
3. When using the Speedmixer, fill 1/2 to 2/3 of the container. Do not be less than 50% or not more than 66% of the container. If you think it is over 66%, divide it into two containers and run it twice.

4. Do not turn on full speed. Full speed can damage the motor and handle of the speedmixer, which may reduce durability.

5. The maximum time to return to one time is 5 minutes. After 5 minutes run, please take 2 minutes to rest with an open lid.

Take extra care when using any equipment, treat it as you own it.



1. The range of weights you can run the SpeedMixer is 100-150 g including cup, holder and sample. Be sure to measure the weight before using Speedmixer.

2. Lock the holder deeply inside and turn it. Some people just sit the holder on and run. Please put the holder inside and rotate until the ticking sound.

Rules for Equipment Reservation

    1. Please ask the Person-in-Charge for permission to be added in the Calendar system.

    2. Reserve each equipment through its corresponding Google Calendar.

    3. Do NOT reserve and/or overlap other members' time.

    4. Change your reservation immediately when you have a plan change.

    5. If you do not show up within 15 mins of your reserved time, your booking will be canceled for other users.

    6. If you abuse your usage, your booking permission will be inactivated.

    7. Example abuses: delete others' reservations; overbook an equipment and not use it; running over your booked time.

If you experience any utility / facility breaking down (e.g. gas, water, electricity, table), please contact

Equipment Person In-Charge