverending, and bloodshed

will subsequently occur for centuries to come, or even thousands of years,

if Kwainin's flock has its way.  That would be much more "evil" than our own


Austinian's flock preaches that love and peace will pave the way to Unity,

and claim that Necrucifer's pantheon is the Oppressor, yet Shay Kayen once

offered peace to Gareth, and they refused him.  Therein lies the hypocrisy,

but that is not the most important difference, which is that Gareth does not

share Finality.  

If a knight of Gareth were asked to do anything in order to procure peace,

there would be a point at which they would stop and say, "No, I will not do



This principle reminds us that we remain one entity.  The creation of Gaar

Volen serves as reminder that Man is fickle.  It is in Man's nature to

betray, to steal, to murder, for the benefit of self-gain.  San Gohdam's

efforts were successful and he became a feared revolutionary.  It was

through his own men that he was deposed.  

Brotherhood dictates that in order to accomplish the Alpha principle, we

must be steadfast to our purpose.  We must incorporate all virtues which

will keep us from Gohdam's fate.  In this principle lies an adherence to

honor, integrity, and veracity, and highest of all, a kinship to one

another.  Without these things, we are like so many stones in the water,

segregated by racism or greed or other personal failings.  


The Alpha principle, this provides the basis of our being.  We are here by

God's grace, and it is through His gift that we must reward Him.  The

principle of Finality dictates that if any action will directly or

indirectly bring about Absolution, or victory, then that action must be


All other principles are made by Man and must be cast out thusly if Finality

can be attained.  Be mindful of the blood and soil of where you stand, the

tune the wind sings as it sweeps through Storm Keep, and of your own flesh

and bone.  You were Created to serve, there is only You and Him at the end. 


If God speaks, you must listen.