Sunday Humour September 5th Page 2

Sunday Humour September 5th Page 2

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

A very special thank you to all contributors.

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Thanks to Ray O'

These are things that I didn't know.... And not many people know this...

1. Q: Why are many coin banks shaped like pigs?

A: Long ago, dishes and cookware in Europe were made of a dense orange clay called 'pygg'. When

people saved coins in jars made of this clay, the jars became known as 'pygg banks.' When an

English potter misunderstood the word, he made a bank that resembled a pig. And it caught on.

2. Q: Did you ever wonder why dimes, quarters and half dollars have notches, while pennies and

nickels do not? A: The US Mint began putting notches on the edges of coins containing gold

and silver to discourage holders from shaving off small quantities of the precious metals.

Dimes, quarters and half dollars are notched because they used to contain silver. Pennies and

nickels aren't notched because the metals they contain are not valuable enough to shave.

3. Q: Why do men's clothes have buttons on the right while women's clothes have buttons on the

left? A: When buttons were invented, they were very expensive and worn primarily by the rich.

Because wealthy women were dressed by maids, dressmakers put the buttons on the maid's right!

Since most people are right-handed, it is easier to push buttons on the right through holes on

the left. And that's where women's buttons have remained since.

4. Q. Why do X's at the end of a letter signify kisses? A: In the Middle Ages, when many people

were unable to read or write, documents were often signed using an X. Kissing the X

represented an oath to fulfill obligations specified in the document. The X and the kiss eventually became synonymous.

5. Q: Why is shifting responsibility to someone else called 'passing the buck'? A: In card

games, it was once customary to pass an item, called a buck, from player to player to indicate

whose turn it was to deal. If a player did not wish to assume the responsibility, he would 'pass the buck' to the next player.

6. Q: Why do people clink their glasses before drinking a toast? A: It used to be common for

someone to try to kill an enemy by offering him a poisoned drink. To prove to a guest that a

drink was safe, it became customary for a guest to pour a small amount of his drink into the

glass of the host. Both men would drink it simultaneously. When a guest trusted his host,

he would then just Touch or clink the host's glass with his own.

7. Q: Why are people in the public eye said to be 'in the limelight'? A: Invented in 1825,

limelight was used in lighthouses and stage lighting by burning a cylinder of lime which

produced a brilliant light. In the theatre, performers on stage 'in the limelight' were seen

by the audience to be the center of attention.

8. Q: Why do ships and aircraft in trouble use 'mayday' as their call for help? A: This comes

from the French word m'aidez - meaning 'help me' – and is pronounced 'mayday.'

9. Q: Why is someone who is feeling great 'on cloud nine'? A: Types of clouds are numbered

according to the altitudes they attain, with nine being the highest cloud. If someone is said

to be on cloud nine, that person is floating well above worldly cares.

10. Q: Why are zero scores in tennis called 'love'? A: In France , where tennis first became

popular, a big, round zero on the scoreboard looked like an egg and was called 'l'oeuf,'

which is French for 'egg.' When tennis was introduced in the US , Americans pronounced it 'love.'

11. Q: In golf, where did the term 'Caddie' come from? A. When Mary, later Queen of Scots, went

to France as a young girl (for education & survival), Louis, King of France, learned that

she loved the Scot game 'golf.' So he had the first golf course outside of Scotland built for

her enjoyment. To make sure she was properly chaperoned (and guarded) while she played, Louis

hired cadets from a military school to accompany her. Mary liked this a lot and when she returned

to Scotland (not a very good idea in the long run), she took the practice with her. In French,

the word cadet is pronounced 'ca-day' and the Scots changed it into 'caddie.'

Think how much smarter you are now.


Thanks to Tony

Google Presentation

Boys will be boys!

Thanks to Paul S and Ray O'

Guys and motorbikes

F35 Loop on take-off

Fire Waterfall

Thanks to Lee

Yosemite National Park, California, USA

This park was gazetted as a national park in 1890. It is world famous for its rugged terrain, waterfall and century-old pine trees. It covers 1200 sq km and the "fire" waterfall of El Capitan is one of the most spectacular of all scenery.

The spectacular view of the waterfall is created by the reflection of sunlight hitting the falling water at a specific angle. This rare sight can only be seen at a 2-week period toward the end of February. To photograph this rare event, photographers would often have to wait and endure years of patience in order to capture them. The reason is because its appearance depend on a few natural phenomenons occurring at the same time and luck.

1st, Is the formation of the waterfall - The water is formed by the melting of snow and ice at the top of the mountain. It melts between the month of December and January and by the end of February there might not have much snow left to melt.

2nd, is the specific angle of the sunray hitting the falling water - The sun's position must be exactly at a particular spot in the sky. This occur only in the month of February and at the short hours of dusk. If it is a day full of clouds or something blocking the sun, you can only take pictures of your own sorry faces on the waterfall. It coincides with the fact that the weather in the National Park at that time of the year is often volatile and unpredictable. It compounds to the difficulty of getting these pictures.

Someone did !!! and we all get to see it !!!

Waitress of the month

Thanks to Tony

New York City

Thanks to Paul S.

A very clever presentation

Google Presentation

Just a little laugh for today...



A lady about 8 months pregnant got on a bus. She noticed the man opposite her was smiling at her.

She immediately moved to another seat.

This time the smile turned into a grin, so she moved again.

The man seemed more amuseWhen on the fourth move, the man burst out laughing,

She complained to the driver and he had the man arrested.

The case came up in court.

The judge asked the man (about 20 years old)

What he had to say for himself.

The man replied,

'Well your Honor, it was like this:

When the lady got on the bus,

I couldn't help but notice her condition.

She sat down under a sign that said,

'The Double Mint Twins are coming' and I grinned.

Then she moved and sat under a sign that said,

'Logan's Liniment will reduce the swelling,' and I had to smile.

Then she placed herself under a deodorant sign that said,

'William's Big Stick Did the Trick,' and I could hardly contain myself.

But, Your Honor, when she moved the fourth time

And sat under a sign that said,

'Goodyear Rubber could have prevented this Accident!'

... I just lost it.'


Now keep that smile on your face and pass it on to someone else!!

See You Next Week

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