Won Gu:
Left for the past week, so do not have many updates on the project.
Briefly introduce his project. For the future plan, microfluidic mixer,
· Develop and characterize the mixer (1 month), which is engineering-oriented paper.
Performance of the device, feasibility of generating different combination, individual loading of the microwell.
· Stem cell application using this device, which is biology-oriented paper.
Matt and Du:
Show the theoretical work and experimental work of the gradient project.
Fitting to Delta vs. t theory curves
Optimization the gradient growth v.s. the peclet number and channel shape.
Show the cell and microbeads gradient.
Suggestion: try to see how the oscillation improve the gradient formation of bead and cells
Future plan:
1. Choose good exposure time (I think 0.8s, but we need to check), update min (empty), max, gradients for various exposure times
2. Update the exposure profile
3. photo bleaching: 1 pic every 5 sec, 1.0s exposure (or whatever was used in all our expts), repeat 20 times, process images -> produce excel, send to matt
4. Repeat expt but take pics every 20s
5. How to get the full profile of the gradient