Storm Keep Wants You!

[ 51] Reklah: Storm Keep Wants You!

Wed Aug 24 07:07:21 2011

To: Beydalar Shadow All ( Cahlizna Kyri Imm RP Necrucifer )




I once came to you near the beginning of my tenure. There are those of you

who will never understand the purpose Storm Keep is set upon.  You will

deign to name us villains prostrate before a bloodthirsty cause and a

maligned prophecy we would die to see fulfilled.  You would call us zealots

who seek to poison the world in the name of an evil god.


You will call us evil.  An inept term to describe such utter faith and



Then there are those of you who might find our truth.  Those of you who

shall appeal to our claim of Brotherhood and Unity and Finality.  Before

gods and men alike we would see a better world, a world unmarred by

bloodshed and anarchy and the false promises of pretender gods.


A world instead brought together by order.  Our intention is not what those

who oppose us would claim.  Our intention is to aid the weak and to provide

food and shelter to the starving. To make strong minds and bodies who would serve Him

in all His glory. You will find brothers and friends here who share your vision.


Children of Algoron, you could not come at a better time.  Serve in Storm

Keep and become a knight, and higher-callings await you.  There are ranks

unfilled and the solemn oath of His Chosen at the end of the road for your

service, if you are worthy enough to serve as a Shadowknight. 


There is only one rightful heir to Algoron. His name is Necrucifer. Serve Him

and commit to Storm Keep today.


Partitioned is this soiled land,

Chaos born from Austinian's hand.

Rising from the desert sky,

Unity will turn the tide!


His Will! His Way!

Always we will stay!

Arise! Soldiers, Arise!

Tear down our great divides!