The Night of the Exile

Chamber of Rest  

This dome-shaped room is immense, the ceiling rising high up into the  

air, surpassing any other point of Storm Keep. Constructed of a highly  

polished black marble, it is lit by numerous crystal chandeliers that hang  

from chains constructed of interwoven strands of gold and silver. They are  

the only source of light in this room; like the rest of the keep, there are  

no windows present. Numerous blankets are spread out across the marble  

floor in a systematic and orderly fashion of linear ranks and files. They  

are well padded, and each has a soft, down pillow placed at its head. Along  

the eastern wall, numerous shelves stretch across the expanse of the  

chamber, filled with trophies, armors, and weapons claimed in honorable  

combat from fallen foes. A narrow spiral staircase leads to a dark chamber  



[Exits: south down ]  

A wrought-iron cauldron is bubbling away here.  

Numerous blankets line the marble floor, inviting you to rest for as long as necessary.  

A black marble fountain trickles quietly with water here.  


(Invis) (Charmed) (White Aura) An jet black unholy steed is here.  

(Invis) (White Aura) Hsiu Wa, Dark Lord of Shadow is riding an unholy steed.  

(WANTED) Lu'ther Kestyll, Legion Tempered 'Sicari Nefastus' is here.  

(Invis) (WANTED) Symantha Marlan, Novice of the Templar is here.  

(WANTED) Liaym Galethrowpe, Novice of the Legion is here.  

(WANTED) Eldyn is here.  

(Invis) (WANTED) Fritzgrad Kayen is resting on a blanket.  

(White Aura) Malachive is here.  

(Invis) Rikarte MacLeod is resting on a blanket.  

(Invis) (WANTED) Reklah Kayen, Captain. is here.  

Lysana Antecote, Petitioner of the Legion. is here.  

(Invis) (WANTED) Jaerlach Kesepton, Dark Templar of Storm Keep |Warder| is here.  

(White Aura) Corson Maltese, Dark Knight of the Legion. is here.  

(Invis) Ilusen LaFortinas is resting on a blanket.  

(Invis) Carey O'Morain, Petitioner of the Legion is here.  

(Invis) Draege Feyn, Novice of the Legion is here.  

Daerr Osan Morte, Petitioner of the Legion is here.  

(Invis) (WANTED) Dacieus Maximus, Esquire of the Gray Robes. is here.  

(White Aura) A priest of Necrucifer sits upon a gray blanket in the center of the room, chanting softly.  



Carey remains with her head bowed, kneeling before Malachive. her hands twitching as she attempts to not show discomfort.  


Hsiu takes his gauntlets off, looking at his warm hands.  


Lu'ther glances at Hsiu.  


Lerost bows deeply, but otherwise remains silent, features expressionless  


Malachive says 'Disregard the discomfort you may feel, I have need of your attention'  


Your eyes inexplicably tear up.  


Daerr grimaces, holding his bow and twitching slightly.  


Hsiu says 'M'lord, it has been ...'  


Fritzgrad raises his head to look at Malachive and listens intently.  


Fritzgrad looks at Malachive.  


Lerost narrows his eyes a fraction, squinting, but his manages to maintain his focus on Malachive  


Malachive says 'You will do as I demand'  


Blood runs down the walls and pools at your feet.  


Jaerlach glances to the walls and then back to Malachive.  


Reklah draws his lips into a firm line as he watches Malachive, attempting to ignore the running blood.

Lysana looks around wide eyed at the sight of blood.  


Corson glances at his feet, then back to Malachive.  


Carey raises her eyes to Malachive's knee, showing her attention yet also her respect as she remains kneeling in the blood gathered on the floor.  


Hsiu says 'Storm is at your disposal M'lord.'  


Eldyn glances to his feet.  


Malachive says 'I have need of certain, things and you will supply them.'  


Daerr rises from his bow, his eyes snapping to his feet for a moment before looking again toward Malachive.  


Symantha glances down at the floor briefly and then back to Malachive, her gaze a little wide.  


Hsiu whispers 'reklah Captain, assemble the Guard. The god-child is here.'  


Malachive says (to Hsiu) 'Yes, you are at my disposal aren't you'  


Malachive almost grins  


Daerr growls to himself, his arms twitching a bit as he stands where he is.  


Carey blinks rapidly, trying to regain focus on Malachive.  


Hsiu says (to Malachive) 'Yes M'lord, the Guard is being assembled as we speak.'  


Reklah inclines his head to Hsiu, motioning for Corson to follow as he moves out of the chambers.  


Lu'ther blinks.  


Corson coughs lightly and follows Reklah out of the chambers.  


Corson Maltese walks south.  


Hsiu says (to Malachive) 'What do you wish for us to do for you M'lord?'  


who shadow  

[51 Human War] [ Shadow ] (WANTED) Jaerlach Kesepton, Dark Templar of Storm Keep |Warder|  

[51 Human Cle] [ Shadow ] Corson Maltese, Dark Knight of the Legion.  

[51 Human Asn] [ Shadow ] (WANTED) Lu'ther Kestyll, Legion Tempered 'Sicari Nefastus'  

[51 Human Skn] [ Shadow ] Hsiu Wa, Dark Lord of Shadow  

[51 Human Skn] [ Shadow ] (WANTED) Reklah Kayen, Captain.  

[51 Human War] [ Shadow ] (WANTED) Eldyn Amaricus, Esquire of the Rose.  

[51 Human War] [ Shadow ] Lerost Atennim, Lord Templar of Storm Keep.  

[51 Human Wlk] [ Shadow ] Ilusen LaFortinas, High Mystic of Gray.  

[50 Human Pri] [ Shadow ] Novitiate Lysana Antecote, Petitioner of the Legion.  

[49 Human Cle] [ Shadow ] Carey O'Morain, Petitioner of the Legion  

[44 Human Mag] [ Shadow ] Rikarte MacLeod, Petitioner of the Legion.  

[26 Human War] [ Shadow ] Daerr Osan Morte, Petitioner of the Legion  


Players found: 12  



Malachive says 'I am sure you are aware of the Abhorrants existence'  


Hsiu says (to Malachive) 'Yes M'lord, we are.'  


Lu'ther winces.  


Daerr scratches at his arm, then whips his hand back to his side, frowning.  


Lysana squirms slightly rubbing her back with her right hand  


Malachive says (to Hsiu) 'There are a few things you must gather for me to aide in their plan'  


You feel a sudden intense heat on the back of your neck.  


Lu'ther brushes the spider away, scratching at the bite.  


Reklah moves back into the chambers with Corson at his side, a detachment of heavily-armored guards trailing close behind him.  


Hsiu says (to Malachive) 'Of course. What are these things that we are to gather?'  


Daerr tips his head to the side, blinking at Malachive's words.  


Rikarte closes his eyes, trying to ignore the screams he hears.  


Reklah says (to Malachive) 'We are at your service, m'Lord. '  


Symantha clasps her hands tightly together before her, her brow furrowing a little as she blinks.  


someone glances at Reklah, then continues his gaze towards Malachive.  


Lerost tightens his jaw, swallowing almost audibly, hunching his shoulders for a brief moment  


someone calmly stands, leaning against the wall occasionally stroking his goatee with his hand  


Daerr frowns again, shaking his arm a few times and muttering to himself.  


someone blinks, shaking his head.  


Hsiu says (to Malachive) 'We have here the finest soldiers in Storm. We shall retrieve all that is required.'  


Lysana falls to her knees, her head bowed.  


Malachive says 'Time as I stated is of the essence'  


Daerr shakes his head, looking to his side and blinking, 'What?'  


Draege eyes gaze around, as if slightly alarmed, but quickly regains his composure  


Lu'ther glances at Reklah.  


Daerr shakes his arm again, rubbing it against the armor at his side and muttering.  


Hsiu lets a grin briefly appear from his straight face.  


Lerost brings a single fingertip to his lips in a quieting motion as he glances at Daerr  


Malachive says 'The blood of a five headed dragon, given willingly and a special stone held by a wraith.'  


Symantha shudders, her hands unclasping to hang at her sides with the struggle to remain upright.  


Dacieus twitches slightly, regaining his composure.  


Daerr tells you 'The voices, Sir. Do you hear them as well?'  


Daerr blinks and looks toward you for a moment.  


Dacieus peers about.  


You tell Daerr 'It is the presence of the Master's Son. Do your best to focus on his request.'  


Hsiu looks to be lost in thought for a brief moment.  


Jaerlach glances at Hsiu.  


Malachive says 'This stone is of most importance and it must be brought to me intact as well as a vial of the blood. Once you have gathered these I will give to you the final thing.'  


Daerr nods once toward you, rubbing at his arm and turning back to Malachive.  


Symantha blinks at Malachive with surprise and then turns her gaze to Hsiu, then back.  


Carey glances down at her hands, frowning and rubbing them on her clothing, leaving trails of blood upon it.  


Malachive says 'You have but one hour to bring them to me'  


An insidious voice whispers to you, 'Do not trust his lies. He is the one. Kill him.'  


Hsiu says 'Where will we find you M'lord? Will you remain in residence within Storm Keep?'  


Daerr frowns, glancing at Hsiu.  


Symantha whispers ' can that be..'  


Malachive says 'Do not concern yourself of where I will be'  


Jaerlach stares at Symantha.  


Malachive says 'You waste precious time'  


Liaym glances at Symantha.  


Lerost lowers his eyes in reverant supplication for several long moments  


Symantha bites her lower lip and glances downward.  


You pray 'The instructions of the Master's own Son are not to be questioned.'  


Lu'ther glances at Hsiu.  


Malachive says (to Hsiu) 'Or is it your wish to anger me?'  


Draege glances over towards Symantha, a slight frown crosses his face but disappears as quickly as it came  


Rikarte nods his head and quietly walks out of the room.  


Fritzgrad bobs his head respectfully toward Malachive then rises to his feet and walks toward Hsiu.  


Hsiu says 'Of course M'lord. I shall assemble Storm and we shall immediately depart.'  


Eldyn rubs his palms over his eyes.  


Reklah says (to Malachive) 'I shall leave the guardsmen with you if you'll allow it, m'Lord.'  


Hsiu says (to Malachive) 'We wish not to anger you M'lord.'  


Carey rises and moves toward Hsiu.  


Daerr tells you 'Do we know what this stone looks like? Anything about this wraith?'  


Hsiu turns away from Malachive and looks towards the soldiers assembled.  


Jaerlach tells you 'We must begin to move forward now.'  


Lu'ther waits.  


Liaym looks at Hsiu.  


Daerr stands rigidly, his head turned toward Hsiu.  


Symantha closes her eyes tightly, another shudder rolling through her.  


Lysana jolts up suddenly  


You tell Jaerlach 'Agreed. But I do not wish to leave until I have heard the Dark Lord's strategy.'  


Hsiu says 'Soldier's of Storm, meet me in the High Council Chambers. We need to discuss where we shall seach for the items that are required.'  


[Walk to Council Chamber]


Chamber of the High Council  

This massive chamber is completely circular, polished stones of obsidian  

fitted together so that the walls are smooth are unblemished. They tower  

above you on all sides, rising up into darkness, creating the illusion that  

there is no ceiling, only a perfect, starless midnight sky. The floor is  

covered with a plush, black velvet carpet.  


[Exits: north ]  

(Charmed) (White Aura) An jet black unholy steed is here.  

Hsiu Wa, Dark Lord of Shadow is riding an unholy steed.  

(WANTED) Eldyn is here.  

Lysana Antecote, Petitioner of the Legion. is here.  

Draege Feyn, Novice of the Legion is here.  

(WANTED) Dacieus Maximus, Esquire of the Gray Robes. is here.  

(WANTED) Jaerlach Kesepton, Dark Templar of Storm Keep |Warder| is here.  

Ilusen LaFortinas, High Mystic of Gray. is here.  

(WANTED) Lu'ther Kestyll, Legion Tempered 'Sicari Nefastus' is here.  

Carey O'Morain, Petitioner of the Legion is here.  

(WANTED) Fritzgrad Kayen, Dark Knight, Master of the Rose is here.  

Reklah Kayen walks in.  

Corson Maltese walks in.  

Lu'ther sits down and rests.  



Lysana appears deep in thought  


Daerr looks at you.  


Hsiu looks towards all assembled.  


Symantha shakes her head at Liaym.  


Fritzgrad leans on the table with both hands and looks to Hsiu.   


Daerr frowns.  


Hsiu says 'Now, have you all heard of what we are to search for?'  


Lu'ther paces near the doors impaitiently.  


Jaerlach nods.  


Carey nods at Hsiu.  


Draege says 'Indeed'  


Daerr nods firmly, his arm still twitching.  


You nod at Hsiu.  


Hsiu says 'Any have ideas of where we are to look for these items?'  


Liaym looks at Symantha.  


Reklah says 'I have not. I was assembling the men.'  


Dacieus ponders.  


Hsiu says 'Speak, hastily.'  


Reklah says 'What are we in search of?'  


Jaerlach says 'There is a dragon by that description in a tower on Althainia.'  


Daerr says (to Hsiu) 'Sir?'  


Someone says 'A wraith is possibly in the catacombs, sir.'  


Hsiu says 'The blood of a five headed dragon and a special stone held by a wraith.'  


Hsiu nods at Daerr.  


Ilusen says 'The blood of a five-headed dragon, given freely. A specific stone from a wraith, brought intact.'  


Dacieus says 'I could use my magicks.'  


Jaerlach says 'It is a special dragon, it should be investigated immediately.'  


Reklah nods.  


Hsiu nods at Jaerlach.  


You say 'Given freely, that must not be forgotten'  


Hsiu says (to Jaerlach Kesepton) 'The one in Dragon Tower?'  


Lu'ther nods at you.  


Jaerlach nods at Hsiu.  


Dacieus says 'I may...convince the dragon to give it to me.'  


Symantha glances at Liaym.  


Jaerlach says 'Tiamat, I believe.'  


Hsiu says 'Exactly my thoughts.'  


Daerr says (to Hsiu) 'It is quite conceivable this wraith may be within the catacombs. I question what this stone is that we seek though. What does it look like? Will this wraith simply give it to us?'  


Rikarte shakes his head, trying to ignore what he sees.  


Jaerlach says 'We must first importune with the dragon on basis of faith.'  


Lysana appears to be deep in thought  


Jaerlach says 'Hostile methods can be saved for extingencies.'  


Daerr growls, scratching at his arm.  


You say (to Dacieus) 'The school of beguiling usurps the will of the victim, we cannot use such tactics I believe.'  


Fritzgrad says 'Let us not forget that the stone is of more import.'  


Daerr looks at Hsiu.  


Dacieus growls.  


Dacieus nods at you.  


Hsiu nods.  


Carey says 'Perhaps we should dispatch half to gather one, and half to the other? To save time?'  


You say (to Hsiu) 'two separate groups then, Dark Lord? Chosen to balance strengths?'  


Eldyn says 'It might be best to assemble into two groups.'  


Symantha regains her composure with a deep breath and stands a little straighter with a nod at Liaym.  


Hsiu says 'Agreed. Two groups should be assembled.'  


Fritzgrad says 'Aye, split up.'  


Jaerlach says 'I suggest that said groups do not need to be of equal size.'  


Hsiu says 'One to obtain the stone, the other, the blood.'  


Liaym nods.  


Jaerlach says 'No more than four or five should be needed to handle the dragon.'  


Lu'ther says 'Indeed, th..the smaller can be sent convince the dragon'  


Lu'ther nods at Jaerlach.  


Draege says 'I volunteer to seek the dragon, if I am needed'  


Hsiu wipes the blood from his eyes.  


Eldyn says 'Keep in mind the blood must be given willingly, thus a large group to meet the dragon might not be necessary.'  


Fritzgrad says (to Hsiu) 'Assign us, sir.'  


You say (to Fritzgrad) 'Convincing the Dragon should be a matter for the Rose and perhaps Templar, hmm?'  


Jaerlach tells you 'Should we Templar volunteer to handle the dragon and leave the rest to the other three sects?'  


Liaym coughs slightly, as he does, a few drops of blood falls from his mouth onto the floor.  


Hsiu nods at you.  


Fritzgrad ponders.  


Fritzgrad says (to You) 'Aye, likely so.'  


Carey says 'Do we know if the wraith is sentient? If not, then I suggest the highest rank go to speak with the dragon, and us unranked defeat the wraith.'  


Hsiu says 'The Rose will be involved in both parties.'  


You tell Jaerlach 'It is decided, apparently'  


Fritzgrad looks around and frowns.  


Fritzgrad says (to Hsiu) 'Right now Eldyn and I are the rose...'  


Hsiu nods.  


Daerr rubs at his armband, scratching just beneath the surface and sighing.  


Ilusen says 'There might be many wraiths to defeat. Those unskilled in combat or word should stay within the Keep.'  


Lu'ther paces back and forth more frantically.  


Hsiu says (to Fritzgrad Kayen) 'You shall seek the wraith.'  


Fritzgrad nods at Hsiu.  


You say 'Time, we must do this more quickly...'  


Ilusen agrees with you.  


Ilusen says 'We must move faster.'  


Fritzgrad says (to Hsiu) 'It shall be done.'  


Hsiu says (to Fritzgrad Kayen) 'Choose those that you wish to take with you.'  


Carey says 'I will go where I am bid, Sirs.'  


Hsiu says 'I shall take a party to the dragon.'  


Daerr salutes.  


Daerr says 'Arms ready, Sir.'  


Hsiu says 'Warder Kesepton, you shall follow me.'  


Jaerlach nods.  


Hsiu says 'Eldyn, you shall join me.'  


Hsiu nods at Reklah.  


Reklah says (to Fritzgrad Kayen) 'I'll be going with the Lord Wa until further notice. '  


Fritzgrad says 'I want Jaerlach or Lerost as well.'  


Fritzgrad nods at Reklah.  


Fritzgrad says 'Either or.'  


Hsiu says 'You shall take Lerost.'  


Lu'ther glances at Hsiu.  


Hsiu says 'Who has not been assigned?'  


Daerr says 'I, Sir.'  


Liaym says 'I have not, M'lord'  


Carey says 'I, sir.'  


Corson says 'I have not.'  


Daerr nods at Hsiu.  


Rikarte says 'W'ot do yae wish o' mae?'  


Lysana raises her hand  


Symantha says 'Nor have I.'  


You say 'excuse me, I shall prepare'  


Hsiu says 'Corson, go with the Master.'  


You bow.  


Lu'ther says 'I have not'  


Dacieus looks at Hsiu.

[Lerost spelling up] 


Fritzgrad tells the group 'prepared?'  


Fritzgrad tells the group 'Let's go.'  


Ilusen tells the group 'Let us go'  


Ilusen tells the group 'No more time for preparation.'  


You tell the group 'very well'  


Jaerlach clans 'Many of you have heard voices or felt distractions.'  


Ilusen tells the group 'I go to the catacombs.'  


You tell the group 'I await you at the portals'  


Jaerlach clans 'Ignore them, they are trials to distract you from your mission.'  


Dacieus tells the group 'I've created a nexus.'  


Jaerlach clans 'Do not acknowledge them. Move forward. Show your faith.'  


[Back to Council Chamber and off to the Catacombs we go] 


enter gate  

You walk through a shimmering gate and find yourself somewhere else...  

Enterance to the Catacombs  

You enter into the mausoleum stairways leading from the surface. The  

first floor is all but gone. The stench of death overwhelms the room, a  

little light filters in from above. The air is chilly and damp, the stone  

cold to the touch.  


[Exits: east up ]  

A shimmering black gate rises from the ground, leading to parts unknown.  

(White Aura) Corson Maltese, Dark Knight of the Legion. is here.  

Draege Feyn, Novice of the Legion is here.  

(White Aura) (WANTED) Dacieus Maximus, Esquire of the Gray Robes. is here.  

(Charmed) (White Aura) An jet black unholy steed is here.  

(White Aura) (WANTED) Fritzgrad Kayen, Dark Knight, Master of the Rose is riding an unholy steed.  

A ghoul stalks around here scavenging things.  

A zombie shuffles towards you with its arms outstretched.  

(Translucent) (White Aura) A fire elemental burns hotly in the room.  

(Translucent) (White Aura) A fire elemental burns hotly in the room.  



Corson tells the group 'Do we know if the wraith we seek is within these catacombs?'  


Dacieus tells the group 'We do not.'  


Fritzgrad says 'Fan out. Search all the wraiths. Kill them if need be.' 

[Looking for the wraith] 


You tell the group 'We should kill them all'  


Ilusen tells the group 'Wear no weapons that might destroy the stone by fire or lightning'  


Fritzgrad tells the group 'Dacieus. Search for any other types of wraith or anywhere else they may be.'  


Dacieus tells the group 'I'll attempt to, sir.'  


Ilusen tells the group 'let us hurry.'  


Fritzgrad tells the group 'Be mindful not to sacrifice one without thinking.'  


Ilusen tells the group 'The Spirit world also has wraiths.'  


Someone tells the group 'Aren't there wraiths within the Temple of the Undead as well?'  


Fritzgrad tells the group 'Aye, that it does.'  


Corson tells the group 'There are many places with wraiths.'  


Dacieus tells the group 'Many many.'  


Ilusen tells the group 'we must find them all.'  


You tell the group 'all the more reason to hurry'

[Searching, searching] 


Ilusen mutters.  


Dacieus tells the group 'If only we knew what type of stone!'  


Dacieus tells the group 'I will check the Temple of Undead.'  


Draege tells the group 'I am sure we will know when we see the stone'  


Dacieus tells the group 'There are no wraiths in the Temple of Undead.'  


You tell the group 'the spirit world, then'  


Fritzgrad tells the group 'Get back to the Keep and prepare a nexus to the spirit world.'  


Ilusen tells the group 'what of the castle south and west of arkane?'  


Dacieus tells the group 'I've checked, Ilusen.'  


Ilusen tells the group 'Aye.'  


Fritzgrad tells the group 'There seems to be no more here.'  


Draege tells the group 'Does the Almarina have wraiths of some sort on it?'  


Dacieus tells the group 'It is not on wraiths in the Blackwood.'  


Fritzgrad tells the group 'Not that I can remember. Undead spirits, but not wraiths in so many words.'  


Fritzgrad tells the group 'Dacieus, the spirit world is next.'  


Fritzgrad tells the group 'Regroup.'  


Ilusen tells the group 'The Spirit World next.'  


You tell the group 'I am within the Keep'  


Dacieus tells the group 'Nexus is open.'  


[Fritzgrad's group enters the Spirit World] 


Solude clans 'Hail' 

Hsiu clans 'Solude, you are required immediately.'  

Jaerlach clans 'Enter the gate in the Chamber of Rest.'  


Fritzgrad tells the group 'This is it.'  


Dacieus tells the group 'Where?'  


Dacieus tells the group 'Summon me?'  


Fritzgrad tells the group 'It is north and west of the crossover.'  


Draege looks at a cursed wraith.  

Ilusen looks at a cursed wraith.  


You tell the group 'prepare yourselves, this is not the typical wraith, it seems'  


Fritzgrad says 'We shall fight him.'  


You say (to a cursed wraith) 'Storm stands before you, have you anything to say?'  


Ilusen tells the group 'Quickly, we must acquire the stone.'  


[Battle begins with the cursed wraith who carries the needed stone but the wraith proves beyond the ability of Fritzgrad's group to defeat


Ilusen tells the group 'Perhaps talk would have been better, dammit'  


Dacieus tells the group 'Talk, indeed.'  


Fritzgrad tells the group 'Get clear.'  


Dacieus tells the group 'I assume it does not wish to talk.'

[The group attempts to speak with the cursed wraith...] 


Ilusen says (to a cursed wraith) 'Something you possess is required.'  


You tell the group 'I tend my wounds'  


Draege tells the group 'I am hurt rather badly, luckily I had some flying potions or I wouldn't have lived through the encounter'  


Fritzgrad clears his throat pointedly at the wraith and nods.  


A cursed wraith yells 'FOOLS!'

[ no avail] 


Lerost clans 'We will soon be requiring reinforcements within the Spirit World'  


Daerr clans 'I will assist if I am able, Sir.'  

Liaym clans 'Will you be needing the aid of those guarding the keep, Lord Templar?'  

Lerost clans 'The foe is formidable, only those mastering their art should attempt assistance'  

Liaym clans 'Ah, I see.'

[Another attempt to converse with the cursed wraith..] 


Ilusen says (to someone) 'Essence?'  


Fritzgrad ponders.  


Daerr clans 'I am humbled by such, Sir. A note to myself to press harder in the future.'  

Rikarte clans 'T'ere bae a nexus between t'ae keep and t'ae spirit realm in t'ae chamber.'  


You say 'are we ready?'  


A cursed wraith glances at you.  


Ilusen tells you 'DO NOT ATTACK IT'  


Lerost glances at a cursed wraith. 


You tell Ilusen 'Very well. What has changed?'  


Dacieus tells the group 'It wishes life for the stone?'  


Ilusen says (to a cursed wraith) 'You have something that we desire.'  


Fritzgrad says (to a cursed wraith) 'Our life's essence... What do you need with it?'  


Ilusen tells you 'Are you blind? There is no way we will defeat it.'  


Ilusen tells the group 'it wishes an essence for the stone.'  


Fritzgrad looks at a cursed wraith.  


A cursed wraith says 'What do I need with it?'  

A cursed wraith says 'It gives me sustenance. Energy. Life.'  

A cursed wraith says 'Your death feeds me.'  


Ilusen says 'As the death of Novice Feyn did?'  


A cursed wraith says 'Enough talk.'

[..again, to no avail as it attacks a second time] 


Ilusen frowns.  


You frown.  


Dacieus tells the group 'If this may be finished with a life, I will gladly give my own.'  


You say (to a cursed wraith) 'there are alternatives to this'  


Dacieus tells the group 'I guess not, however.'  


Draege tells the group 'I would as well, to make up for my falling in battle earlier'  


Ilusen says (to a cursed wraith) 'Esquire Maximus has offered up his life.'  


Ilusen says (to a cursed wraith) 'An exchange, perhaps?'  


Ilusen says (to a cursed wraith) 'Novice Feyn, as well.'  


You say (to a cursed wraith) 'were we to guide you to a source of life, bountiful, fresh, would you release the stone?'  


You tell the group 'Shalonesti ?'  


Corson tells the group 'If it's needed, I offer my life as well.'  


A cursed wraith says 'More. I want all of you.'  


A cursed wraith says 'Fall before me.'  


Fritzgrad tells the group 'We are going to need reinforcements...'  


You say (to a cursed wraith) 'Hold..'  


Ilusen says 'All of us, and we will not get that which we came here to gather.'  


You say (to a cursed wraith) 'will you not consider our offer?'  


A cursed wraith laughs evilly.  


Fritzgrad clans 'I need augmentations for this battle formation.'  


A cursed wraith says 'Consider this.'

[..and it attacks again] 


You say (to a cursed wraith) 'why take six mortals, when you can have countless?'  


Dacieus says (to a cursed wraith) 'If you insist.'  


Dacieus tells the group 'Shall I give it my life?'  


Ilusen says (to a cursed wraith) 'The Esquire has offered up his life for you freely. Continue in this way, and you will get none.'  


Draege tells the group 'I assume you hvaen't been able to weaken it with spells other than faerie fire?'  


Ilusen tells the group 'it cannot, I repeat, CANNOT, be defeated by force.'  


You tell the group 'what would you have us do?'  


Hsiu clans 'Soldiers are being sent to you Master.'  


Dacieus says (to a cursed wraith) 'Unlimited sources of life.'  

Dacieus says (to a cursed wraith) 'You may receive it.'  


Fritzgrad clans 'Aye.'  


Ilusen clans 'We need those to talk, not kill.'

[Carey, Lu'ther, Eldyn arrive to help] 


Ilusen says (to a cursed wraith) 'Enough of this. We have offered you two who would give their lives in return for what we seek.'  


[After another brief battle, a deal is finally reached] 


Ilusen yells 'Novice Reyn! Esquire Maximus!'  


Someone tells the group 'What d..does the wraith wish?'  


Eldyn tells the group 'Might someone bring us up to date?'  


Dacieus tells the group 'For Necrucifer.'  


Fritzgrad tells the group 'Be silent and pay attention.'  


Ilusen tells the group 'The wraith seeks essence. Dacieus and Draege have offered their lives to it, for the stone.'  


You say (to Carey) 'thank you'  


Someone tells the group 'Could someone heal me?'  


Someone says 'Which of you is first?'  


Ilusen says (to someone) 'I cannot say that brings me great comfort.'  


Ilusen tells the group 'You are not to be healed, you are to be killed by the wraith.'  


Rikarte clans 'Ah dinnae why wae are not allow'd to assest en fight'n, wae bae capable.'  


Eldyn tells the group 'He may take me in the name of our Father.'  


Someone tells the group 'I see'  


Dacieus says (to someone) 'For Necrucifer.'  


Someone says 'I will give my life first...'  


Dacieus nods.

[The wraith takes Draege's life] 


Someone says 'Next.'  


Dacieus says (to someone) 'I am waiting.'  


Ilusen gestures toward Dacieus.

[While the cursed wraith attempted to take Dacieus's life, others of the group accidentally 

assist him against the wraith..] 


Ilusen frowns.  


A cursed wraith yells 'BETRAYAL!'

[..and the wraith aims its attack at everyone] 


Carey shakes her head.  


Lost in Thick Fog  

No sound is heard as you wander aimlessly. The blinding fog and the deadly  

quiet weighs heavily on the mind and body.  


[Exits: north east south west up ]  

The corpse of Dacieus is lying here.  

(Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) A black orb floats here.  

The torn-out heart of Dacieus is lying here.  

The corpse of Draege is lying here.  

(Glowing) An evil wizard once owned this stone; his hand print still glows on it.  

(White Aura) (WANTED) Lu'ther Kestyll, Legion Tempered 'Sicari Nefastus' is here.  

(White Aura) (WANTED) Eldyn Amaricus, Esquire of the Rose. is here.  

(WANTED) Fritzgrad Kayen is here.  

(White Aura) Carey O'Morain, Petitioner of the Legion is here.  

(White Aura) Ilusen LaFortinas, High Mystic of Gray. is here.  

(White Aura) Corson Maltese, Dark Knight of the Legion. is here.  

(Pink Aura) A darkened shape stands here, glowering at you with fierce hatred.  


Corson tells the group 'If another is needed, I offer myself.'  


You say (to a cursed wraith) 'hardly'  


Eldyn says (to a cursed wraith) 'I offer my apologies.'  


Ilusen says 'Take those who betrayed.'  


Carey says 'I shall not fight you, to show we meant no betrayal.'  


Ilusen says (to Carey) 'Leave!'  


Fritzgrad tells the group 'Cease, my brothers.'  


Ilusen says (to Carey) 'You serve no purpose here. Return to the Keep NOW.'  


A cursed wraith says 'Fools. Now, I will require two more for your betrayal.'  


Carey nods at a cursed wraith. 


[The wraith takes Carey's life] 


You say (to Ilusen) 'what guarantee have we that it will keep it's promise?'  


Ilusen yells 'Esquire Amaricus!'  


A cursed wraith says 'Yessss.'  


The ghost of Dacieus tells the group 'Do you have the stone?'  


A cursed wraith says 'The power surges through me.'  


Eldyn says (to a cursed wraith) 'Take myself.'  


Ilusen gestures toward Eldyn.  


A cursed wraith nods.  


[The wraith takes Eldyn's life] 


Ilusen says (to a cursed wraith) 'Your second.'  


You frown.  


Fritzgrad snarls.  


Eldyn yells 'Bleed for Necrucifer!'  


The ghost of Draege tells the group 'He takes our lives... will he fulfill his word?'  


Ilusen tells the group 'We are about to see.'  


A cursed wraith says 'Yesss.'  


Ilusen says (to a cursed wraith) 'Now, as to your word?'  


A cursed wraith says 'Bah. What are words?'  


You shake your head.  


Fritzgrad says (to a cursed wraith) 'Enough. You have taken enough of us. You will take no more. Give us the stone.'  


a cursed wraith snarls.  


A cursed wraith says 'Very well.'  


A cursed wraith gives a glowing soulstone to Ilusen.  


A cursed wraith says 'Next time, I take all of you.'  


Fritzgrad nods at a cursed wraith.  


Ilusen puts a glowing soulstone in a Robe of Many Pockets.  


[The group wins the stone and returns to Storm Keep] 


The ghost of Dacieus tells the group 'Did you obtain the stone?'  


You tell the group 'we did'  


Ilusen tells the group 'Aye.'  


Draege tells the group 'Excellent'  


You tell Jaerlach 'our mission is complete, how fares yours?'  


Jaerlach tells you 'In progress'  


Fritzgrad clans 'We have the stone.'  


Solude clans 'Where can Lysana and I find a sheep?'  


Ilusen tells the group 'Find a sheep, at once.'  


Reklah clans 'I require a magi to transfer this gnome. '  


Fritzgrad tells the group 'A sheep?'  


Ilusen tells the group 'Yes, at once.'  


Dacieus clans 'What's that, Captain?'  


Rikarte clans 'W'ere?'  


Lu'ther tells the group 'Ofcol'  


Draege tells the group 'I believe there are some in the Shire...'  


Daerr clans 'There should be sheep around the mountains of Thaxanos, are there not?'  


Liaym clans 'Those are goats'  


Reklah clans 'One of the dragon heads require a gnome. Come east and north of the Arkanian Port, Dacieus.'  


Dacieus clans 'Those are goats.'  


You tell the group 'attempt a nexus targetting sheep'  


Daerr clans 'Point made.'  


Draege clans 'Think there are some in the Shire'  


Ilusen tells the group 'already have.'  


Daerr clans 'Should any amongst us seek them out?'  


Draege tells the group 'If we need a gnome, why not go to the gnome village?'  


Dacieus tells the group 'We have it.'  


Inu'Yasha clans 'does it require a living sheep, or a corpse?'  


Draege tells the group 'Ah'  


Chamber of Rest  

This dome-shaped room is immense, the ceiling rising high up into the  

air, surpassing any other point of Storm Keep. Constructed of a highly  

polished black marble, it is lit by numerous crystal chandeliers that hang  

from chains constructed of interwoven strands of gold and silver. They are  

the only source of light in this room; like the rest of the keep, there are  

no windows present. Numerous blankets are spread out across the marble  

floor in a systematic and orderly fashion of linear ranks and files. They  

are well padded, and each has a soft, down pillow placed at its head. Along  

the eastern wall, numerous shelves stretch across the expanse of the  

chamber, filled with trophies, armors, and weapons claimed in honorable  

combat from fallen foes. A narrow spiral staircase leads to a dark chamber  



[Exits: south down ]  

( 2) A shimmering black gate rises from the ground, leading to parts unknown.  

A wrought-iron cauldron is bubbling away here.  

Numerous blankets line the marble floor, inviting you to rest for as long as necessary.  

A black marble fountain trickles quietly with water here.  


(WANTED) Liaym is here.  

(White Aura) (WANTED) Fritzgrad Kayen, Dark Knight, Master of the Rose is here.  

Sicariis is here.  

(WANTED) Eldyn is sleeping on a blanket.  

Draege is sleeping on a blanket.  

(White Aura) A priest of Necrucifer sits upon a gray blanket in the center of the room, chanting softly.  


Solude clans 'It wants a corpse.'  


Inu'Yasha clans 'shall i seek out a sheep?'  


Ilusen clans 'It is done.'  


Dacieus clans 'You sacrificed the corpse.'  


Liaym clans 'Continue your patrol, Petitioner'  


You say 'what remains to be gathered?'  


Daerr clans 'As you wish, Sir.'  


Fritzgrad clans 'What else need we find, Lord Wa?'  


Solude clans 'Monkey brains.'  


Hsiu clans 'Jaerlach is in the process of obtaining the brains.'  


You clan 'Is that the final request?'  


Jaerlach clans 'There are various places on Tropica which have such beasts.'  


Eldyn tells the group 'I am stuck within the spirit realm.'  


Solude clans 'The rain forest has screech monkeys.'  


Dacieus clans 'Do you require assistance?'  


Symantha clans 'I have the corpse of a sheep.'  


Hsiu clans 'Someone assist Jaerlach with the brains. The Wyrm is growing restless.'  


Draege clans 'I will go'  


Ilusen clans 'I am helping, also'  


[Lerost and a number of others make their way to Tropica in search of monkey brains] 


Lu'ther clans 'Cow guts'  


Fritzgrad clans 'Pardon?'  


Dacieus clans 'I go.'  


Inu'Yasha clans 'The Nomad Village.'  


Hsiu clans 'The Wyrm grows hungry.'  


Lu'ther clans 'She w..wants cow guts as well'  


Eldyn clans 'I have the guts.'  


Fritzgrad yells 'Did anyone get the brains?!'  


Rikarte clans 'Ah bae 'aven t'ae guts o' monkey, but need a' nexus.'  


Jaerlach clans 'Brains are necessary'  


Rikarte clans 'Or et need brains?'  


Liaym clans 'He needed the brains'  


Eldyn clans 'Would you summon me to the Tiamat?'  


Symantha clans 'I take it the sheep is no longer needed?'  


Hsiu clans 'Enter the gate Rikarte.'  

Hsiu clans 'And hurry.'  


Rikarte clans 'Ah only 'ave guts, nae brains.'  


You frown.  


Draege tells the group 'Aren't there monkeys on Shokono as well?'  


You tell the group 'for sale, as pets, yes'  


Rikarte says 'Wae need to leave t'ae area.'  


[Still lacking monkey brains, Lerost meets Dark Lord Hsiu Wa's group in Tiamat's Lair] 


enter gate  

You walk through a shimmering gate and find yourself somewhere else...  

The End...  

You have reached the final lair. It is dominated by a huge five headed  

dragon. You suddenly realize that you have SERIOUS problems...  


[Exits: south ]  

A shimmering black gate rises from the ground, leading to parts unknown.  

(Charmed) (White Aura) An jet black unholy steed is here.  

(White Aura) (WANTED) Fritzgrad Kayen, Dark Knight, Master of the Rose is riding an unholy steed.  

(White Aura) (WANTED) Jaerlach Kesepton, Dark Templar of Storm Keep |Warder| is here.  

Hsiu Wa, Dark Lord of Shadow is here.  

(WANTED) Eldyn Amaricus, Esquire of the Rose. is here.  

(White Aura) Carey is here.  

(WANTED) Lu'ther is here.  

Solude Malory, Dark Knight is here.  

(Charmed) (White Aura) An jet black unholy steed is here.  

(WANTED) Reklah Kayen, Captain. is riding an unholy steed.  

Tiamat is resting here.  



Ilusen tells the group 'where?'  


Rikarte clans 'Wae bae need'n to leave t'ae area, wait fo' monkaes to come back.'  




Carey tells the group 'You can buy them there, yes. Within Shokono I believe.'  


Fritzgrad looks at Tiamat.  


Ilusen tells the group 'Where within shokono'  


Tiamat stands up.  


Dacieus clans 'I've the corpse of a cow, if needed.'  


Hsiu cowers suddenly.  


Lu'ther ducks.  




Tiamat shivers and suffers.  


Hsiu says (to Tiamat) 'We can cure you of the poison, it was not intendd.'  


Carey tells the group 'Is it wished that I offer to heal the dragon of the poison?'  


Eldyn kneels before Tiamat.  


Lysana glances at Tiamat.  


Hsiu says (to Lysana) 'Priestess, cure the wyrm of the poison immediately.'  


Solude 's face pales and she lower her eyes.  


Jaerlach utters the words, 'cure poison'.  

Tiamat looks much better.  


Tiamat sits down and rests.  


You say (to Jaerlach) 'well done'  


Ilusen tells the group 'ask Lord Wa.'  


Reklah turns his head to Hsiu before he glances back to Tiamat.  


Tiamat says 'The monkey brains?'

[Lerost returns to Storm Keep once again] 


Solude clans 'Has anyone tried the rain forest for the Monkey Brains?'  


Ilusen clans 'Aye.'  


Jaerlach clans 'Many times.'  


Draege clans 'Indeed'  


Fritzgrad clans 'They have not yielded any brains...'  


Rikarte clans 'Are t'ae monkaes back?'  


You tell the group 'are any yet within Shokono city ?'  


Rikarte clans 'Next, get a' corpse 'ave one o' t'ae necromancers from t'ae crimson tower to do et.'  


Hsiu clans 'Bring the Monkey guts.'  


Dacieus clans 'I've a heart.'  


Sicariis says (to You) 'Do you lead a party, Lord Atennim?'  


You say (to Sicariis) 'I do not'  


Sicariis nods.  


You say (to Sicariis) 'I follow Master Kayen'  


[Lerost heads to Arkane and then Shokono, further in search of monkeys from which to acquire brains] 


Lu'ther clans 'Blue aboleth'  


Dacieus clans 'I've no more warpstones.'  


Dacieus clans 'Where can such a beast be found?'  


Hsiu clans 'Someone bring the corpse of a blue aboleth.'  


Ilusen clans 'I have monkey brains'  


Carey clans 'My magics will not link to one.'  


[Lerost returns to Storm Keep again, now in search of a blue aboleth] 


Fritzgrad tells the group 'Anyone know which part of the ocean the blue aboleth's might be found in?'  


Draege tells the group 'No idea'  


Carey tells the group 'I wonder if perhaps within the blood sea?'  


You say (to Fritzgrad) 'Attempt a nexus with the warpstones'  


Draege tells the group 'perhaps ask a swashbuckler?'  


Ilusen tells the group 'someone check blood sea, then the other oceans'  


Ilusen tells the group 'I'll ask Illirya'  


Hsiu clans 'Who is retrieving the blue alboleth?'  


Ilusen clans 'A whole one, or a corpse?'  


You say (to Ilusen) 'if you can, perhaps try as well, targeting the aboleth'  


Fritzgrad clans 'We are searching for one of the creatures.'  


Lerost gestures to the collection of warpstones atop the floor  


Fritzgrad shakes his head.  


Fritzgrad tells the group 'Apparently they are not a creature that can be found by magic.'  


Draege tells the group 'Not finding any off the Icewall coast'  


Ilusen says 'Nothing.'  


Hsiu clans 'Bring the corpse.'  


Hsiu clans 'And hurry, time is growing VERY short.'  


[The search for the blue aboleth becomes frantic] 


Corson tells the group 'Is a blue aboleth still needed?'  


Ilusen tells the group 'yes, where is it'  


Carey tells the group 'It is.'  


Dacieus tells the group 'Yes.'  


Fritzgrad tells the group 'Aye.'  


Corson tells the group 'Open a nexus to me'  


[The blue aboleth is found!] 


Ilusen tells the group 'it is at the gatehouse of the Keep.'  


[While battling the blue aboleth, a black fog and a gray mist appear and begin to attack the beleagured knights..] 


Carey clans 'The gate is open, Sir.'  


Someone says 'Hurry'  


[..but the Knights succeed and race back to Storm Keep, where they await further instruction]


|Chamber of Rest| 


Jaerlach tells the group 'Did someone get the corpse?'  


Corson tells the group 'The High Mystic did.'  


Ilusen clans 'If you have no need to be at the dragon, Leave NOW.'  


Draege tells the group 'Was there anything else needed?'  


Lysana clans 'The Mature blue aboleth is at the blood sea. It lays at the Misty Shoreline'  


Fritzgrad tells the group 'Not that they've told us...'  


Ilusen clans 'It has been acquired.'  


Solude clans 'Is my presence no longer required?'  


You clan 'I pray that is the final component. Is it?'  


Lerost glances at Lu'ther. 


Lu'ther wipes the sweat from his brow, sighing and slumping down next to the fountain.  


Hsiu says 'Where is the God-Child?'  


Eldyn tells you 'I offer my apologies for striking the Wraith, m'lord.'  


Ilusen clans 'We have all that was asked, do we not?'  


Fritzgrad says (to Hsiu) 'We've not seen him...'  


You tell Eldyn 'None needed. I struck it as well. In fact, I believe we almost defeated it'  


Ilusen gives a glowing soulstone to Hsiu.  


Hsiu clans 'Where is the God-Child?'  


Ilusen says (to Hsiu) 'The stone the wraith held.'  


Hsiu clans 'Galethrowpe? You were to keep watch over the Keep.'  


Daerr clans 'The Keep stands quiet.'  


Liaym clans 'I did, sir.'  


Hsiu clans 'Then where is the God-Child?'  


Dacieus says 'He comes.'  


Reklah clans 'The God-child disappeared before our departure.'  


Liaym clans 'Malachive left the keep while we were discussing our strategies, M'lord'  


Liaym clans 'I have not seen him in the keep since, nor has any of the patrols'  


Ilusen says 'Lord Wa has what was asked.'  


Malachive says 'Give them to me quickly!'  


Hsiu brings an armoured gauntlet to his chest and takes a bow towards Malachive.  


Jaerlach glances at Hsiu.  


Hsiu says (to Reklah Kayen) 'Captain? Any news?'  


Lu'ther peers at Malachive.  


Hsiu says (to Malachive) 'We have with us the items.'  


Reklah says (to Hsiu) 'None.'  


Malachive says (to Hsiu) 'Give them to me'  


Lerost looks at Hsiu. 


Daerr salutes.  


Draege looks at Hsiu.  


Draege raises an eyebrow.  


Hsiu nods at Malachive.  


Carey looks at Hsiu.  


Palgorn bows.  


Fritzgrad looks at Hsiu.  


Malachive says (to Hsiu) 'Do you wish to draw my ire?'  


Daerr mutters to himself, scratching at his arm again.  


Malachive looks at Hsiu, his impatience growing.  


Hsiu looks cautiously at Malachive.  


Inu'Yasha looks at Malachive.  


Malachive says (to Hsiu) 'Give them to me now!'  


Dacieus looks at Hsiu.  


Hsiu says (to Malachive) 'Why do you require these items M'lord?'  


Lerost clasps his hands behind himself at the small of his back, glancing between Hsiu and Malachive  


Daerr blinks.  


Malachive says (to Hsiu) 'You dare question me?!'  


Hsiu holds the Amulet of Necrucifer while looking towards Malachive.  


Fritzgrad tenses visibly and watches Malachive intently.  


Hsiu says (to Malachive) 'Voices have been heard about the Keeps ... whispers.'  


Malachive says (to Hsiu) 'Give them to me now! Or suffer my wrath!'  


Lu'ther scratches idly at his bite.  


Inu'Yasha looks at Daerr and whispers 'Shadows...'  


Symantha stands very still, her gaze shifting between Hsiu and Malachive.  


Hsiu says (to Malachive) 'We are skeptical of your intentions ... are they to serve the Dark Father?'  


Daerr nods, stepping back a bit and looking around the hallway.  


You pray 'Master of Darkness, guide the mind of our Dark Lord Wa'  


Reklah says (to Malachive) 'I am in agreement with the Lord Wa.'  


Reklah says (to Malachive) 'I would serve you above all if I knew what you asked of us was true in that it benefited our Father. But I do not, and cannot suffer the consequences.'  


Hsiu feels an urge to take the dagger from it's sheath...  


Hsiu his hands slowly pulling the dagger out ...  


Hsiu looks down at his hands ... watching helplessly as his hands take the dagger out.  


Inu'Yasha looks at Hsiu tensley.  


Flames suddenly erupt around Reklah.  


Draege looks over towards Hsiu, looking slightly alarmed  


Malachive says 'You dare question who I am!?'  


Dacieus steps towards Hsiu, but recoils from the flames.  


Reklah looks up to the flames, swallowing deeply.  


Hsiu takes the dagger by the hilt ...  


Jaerlach clenches his jaw and steps forward, reaching for Hsiu's wrist.  


Hsiu looks back at Malachive.  


Inu'Yasha blinks his eyes widening.  


Daerr narrows his eyes, stepping toward Hsiu and sheathing his own dagger, 'm'Lord.....'  


Symantha tenses, glancing quickly at Jaerlach.  


Carey stares at Reklah in awe, moving as though to intervene before glancing at Hsiu.  


Hsiu says (to Malachive) 'If it is the Dark Father's bidding I shall question you...'  


Lu'ther glances at someone.  


Hsiu looks helplessly towards Malachive.  


Reklah cries out loudly in pain as he falls to his knees, the flames beginning to sear his flesh.  


Dacieus whispers 'Captain.'  


Dacieus looks at Reklah.  


Lerost steps toward Reklah , undoing his cape, tossing it atop Reklah in an attempt to dampen the flames  


Lysana looks at Reklah with alarm in her eyes  


Hsiu takes the dagger in both hands and watches himself thrust it into his gut.  


Draege rushes over to Reklah to attempt to bat out the flames  


Malachive says 'Beg my forgiveness and I will let them live!'  


Fritzgrad steps toward Malachive.  


Symantha steps toward Hsiu but stops, her attention turning toward Malachive.  


someone has his grasp of Hsiu's wrist wrenched away by the sudden strength of both Hsiu's arms.  


Hsiu falls over, the dagger hilt protruding from his gut.  


Eldyn says (to Malachive) 'We were raised to be skeptical, m'lord. Do not punish us for staying true to our code.'  


Malachive says 'Question me further and they both will fall!'  


Dacieus whispers 'Lord!'  


Daerr growls, pushing himself through the group toward Hsiu and whispering a quick spell of healing.  


Hsiu whispers 'It is the Dark Father's willing, I shall not betray Him.'  


Reklah begins to speak, lacking the strength as he falls, shivering with the pain.  


Solude says 'Be vigilant in all and skeptical of all.'  


Solude says 'We only obey our oath.'  


Someone says (to Malachive) 'We are the servants of Necrucifer, the Master of Darkness. When it is His Will, we obey. We will not dishonor their devotion.'  


Someone nods sagely.  


Hsiu has blood starting to seep from his lips...  


Daerr whispers 'In service, Father Necrucifer. We obey.'  


Malachive says 'You are to question me!'  


Dacieus says (to Hsiu) 'Storm will stand firm, Lord.'  


Lysana crouches on both knees and begins to pray  


Daerr kneels beside Hsiu, his words growing louder in an attempt to stay the flow of blood.  


Fritzgrad stands straight-backed and lifts his hands to the heavens.  


Hsiu let's go of the dagger, collapsing on the floor, barely consius.  


Daerr looks up toward Lysana, shaking his head.  


Jaerlach says (to Malachive) 'Kill them, kill me, kill the rest of us. We are your Father's servants, and none other. We will all die for that, and gladly.'  


Reklah lays back on to the floor, the flame still burning in spite of the cloth. His sobs do not cease, his lips, however, murmuring in a silent prayer.  


Eldyn says (to Malachive) 'You are able to stop this, you seek to punish two of the father's chosen!?! There is no need!'  


Daerr says (to Lysana) 'I have not the skill for this.'  


Lu'ther falls to his knees, eyes wide to the heavens.  


Solude says 'We serve in death as well as life.'  


Malachive says (to Eldyn) 'Beg me to let them live!'  


Lerost continues to attempt to staunch the flames about Reklah , wincing as they sear his own gauntleted hands, but he does what he can through the obvious pain reflected on his face  


Jaerlach clans 'All of you, pray!'  


Jaerlach clans 'Master of Darkness, protect your servants, guide us to Your Will.'  


Carey falls to her knees, clasping her hands before her and whispering softly.  


someone drops to his knees and closes his eyes in prayer.  


Dacieus closes his eyes and kneels, silent in prayer.  


Hsiu 's lips move in silent prayer.  


Palgorn removes his sword and places it on the floor.  


Solude clans 'Lord show us the way, we only serve your word and we need the word now.'  


Carey whispers 'Master, we obey you above all. We entreat you, show us Your Will. '  


The flames erupt in more ferocity around Reklah, the heat growing intensely.  


someone gets down on his knees, and begins to pray.  


someone move to one knee, tipping his head forward and closing his eyes.  


Solude kneels.  


Rikarte falls to his knees, offering a silent prayer.  


Carey kneels.  


You whisper 'In the Master's Name do we keep our faith, Vigilant and Skeptical we remain by Your will'  


Ilusen clasps his hands and whispers a prayer with bowed head.  


Draege steps back from the heat of the flames, gritting his teeth  


Palgorn whispers 'The Will is my will, and there is no way but His. His will... be done.'  


Someone whispers 'Mater of Darkness, protect your servents, guide us to Your Will.'  


Daerr bows his head, kneeling over Hsiu and whispering to himself.  


Symantha drops to her knees and bows her head, whispering fervrently for the Father's blessings.  


Draege drops down to his knee  


Solude whispers 'Master hear our prayers, show us what you Will is so we may serve as we are meant too.'  


Daerr whispers 'Our hands are guided, Lord. Our eyes before You. If this be Your Will, then we shall stand guided before it.'  


Lerost tosses his gauntlets aside, tearing strips from his surcoat, dousing them with water from his canteen and wrapping them about his scalded hands before returning his attention to Reklah  


Eldyn whispers 'Lord.. Father.. for long I have served you, as a warrior.. as a chosen Shadowknight, a path I willingly gave up to continue my service unto you. Your son.. this day would seek to punish Hsiu Wa and Captain Reklah Kayen, he does so for we have been skeptical of intentions.'  


Malachive says 'Do you dare to question me further!'  


Lysana eyes remain close, her lips mouthing the prayer as both her hands remain tightly clasped together.  


Solude takes the canteen from you and refills it before handing it back.  


Lu'ther snaps back to reality, looking directly at Malachive.  


Daerr drops his hands to Hsiu's stomach, grasping at the dagger and snarling to himself.  


Eldyn yells 'We stay true to our code, there is no need for any to be punished in this manner for being your Knights, Lord Necrucifer!'  


Dacieus rises from his kneeling position, gazed intently on Malachive.  


Someone says (to Malachive) 'I will obey your father until my breath ceases, and after, and none other but He. Yes, I will question you. You are not Him.'  


Solude says 'Death is patient.'  


Hsiu whispers 'Stand strong Sold... soldiers! Lord Necruc ... Father shall protect us!'  


Solude says 'It flows both from without and from within.'  


Lerost nods a quick thanks to Solude , then tenses his jaw, steam hissing upward violently as he applies the dampened strips of cloth to Reklah  


Daerr whispers 'We live and die by Your Will, Lord Necrucifer. Your Chosen exist but for you.'  


Reklah stares up at the obsidian statue, trying his best to ignore the pain. He turns an almost lifeless gaze to Hsiu.  


Solude says 'Be vigilant in all and skeptical of ALL.'  


Reklah whispers 'L-listen to.. the... Lord Wa.'  


Carey whispers 'Master, we dedicate our lives to You. Our Souls to You. You are our cause, our life, our breath. We remain true to Your code in the face of all that is before us. '  


Draege looks over towards Hsiu, eyes filled with conviction, then stands up and looks towards Malachive  


Solude says 'One who follows the heart finds it will bleed.'  


Daerr looks at Hsiu, his hands firmly upon the dagger.  


Lu'ther says (to Malachive) 'I have s..served your Father without question from first thought, my is his take, not yours'  


Hsiu 's eyes look towards the Statue of Necrucifer.  


Jaerlach glances at Hsiu.  


Hsiu whispers 'I co .. come to you... Father!'  


Eldyn says (to Malachive) 'Stop this now!'  


Malachive says (to Eldyn) 'Who are you to command me!'  


Lu'ther looks at Hsiu.  


Necrucifer slowly fades into existence.  


Hsiu let's his eyes close ... his breathing slowing.  


Dacieus gasps and falls to his knees.  


Malachive strikes Eldyn with the back of his hand  


Inu'Yasha turns his attention directly to Necrucifer.  


Dacieus whispers 'The Father!'  


Draege kneels down and bows his head to Necrucifer  


Eldyn drops to his hands and knees before Necrucifer.  


Lu'ther falls to the ground before Necrucifer.  


Palgorn averts his eyes and falls to his knees.  


Fritzgrad falls to his knees before Necrucifer.  


Jaerlach turns and collapses to his knees in front of Necrucifer.  


Daerr raises his hand to Hsiu's shoulder, shaking his head before starting at the sudden coldness in the room.  


Corson kneels before Necrucifer.  


Lysana falls to her knees, her head bowed  


Lerost falls to his knees , everything forgotten, in silent supplication before Necrucifer  


Hsiu slowly opens his eyes.. looking towards Necrucifer.  


Necrucifer says ' .. you wretched bastards DARE to question MY SON!!!???'  


Solude fall to the ground and prostrates herself.  


Rikarte falls to his knees.  


Necrucifer says '...Which of you would DARE?'  


Carey lowers her forehead, touching the ground before her.  


Ilusen falls protrate on the floor.  


Symantha bows her head deeply before Necrucier, a shiver running through her.  


Daerr releases Hsiu, kneeling beside him and closing his eyes.  


Eldyn whispers 'I am to blame, Father.'  


The flames surrounding Reklah suddenly cease.  


Jaerlach says 'I will question.'  


Reklah whispers 'I.. I question.'  


Fritzgrad lifts his eyes to Necrucifer.  


Dacieus whispers 'I was not certain Father.'  


Hsiu struggles to prop himself up.  


Necrucifer says '....Make no mistake about insult my son is to bring upon MY WRATH and insult me worse than you could if you served Austinian.'  


Fritzgrad says (to Necrucifer) 'I question all that is not You, Lord.'  


Liaym shudders.  


Lerost whispers a barely audible prayer of thanks as the flames about Reklah subside  


Reklah gives a weak nod in Fritzgrad's direction, scarred fingers barely moving.  


Inu'Yasha whispers 'I will stand by the code.. to my death, Lord.'  


Necrucifer says '...very well....then this is the day that the Shadow Knights have turned from me and fallen from my favor.'  


Carey whispers 'Words were spoken to cast doubt upon Your son, my Lord. Words which point an accusing finger at him, or your son Mencius. We are not able to judge whom is whom, my Lord. We know not the source of the words, my Lord.'  


Hsiu collapses.  


Eldyn whispers 'We were skeptical, a virtue that you have bestowed upon your Knights to always be, Father.'  


Lysana looks concernly at Hsiu  


Draege sighs and whispers something under his breath  


Palgorn shudders.  


Necrucifer says (to Malachive) ' Grant these fools no favor of yours. They will deal with my wrath now.'  


Daerr pushes himself to his feet, drawing his blade and turning it to offer the hilt toward Necrucifer.  


Daerr twitches.  


Malachive says (to Necrucifer) 'Of course'  


Carey whispers 'Words spoken of removing You, my Lord, we could not be a part of such blasphemy...'  


Daerr says 'Should we fall from your favor, Lord of all. Then our deaths are all given to you. We live to honor the code that you place before us. And no other.'  


Necrucifer says ' You are FOOLS'  


Jaerlach squares his jaw, looking up at Necrucifer.  


Draege says (to Carey) 'Stop blabbering excuses and just be silent'  


Jaerlach looks at Necrucifer.  


Fritzgrad lowers his eyes again to the floor before Necrucifer.  


Draege mutters.  


Lu'ther glances at Jaerlach.  


Eldyn glares at Draege.  


Daerr frowns, shuddering and holding the blade of his sword.  


Carey says (to Draege) 'I speak truth.'  


Symantha stares vacantly at the ground, her hands loose at her sides.  


Malachive leaves in a swirling mist.  


Solude whispers 'I serve unto death.'  


You say 'enough...cast down, shamed, it matters little, we are Knights of the Master, do not forget yourselves, maintain your bearing.'  


Daerr says 'This Keep belongs to You, Master. And all those within it. Your code teaches us. Your code drives us. It is only the desire for Your Dominion that leads us.'  


Solude whispers 'Be vigilant in all and skeptical of all.'  


You say (to Daerr) 'I said enough, Petitioner.'  


Necrucifer says '..You are nothing to me. In 3 days, I will burn down this keep.'  


Daerr says 'That same code teaches us to question many a thing upon the r....'  


Fritzgrad remains kneeling in supplication before Necrucifer, waiting.  


Daerr bows his head, dropping his blade to the ground.  


Lerost shakily raises himself from his knees to his feet  


Necrucifer says (to Daerr) ' You are a damned fool to question me or my son. And any such "teaching" should be burned for encouraging such foolishness.'  


Eldyn tells you 'Lord.. I would offer myself to the master in order to preserve the Keep..'  


Necrucifer says '3 days and this keep will be burned to the ground and anyone who DARES to defy me again.'  


Daerr raises his head, frowning and looking at Necrucifer with wincing eyes.  


Solude says 'The keep is but a material thing, our service is from within and as long as we live we shall serve.. be it in a keep or outside.'  


You say 'In the ashes and ruins of Storm, the faithful shall continue to serve the Master ansd seek atonement.'  


Lu'ther says 'I w..will be sitting your Altar as th..the Keep burns Father...'  


You nod at Lu'ther.  


Symantha says 'I will still continue to serve you, Father.'  


Fritzgrad says (to Necrucifer) 'We will serve You regardless, Lord.'  


Solude says 'May our ashes be a sweet inscense to you.'  


Necrucifer says (to Hsiu) ' and all who have favor from me will find that perhaps they aren't so special anymore..' 


Hsiu opens his eyes, his hand still grabbing the dagger in his chest.  


Hsiu whispers 'Yes Father.'  


You say 'what of the items gathered?'  


Necrucifer says ' remember this day for we shall forever call it the day of fools who thought themselves worthy to question a son of their God. And there will be consquences. How much will depend on your actions.'  


Necrucifer says ' keep your items, I'll not allow my son to garnish you with favor.'  


You say 'His will be done.'  


Necrucifer turns into a swarm of flies and leaves.  


Someone nods.  


Jaerlach says 'His Will be done.'  


Someone says 'His will be done.'  


Lysana says 'His Will be done.'  


Fritzgrad says 'The Lord's Will be done.'  


Dacieus rises to his feet.  


Symantha says 'His will be done.'  


Dacieus salutes.  


someone shakes his head in disbelief.  


Daerr salutes stiffly, standing rigidly in place.  


Carey crawls over quickly to Hsiu, placing her hands on either side of the dagger and whispering healing incantations.  


Symantha rises stiffly and turns to stare at Jaerlach.  


Lu'ther glances towards Reklah's scorched body with disdain.  


You say 'come, those of you with skill in healing, waste no time.'  


Hsiu coughs lightly, blood trickling out of his mouth.  


Solude says 'I can fetch water or perhaps some healing herbs?'  


Fritzgrad looks at Hsiu.  


Dacieus sighs. 


Lysana says (to Carey) 'you mend Lord Wa, I will look at Captain Reklah's wounds'  


Carey whispers 'Come, Dark Lord. Fight for your life. We must prove our strength to the Master.'  


Jaerlach says 'Bring them to convalesence at the Altar.' 


You say (to Jaerlach) 'No'  


Jaerlach glances at you.  


You say (to Jaerlach) 'Do not move them yet'  


Jaerlach nods.  


Lysana walks over to Reklah and looks at Reklah's burn marks.  


Solude says (to You) 'Sir should I go aquire some herbs for healing?'  


Reklah seems to be unconscious, his body not moving.  


You say (to Solude) 'follow the instructions of the healers'  


Carey says 'Someone gather for me herbs and bindings.'  


Fritzgrad stands rigidly and stares off into space.  


Lysana says 'some water for when the captain awakes, it may help.'  


Draege looks towards Reklah's body, and winces  


Solude says 'I shall gather herbs.'  


Solude curtseys.  


Carey glances around the room.  


Sicariis says (to Solude Malory) 'I shall go with you.'  


Solude nods at Sicariis.  


Lerost steps before Fritzgrad  


Carey says 'Quickly! I require bindings for the Dark Lord!'  


Draege sighs.  


You say (to Fritzgrad) 'it is not over, we have need of you.'  


Lysana crouches on her knees, whispering the incantation "Pzar'  


Symantha glances absently at Carey and then moves toward her and Hsiu.  


Daerr drops his hand to his side, blinking and staring at the wall.  


Draege whispers 'The keep will burn in three days?...'  


Fritzgrad seems to come back to himself and looks at you with glassy eyes.  


Draege frowns.  


Fritzgrad says (to You) 'What needs doing?'  


Carey glances at Draege.  


Eldyn says 'Walls may be rebuilt, faith, belief, a vision.. they may not.'  


Inu'Yasha whispers 'We do not need the keep to Worship.'  


Draege nods at Eldyn.  


Symantha kneels beside Hsiu's form and begins to whisper a soft prayer for healing.  


Liaym says 'But what of the code...?'  


Jaerlach glances at you.  


You say (to Fritzgrad) 'The Dark Lord and the Captain, their wounds. You have some measure of healing at your disposal'  


Jaerlach says 'I have another concern.'  


Fritzgrad nods to you.  


Liaym looks at Jaerlach.  


You say (to Jaerlach) 'Speak freely, Warder'  


Carey looks at Hsiu.  


Ilusen says 'Novice. Petitioners. In the future, you will remember silence.'  


Jaerlach says 'I am unsure if this is the proper locale.'  


Jaerlach says 'However..'  


Lysana bows her head, her right hand placed upon Reklah's shoulder her lips moving at a quick pace.  


Daerr blinks again, turning to look at Ilusen.  


Jaerlach says 'The Dark Lord and Captain are unable to function. The Keep must be lead.'  


Fritzgrad kneels beside Reklah somewhat helplessly.  


Lysana whispers 'I will do what I can master. '  


Dacieus whispers 'No Chancellor...'  


Carey frowns at Hsiu's chestplate, attempting to work out how to remove it without pulling at the dagger.  


You say (to Jaerlach) 'We will act as we always have in the temporary abscence of the Dark Lord and Chancellor, emergency matters will be left to the council'  


Daerr kneels beside Carey and Hsiu, dropping the cloth and wood from his arms to the floor.  


Fritzgrad looks at Reklah.  


Carey says (to Daerr) 'Thank you.'  


Lysana says (to Fritzgrad Kayen) 'His wounds are severe. I've never seen burns this bad before. This will take some time.'  


Palgorn says 'I am sorry, but I must depart.'  


Jaerlach says (to You) 'And I suggest said council emplace a provisional Chancellor until the Dark Lord has recovered. '  


Carey says (to Symantha) 'You as well.'  


Palgorn bows.  


Jaerlach says (to You) 'Fritzgrad must do this. None other can.'  


Daerr nods once, his lips not moving.  


Symantha continues to whisper soft prayers over Hsiu, her gaze steadfastly upon his form though she nods absently at Carey.  


You say (to Fritzgrad) 'Can you?'  


Lysana places her hand to the right side of Reklah's neck, feeling a pulse  


Fritzgrad rises to his feet to give Lysana more room to work and nods gravely.  


You say (to Fritzgrad) 'as I said, it is not over, we still have need of you.'  


Fritzgrad says 'I'll do what must be done.'  


Carey whispers softly, one hand laying at the base of the dagger, where it enters Hsiu's body.  


Lysana says (to Fritzgrad Kayen) 'he's still alive. I pray that we are able to save him'  


Jaerlach says (to Ilusen LaFortinas) 'What are your thoughts?'  


Lysana leans her ear over Reklah's head to hear his breathing  


Ilusen says (to Jaerlach Kesepton) 'What must be done, will be. All is the Father's Will.'  


Symantha motions slightly toward the dagger though she doesn't look at Carey, "It needs to be removed. This will not heal otherwise."  


Lysana says 'His breathing is quite shallow but he is breathing...'  


Carey whispers 'Yes, it must.'  


Daerr looks from Symantha to Carey and back.  


Someone twitches.  


You say (to Corson) 'assist the healers.'  


Carey says (to Daerr) 'Be ready with a heavy wad of binding, it will bleed heavily, and we will need it staunched.'  


Symantha lifts her gaze to you.  


Daerr nods once again, pulling to himself a good deal of cloth.  


Symantha says (to You) 'The dagger must be removed from the Dark Lord.'  


Carey nods at Daerr.  


Lerost returns Symantha's glance, nodding gravely  


Solude says (to Carey) 'I brought herbs.'  


Carey says 'We will need one of greater strength than I to remove it from this plate he wears.'  


Someone says 'I will do that '  


Carey nods at Solude.  


Lysana says (to Solude Malory) 'do you have any herbs to sooth the pain of the burns? If the Chancellor awakes, he will be in alot of pain.'  


Carey says (to Solude Malory) 'Thank you.'  


Sicariis blinks.  


You say 'all of you that do not need to be here, that are not assisting, should leave'  


Dacieus salutes.  


Lu'ther grumbles.  


Draege says 'I will assist with removing the dagger, hopefully my strength will be enough'  


Carey says (to Draege) 'You are prepared? It must be pulled straight out, and quickly.'  


Ilusen says 'Any who are not assisting, take vigil.'  


Jaerlach says (to Fritzgrad Kayen) 'Your command?'  


Draege nods.  


Symantha rests back on her knees, staring at Hsiu quietly as she waits.  


Carey nods.  


Carey says (to Draege) 'When you are ready then.'  


Draege walks over to Hsiu and stands there for a moment  


Solude says (to Carey) 'Do you need any more assistance or shall I leave?'  


Lysana grabs ahold of Reklah's hand muttering a incantation.  


Carey rests back on her heels, shaking her head at Solude.  


Fritzgrad sighs heavily and nods to Jaerlach.  


Carey says (to Solude Malory) 'You may go, thank you.'  


Solude curtseys.  


Lu'ther whispers 'Let th..them die, they led us failure'  


You tell Jaerlach 'Let us steer him toward the council chambers so he may compose himself.'  


Draege kneels down beside Hsiu, and grasps the hilt of the dagger with both hands  


Lu'ther twitches.  


Fritzgrad says (to Lu'ther) 'Enough,.'  


Daerr kneels beside Carey, frowning and holding the cloth in his hands.  


Jaerlach says (to Fritzgrad Kayen) 'Come with me a moment?'  


Lu'ther peers at Fritzgrad.  


Lu'ther says (to Fritzgrad Kayen) 'You disagree?'  


Draege pulls with all his might, the dagger comes out and Draege staggers back  


Reklah seems to be breathing a little more smoothly, although his body remains inactive.  


Carey says (to Daerr) 'Quickly!'  


Daerr shifts forward quickly, the cloth in his hands pressing downward into the wound.  


Lerost looks at Reklah. 


Lerost looks at Hsiu. 


You frown.  


Symantha leans over Hsiu after the dagger is removed and begins to whisper softly again, her hands hovering over his wound.  


Draege says 'As for the Captain... it might be best to set him within some cold water to soothe the burns a bit...'  


Lysana nods.  


Daerr holds the cloth firmly against Hsiu's gut, his lips curling.  


Chamber of the High Council  

This massive chamber is completely circular, polished stones of obsidian  

fitted together so that the walls are smooth are unblemished. They tower  

above you on all sides, rising up into darkness, creating the illusion that  

there is no ceiling, only a perfect, starless midnight sky. The floor is  

covered with a plush, black velvet carpet.  


[Exits: north ]  

Ilusen LaFortinas, High Mystic of Gray. is here.  

(WANTED) Jaerlach Kesepton, Dark Templar of Storm Keep |Warder| is here.  

(WANTED) Fritzgrad Kayen, Dark Knight, Master of the Rose is here.  


You frown.  


Jaerlach says 'It's obvious that I am an idiot, so I will refrain from voicing further suggestions at this point.'  


Fritzgrad paces a bit.  


Fritzgrad says 'My friends, we are facing the most challenging and terrible test any of us may ever face...'  


Eldyn clans 'I slumber. Farewell.'  


Liaym clans 'Farewell.'  

Dacieus clans 'Farewell.'  

Solude clans 'Farewell.'  


You say 'remember the Eclipse'  


Ilusen raises an eyebrow at you.  


Fritzgrad turns to you.  


Fritzgrad says (to You) 'What of it?'  


You say (to Fritzgrad) 'The bastion of faith and service to the Master was destroyed only to be replaced by something greater, Storm.'  


Ilusen says 'It was not destroyed by the creation of Storm.'  


You say (to Ilusen) 'does it matter?'  


You say 'Personally, I regret the harm that has come to both the Dark Lord and Captain...'  


You say 'But'  


You say 'While we still draw breath there is always hope. We are mortal, not perfect.'  


You say 'what is important now, is that we do all that we are able and, firstly, decide what exactly it is that we should be doing.'  


Fritzgrad says 'We must assure Our Lord by our actions that we mean only to serve Him, and that nothing else is of concern to us.'  


Ilusen says 'And that whatever doubts may be cast upon His Son, NONE are upon Him.'  


Fritzgrad nods at Ilusen.  


Fritzgrad says (to Ilusen LaFortinas) 'Precisely.'  


You say 'We come away knowing the Master's Will with regard to His Son in no uncertain terms. Before this night, we could not be so sure. We have that, now, at least.'  


Fritzgrad says 'Aye, but what...'  


Fritzgrad stops in mid-sentence and bites off whatever he was about to say next...  


Jaerlach says 'I think it's safe to say that this lesson cost more than the value of the information obtained.'  


Ilusen says 'A more than fair assessment.'  


You say (to Jaerlach) 'I don't disagree.'  


You say 'the question, quite simply, is "now what?"'  


Fritzgrad says 'We know of the Lord's Will in regards to Malachive is, but do we know for certain the other side of it? Does Malachive serve Our Lord or not? We still were not answered that question...'  


Nighean tells you 'Sir might I ask something?'  


[15 Human War] (VR) Nighean Steele  


You tell Nighean 'No, not now.'  


Fritzgrad says 'Not that there is anything we can do if he doesn't...'  


Lu'ther blinks.  


Ilusen raises an eyebrow at Lu'ther.  


Fritzgrad sighs.  


You say (to Fritzgrad) 'It seems that our suspicions are somewhat irrelavant, the Master wishes us to obey His Son without question. It may almost be an insult that we appear to try to be protecting the Master.'  


Lu'ther says 'Anything w..we do now short of c..complete sacrifice is futile'  


Fritzgrad looks at Lu'ther.  


You say (to Lu'ther) 'If the Master wished us all dead, would we not be dead already?'  


Fritzgrad says (to Lu'ther) 'What would you have us do?'  


Jaerlach says 'We must move forward.'  


Jaerlach says 'I can't even begin to put all this in context right now .. I don't think any of us can. '  


Lu'ther says 'We've f..failed him, he longer favors us, he c..cares not for our life if it cannot serve him'  


Jaerlach says 'Did he ever?'  


Ilusen frowns at what Jaerlach did.  


You say (to Jaerlach) 'what?'  


Jaerlach says 'That's no change. Its what we've taught for years.'  


Lu'ther says 'We m..may as well burn th..the Keep ourselves'  


Jaerlach says 'We have no value but to serve.'  


You say 'I know what I'm planning to do..'  


Jaerlach says 'It's no different. We just proved our mortality this time. Or we are being further tested.'  


Ilusen says 'Or we just showed the price of pride.'  


Fritzgrad says (to Ilusen LaFortinas) 'What pride?'  


Jaerlach says 'Probably all three.'  


You say 'Why wait three days?'  


Fritzgrad raises an eyebrow at you.  


Lu'ther says 'Our ch..chance for redemption, sacrifice'  


You say (to Lu'ther) 'Killing ourselves now, or Him killing us later? It makes no sense'  


Ilusen says (to Lu'ther) 'And what or who would you have us sacrifice?'  


You say (to Lu'ther) 'I maintain, he He wished us dead, we would be dead already' 


Fritzgrad says (to Lu'ther) 'If you think merely dying is the best way to go, Lu'ther, I shan't stop you, but none of us agree with you apparently.'  


Jaerlach says 'I have a question.'  


Fritzgrad says (to Lu'ther) 'The Lord has not returned to claim the entire world for His yet, until that happens, I am not ready to die.'  


Jaerlach says 'I don't know the answer to this question, and I don't know if any of the rest of us do, but I think it should be thought about.'  


Jaerlach says 'The Dark Lord is mostly dead, the Captain is in the same condition.'  


Jaerlach says 'No one else was harmed.'  


Jaerlach says 'Not even those who spoke words that would be significantly more offensive.'  


Jaerlach says 'Blessings can still be placed upon them.'  


Jaerlach says 'Why?'  


Ilusen says 'One held the items, the other is Captain of the Shadowguard.'  


Fritzgrad shrugs.  


You say 'I will return'  


Fritzgrad says 'Basically our leadership has been removed. That seems to be the idea.'  


Fritzgrad says 'More or less anyway.'  


You say 'No'  


Jaerlach says (to Fritzgrad Kayen) 'And now you most lead, temporarily.'  


You say (to Fritzgrad) 'At the first appearance of Malachive, time was of the essence. It may continue to be so'  


You say (to Fritzgrad) 'how do you suggest we occupy our time within the next three days?'  


Fritzgrad says (to You) 'Of course it does.'  


Fritzgrad says 'We must pray to our Lord. We must atone for failing to do His Will.'  


You say (to Fritzgrad) 'that much is obvious. What else?'  


Fritzgrad says (to You) 'Deciphering how best to do the latter, I would imagine.'  


You say 'We will seek His Voice's council in this.'  


Fritzgrad says (to You) 'Of course.'  


Lerost frowns, folding his arms over his chest, leaning against the side of Hsiu's table  


Lu'ther says 'What you all think of this suggestion of th..the Father that w..we burn the codes'  


Fritzgrad resumes pacing about the room.  


Fritzgrad says (to Lu'ther) 'Perhaps...'  


Jaerlach says 'I don't think so.'  


You say (to Lu'ther) 'What, then, separates us from Bloodlust?'  


Lu'ther raises an eyebrow at Jaerlach.  


Lu'ther says 'Our d..devotion, th..the same that d..did in the first place. Why we need a book that tells us we're special?' 


You say (to Lu'ther) 'that is not what the Code does.'  


Lu'ther says 'Oh p..please do enlighten me'  


Fritzgrad says 'Obviously in this case we erred by following the skepticism part to the letter...'  


You say (to Lu'ther) 'You are annoyed, as am I. We will speak alone, later, when we are both more composed.'  


Lu'ther says 'Our c..code tells us be skeptical b..but Necrucifer t..tells us have blind faith. No one else s..sees a problem with that?'  


Ilusen says 'Perhaps a short while to let tempers cool is required.'  


You nod at Ilusen.  


Ilusen says 'I go to meditate, but I will say this...'  


Fritzgrad says 'Well, that's why we came in here in the first place...'  


Lu'ther rolls his eyes.  


Ilusen says 'Regardless of what happens within three days, we will continue to serve. Be it from within these walls of this Keep or on its ashes, that changes nothing. See that we all remember that.'  


Ilusen bows quickly.  

Ilusen LaFortinas walks north.  


Lu'ther says 'We something extreme or w..we do nothing, it isn't th..that complicated'  


Someone sighs.  


Fritzgrad continues pacing, staring away from everyone.  


Jaerlach says 'There might be something to that, Kestyll.'  


Jaerlach says 'But first we must talk to the Voice.'  


Someone nods sagely.  


Someone says 'I am angered, I sh..should go for now'  


Someone grumbles.  


Fritzgrad says (to someone) 'Aye.'  


You say 'Darkness embrace'  


Jaerlach stares at the ceiling.  


Lu'ther walks north.  


Lu'ther clans 'I m..must take my leave, things that upset me w..will be dying upon my return'  


You clan 'agreed'  


Jaerlach says 'I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now.'  


Jaerlach says 'Should I stay out of things? I obviously didn't make the right decisions today.'  


Jaerlach says 'What am I supposed to do?'  


Fritzgrad says (to Jaerlach Kesepton) 'What did you have to do with any decisions that were made?'  


You say (to Jaerlach) 'you...and I, will compose prayers to be read by those within the keep at His Altar'  


Jaerlach sighs.  


Jaerlach nods.  


Jaerlach says 'I should explain it all to both of you'  


Jaerlach says 'I'm going to sit down, though, first.'  


You say (to Jaerlach) 'hmmm?'  


Jaerlach sits down and rests.  


Jaerlach says 'Alot of members of the Keep were being whispered at. Like the rest of you, I agreed that this was meant to distract.'  


You nod at Jaerlach.  


Jaerlach says 'However, Reklah eventually became suspicious'   


Jaerlach says 'Even for Malachive, he felt the behavior we witnessed was abnormal.'  


Fritzgrad says 'This was the first time I'd seen Malachive, so I could not share that judgement or not...'  


Jaerlach says 'Some of the whispers claimed that it was not Malachive before us, but Mencius, working against his own Father. A suspicion thats vaguely familiar to you all, given we've already mentioned a similar thing.'  


Jaerlach says 'Reklah decided that he would investigate the dragon and try to determine whether it had some connection to this. When he tried to, the dragon behaved even more suspiciously.'  


Jaerlach says 'It was his feeling at that point, and I agreed, that he should take the matter to the Dark Lord and we should display the same skepticism that has always been taught to us.'  


Jaerlach says (to You) 'Much like the lesson you taught me when I was a Petitioner - if the Master comes before you and demands something, you must ascertain if it is truly him.'  


You say (to Jaerlach) 'Elaborate on the suspicious behaviour of the dragon?'  


Jaerlach says 'Reklah attempted to broach whether the dragon had any connections to Gods, particularly due to contempt it displayed for Malachive. When he did so, the dragon became highly evasive and eventually demanded he leave or it would refuse to deal with us further.'  


You say 'Dammnit all'  


Jaerlach raises an eyebrow at you.  


Jaerlach says 'What?'  


Fritzgrad shakes his head.  


You say (to Jaerlach) 'I am listening to you, but my thoughts are elsewhere'  


Jaerlach says 'As for the rest of my poor decisionmaking ..'  


Jaerlach says 'Well, suffice to say perhaps we should have begged.'  


Lerost glances down at his charred hands as if for the first time  


Fritzgrad says 'I almost did...'  


Jaerlach says 'I wish I had been stronger .. and held Hsiu back from ..'  


Jaerlach says 'Damn it.'  


You say (to Jaerlach) 'He was compelled by divine force. You cannot match that.'  


You ponder.  


You say (to Jaerlach) '"damn it". Damn it indeed. Damn it all.'  


You say (to Jaerlach) 'after the composition of the prayers...'  


You say 'those of us able to do so, shall ride forth in the same manner as we did earlier this very night'  


Jaerlach sighs.  


You say 'these three days shall not be the last for Storm, for even if the Keep is destroyed, it remains intact within us.'  


You say 'for the next three days, not a single member of a Clan that opposes the Master shall be allowed to walk unharmed'  


You say 'they will cower'  


You say 'they will share in our dismay'  


You say (to Fritzgrad) 'do you object to this?'  


Jaerlach says 'No.'  


Fritzgrad shakes his head.  


Jaerlach says 'With your permission I'll pen a missive informing the Keep of Fritzgrad's provisional authority as authorized by the Council.'  


Jaerlach says 'They need to know who to follow.'  


You say 'Fritzgrad's appointment to acting Chancellor is one of the few things that we may hold as a certainty.'  


Jaerlach says 'Yes.'  


Mantaroth tells you 'Quite the gathering, human. Was the shadowknights funeral tonight? *smirk*'  


You tell Mantaroth 'No, you are late by a day.'  


Mantaroth tells you 'Ah, my invitation must have lost its way.'  


You tell Mantaroth 'That is possible'  


Mantaroth tells you 'Where does the human lie? Perhaps I shall visit his ending place.'  


You tell Mantaroth 'You may visit him and pay your respects to his memory on the field of battle.'  


Mantaroth tells you 'Oh I have no respect to be paid to him. He is undeserving. Yet if you will not tell me I suppose it won't be hard to find on my own.'  


Jaerlach says 'I will write now'  


You tell Mantaroth 'Darkness embrace you, Minotaur'  


Mantaroth tells you 'Indeed.'  



[111] Jaerlach: The events of this previous evening  

Sun Feb 27 23:07:42 2005  

To: Shadow Isadore  




For my my own part, I have no words with which to explain what has come to  

pass. Further direction must be granted by a unified front of Storm Keep,  

and we must maintain our faith and devotion above all else. The Dark Lord  

is greviously wounded and Khethus Mavelle has not been replaced. The senior  

officer of the Keep, Reklah Kayen, is also wounded.  


Thus it is provisionally proclaimed by a majority of the High Council of  

Storm Keep that Fritzgrad Kayen, Master of the Rose, shall function in the  

capacity of Chancellor of Storm Keep until the Dark Lord recovers enough to  

fill this void personally. The Keep cannot be without leadership, and he is  

imminently qualified for this responsibility.  


Storm will maintain its faith. We will pray. We will sally forth and  

continue to attempt to bring about the conclusion of the Prophecy. The  

Master may take our lives, but prior to this we will take many a Knight of  

Gareth with us to the grave, and we will serve him even thus.  


Sir Jaerlach Kesepton  

Warder of the Templar  



Jaerlach says 'I'll return in a moment'  


Jaerlach clans 'Symantha. Come.'  


Krystlyn looks at Fritzgrad.  


Fritzgrad nods at Krystlyn.  


You frown.  


[Lerost wanders through Storm Keep] 


Krystlyn shakes her head  


Jaerlach tells you 'Bring Fritzgrad, the three of us can move the Dark Lord into the Altar.'  


You say (to Fritzgrad) 'Come, the Dark Lord needs moving'  


Lerost looks at Hsiu. 


Symantha glances at Airgiod with a nod.  


Jaerlach says (to You) 'He wishes to be placed in the Temple.'  


Airgiod lays the blanket down next to Hsiu and spreads it out.  


You say (to Airgiod) 'Good'  


Symantha says (to You) 'Help us manuver the Dark Lord onto the blanket.'  


Jaerlach says 'We can use the blanket as a litter and the four of us can carry the corners.'  


Airgiod says 'We must roll, or shift, him over.'  


Fritzgrad walks slowly to Hsiu's right shoulder.  


Airgiod glances at Hsiu.  


Symantha says 'Lift, gently.'  


Fritzgrad grips Hsiu firmly by the shoulders and lifts very slightly, then nods to you.  


Fritzgrad says (to You) 'Get his feet.'  


Lerost crouches near the corner of the blanket, preparing to ease Hsiu across  


You say (to Fritzgrad) 'on three'  


Hsiu says (to You) 'Petiti.. wat... parch...'  


Hsiu licks his lips.  


Symantha watches Hsiu intently as he is moved, staying as near as possible.  


You say (to Symantha) 'water'  


Symantha says 'Parchment.'  


Symantha nods at you.  


Someone says 'He's parched'  


Fritzgrad shakes his head darkly and grunts slightly at the effort.  


Symantha sighs.  


Someone gives a decanter of endless water to Symantha.  


Airgiod kneels, gathers up a corner of the blanket in both hands, and prepares to lift.  


Hsiu groans.  


You say 'one, two, three..'  


Symantha leans over Hsiu and places the decanter to his lips, lifting slowly to drizzle the water into his mouth.  


Fritzgrad says (to You) 'Where to?'  


Jaerlach says 'The blanket.'  


You say (to Fritzgrad) 'the Altar'  


Jaerlach says 'We'll use it to carry him'  


Jaerlach says 'It'll be more secure.'  


Symantha gives a decanter of endless water to someone.  


Lerost nods in approval as Symantha drizzles  


Fritzgrad nods and hefts Hsiu's upper half slowly.  


Hsiu groans.  


Airgiod rises slowly, lifting his corner of the blanket gently as the others rise.  


Fritzgrad says 'Alright, got him?'  


Hsiu let's out a cough, blood coming from his mouth.  


Airgiod says 'We must make haste.'  


Jaerlach reaches out and carefully lifts Hsiu's arm onto his leg.  


Symantha says 'Yes, do so.'  


Jaerlach says 'Yes.'  


Fritzgrad slowly begins walking backward toward the Altar.  


Hsiu groans in pain louder.  


Lerost falls into step, securely gripping his corner of the blanket  


You say 'take your time'  


Airgiod shuffles along, hefting his portion of the burden.  


[Hsiu is moved to the Altar in Storm Keep where, for the remaining three days, most of Shadow congregated in prayer and fasting]