
This is a lean mean tank-killing machine!

-Striker pilot commenting on the Rivale


Classification: Rivale Light Air to ground attack/Air to air interceptor Gaia Striker

Superior Alliance nick name: Rivale, Revs, Beaks

Length: 17 meters

Shielding: Standard strength Energy barrier

Armour: Ne0-Carbonium (New form of carbon material)

Powerplant: Antimatter

Top speed Flying: Mach 6

Max ceiling: suborbital on Earth standard planet

Range: Unlimited

Seating position: Yamaha R6, Honda CBR600RR


40 mm nose chain gun x 1, Javelin missile system x 4 (Mounted to either side of the cockpit, dumb fire missiles that can be aimed at air or ground targets), Lower weapon hardpoint x 1, Energy projection system

Mode A

General purpose

Good for most situations

Mode B

Anti-armour beam

Used to take out tanks or other heavy armour

Mode C


Used for strafing runs


This Gaia Striker was designed for quick hit and run situations whether it is for ground attack, air attack or interdiction missions. A versatile design the Rivale could adapt too many situations thanks to its lower weapon hardpoint which could mount a multitude of equipment. Weakly armoured and shielded it counted on its maneuverability and speed to survive in combat. With independently pivoting thrusters the Rivale could hover like a humming bird, fly swift as a falcon or be as maneuverable as a sparrow. Packing an unusually high amount of fire power for its sized it could eliminate most heavy ground targets easily. Would stay around as the main light gunship Striker for the foreseeable future.