Knighthood Report by Aeryc

Dark Lord,

Attaining Knighthood is a reflection of character. 

To achieve this honor, the Knight must prove himself to live and die as the

Blessed Order of the Shadow Knights of Necrucifer have mandated.  He that

serves in this capacity desires nothing but to serve.  The Knight submits

absolutely to the Will of God. 

The Knight is a reflection of the Tenets of our Order, of our Code, and of

His Will and Way.  He understands that he was created to serve Him, and

there is no higher purpose.  He lives as a brother to his men, knowing that

only through unity can Algoron be made ready for His Return.  The Knight is

disciplined, obedient, and vigilant in all things.  The Knight loves and

fears God, as His Wrath is great and His Gift to us is greater still. 

Knighthood is the first point at which a soldier may represent our Order for

these reasons.  As a Knight has submitted absolutely to the Will of God and

he understands what this entails, the Knight is an accurate reflection of

our Order and its existence, and he does all things in His Name.  This

separates the Knight from the soldier, that though soldiers may be capable

on the field or well-versed in theology, they have not yet tossed away their

thoughts of self and accepted their place in this world as servants. 

This is the character required of Knights. 

Attaining leadership is a reflection of Providence. 

The leaders of our Blessed Order require the traits of all leaders;

patience, virtue, ambition, an ability to inspire and to motivate, to lead

his subjects where they need to be led.  This is no surprise; we are a

military sanctioned by God Himself to bring about a new world order.  We

conduct ourselves as such, and our leaders must do the same. 

Yet those who lead us are set above all other leaders, as they have given

themselves so completely to the Master that through them, a small reflection

of His Greatness can be viewed. 

I oft remember the stories I was told as a child of Shay Kayen, Hsiu Wa,

Isadore Schwartz - countless other Dark Lords who have forever made names

for themselves in history.  They were not men, not in any sense of the word

that is reasonable.  They were reflections of but a small part of God.

Nothing filled the hearts of these men but God, and He used His servants to


And when God speaks, you listen. 

An important note here is that all leaders must be an example, and this is

the example that we as servants must follow.  We are weak as humans, and

through Him we can be made strong.  Those who are greatest among us are

those who are closest to God.

Aeryc Maelwaedd