Lab ordering


1. Find out the exact descriptive name, supplier, catalog #, price/unit, quantity and total price for the item you’d like to place the order.

2. Email Ali above info to get authorization and ask what grant would be used for your order.

3. Forward Ali’s response to Gulden.

4. Enter the name, supplier, catalog #, price/unit, quantity, total price and grant info for your order on this page.

5. Once steps 1-4 are completed, Gulden will place the order and change the status from “Under review” to “Ordered” on this page. Do not expect a separate email that she has placed your order.

6. Check the delivered items in the lab regularly and once you receive your product, drop the invoice (packing slip) into the “Invoice box” located next to the vacuum oven in the 2nd floor lab. Otherwise you’ll be responsible to call up the company and request a new packing slip for your product.

7. IMPORTANT: If your product has been ordered through our MIT/ISN account, you’ll need to pick it up from MIT/ISN (500 Technology Square, 4th Floor) the same day you’ve been informed that it has arrived. It is then very important to return the MIT packing slip into Gulden immediately.

Gulden Camci-Unal

Lab ordering — List page from Classic Sites