The Shadow Guard

Herein scribed are the requirements to join the Shadow Guard and the Precepts detailing their protection and enforcement of the fidelity of faith and given word.  

The Purpose of the Shadow Guard

The Shadow Guard shall serve the Keep as enforcers of fidelity.  Their purpose, therefore, will be to actively seek out and lead the destruction of those who are traitorous to the Master or the Keep.  Further, as the brother and sister religions of the Pantheon do not all possess the ability to do this, the Guard will at times lend its assistance to the persecution of traitors and apostates to the other Gods of Darkness, when directed by the Dark Lord.

Requirements for Eligibility

Once all of these conditions have been met, you will be tested by the Captain to prove your worthiness to serve, and then bound to protect the integrity of faith.

Ranks of the Shadow Guard

Shadow Guards will represent the sects from which they were pulled, and will remain part of those sects.  The Guard will have a Captain (a leader) and a Master at Arms (a deputy).  These two will belong to no specific sect.

All Guardsmen when on active duty or active training with the Guard shall fall under the command of the Captain and the Master At Arms, and the Dark Lord, no others.  When not called on for Guard service, they will serve their sect of origin as normal.

The Captain of the Guard will have the power to temporarily commandeer those who are not Guardsmen for critical missions or opportunities when his Guardsmen alone are not sufficient.

Apostates, Traitors and Blasphemers

What follows is a list of those offenses which will brand a person apostate and target of the Shadow Guard.  The Dark Lord may add other qualifications either temporarily or permanently as required by situation and Necrucifer himself.

Thus are the Precepts of The Shadow Guard.  So originally created by the Bishop Seethe, and revised into this form by Jaerlach Kesepton.