Hojae Bae

Research Interests:

Experience :

Ph.D Degree

School: Clemson University, Clemson, SC

Period: Jan.2004 –Dec.2007

Major: Food Packaging Science

Thesis: Fish gelatin - nanoclay composite film. Clay exfoliation control, characterization, effect of enzyme cross-linking, and as a functional film layer

Research: Biopolymer(protein, polysaccharide, and lipids) based gels/films

Master Degree

School: Korea University, Seoul, Korea

Period: Feb.2002 – Dec.2003

Major: Bioengineering

Thesis: Film and pharmaceutical hard capsule formation properties of mungbean, water chestnut, and sweet potato starches

Bachelor Degree

School: Korea University, Seoul, Korea

Period: Feb.1995 – Dec.2001

Major: Genetic Engineering

Work Experience I


Korea University, Seoul, Korea

Period: Feb.2003 - July 2003

Role: Research Assistant (Funded by BK21)

Research: Use of hydroxypropylated methyl cellulose in improving solubility, physical, and mechanical properties of water chestnut starch based biopolymer films

Work Experience II

Institution: Clemson University, Clemson, SC

Period: Jan.2004 –Dec.2007

Role: Research Assistant (Funded by Clemson University, Packaging Science)

Research: 1. Identification of phenolic constituents of Ficus Carica leaves using solid-phase extraction and GC-MS

2. Influence of transglutaminase induced cross-linking on properties of fish gelatin films

3. The effect of barrier materials on salmon quality and retort pouch properties stored under elevated conditions

Work Experience III

Institution: Clemson University, Clemson, SC

Period: Jan.2008 –Nov.2008

Role: Postdoctorate Fellow

Project Pages: (Help)

1) Microgel Assemly using Host-Guest Complexation

2) EB size dependent neurogenesis within PEG hydrogel array with different well size

3) Development of biodegradable and cell laden neural inductive PEG hydrogel and macro neural tissue formation by self assembly

4) Microbial Transglutaminase Cross-Linking of Gelatin

Meeting Date:19 Dec 2008

Summary: (1) Trying to finish up chemical order list. (2) Double checking details of the chemical reaction so that I don't miss any important detail.

Action Plan: (1) Some required chemicals are extremely expensive. Currently contacting other prof. for the chemical support.

Progress on issues from last meeting: It was my first meeting last week.

Meeting Date: 26 Jan 2009

Summary: (1) Check with Pascal whether if he can provide tracking number for the package. And think of other source that I can acquire the compound if this takes too much time.

Action Plan: Sent Pascal e-mail and waiting for the reply. Searching for other source where I can get the similar compound.

Progress on issues from last meeting:

Meeting Date: 6 Jan 2009

Summary: (1) Waiting for chemicals for assembly project (2) Fabricate MTGase treated gelatin and send samples to Clemson Unicersity for the compression test.

Action Plan: (1) Check status on chemical shipping progress (2) Fabricate gelatin sample and ship to Clemson ASAP.

Progress on issues from last meeting: Finished ordering chemicals.

Meeting Summary (Help)

Meeting Date: 14 Apr 2009

Summary: (1) follow up on the histology (re specific staining and effects of

fixation on matrigel). Consider talking to a histology

specialist at one of the cores (BWH) for assistance.

Action Plan: Searching for a literature source for histology pictures. Will search for histology specialist from the core soon.

Progress on issues from last meeting: