Meeting Summary - Mahdokht Masaeli

Please write a summary of the group comments (1 paragraph) regarding your presentation. This summary should be posted here as soon as possible after the meeting. Most importantly the summary should include key points that you need to address or resolve. I will review your summary at the next meeting and you should be prepared to discuss your progress on these issues.

Meeting Date: Jan 6, 2009

Summary: Nothing new, after holidays

Action Plan:From the previous meeting with Ali, I'm going to add stir and the density of hydrogels as two more parmeters

and run the experiment more times.

Progress on issues from last meeting: None

Meeting Date: Dec 11, 2008

Summary: ABSENT

Action Plan:

Progress on issues from last meeting:

Meeting Date - October 19 2008

Summary - Microarrayer 2 hour delay cell death test all for conditions impact cell viability - ok

Cross linking - are cells alive dead ?. Crosslink after 2 hours.

Next work - Check diffusion of ECM components. Stability of gels.

New work - outline ?

Meeting Date:


Action Plan:

Progress on issues from last meeting: