Inner Realm

The Lands of the Inner Realms

Under the sun, both land and sea lie open, beckoning travelers to explore every compass direction. Under the ground, travelers cannot see to the horizon and cannot reckon what lies in their path, whether obstacles or shocking surprises. Firstly the size of the Inner Realm is naturally many times larger than the "Outer World" as the surface is merely a cloak upon the world's shoulders, a thin covering. But the spaces of the Inner Realm are strung out in an immense web of island-like lands and seas, canyons and pits all coiled about and over and through each other. Either end of a journey’s path may be separated not by forest or roads, but by miles of solid rock, pierced only by a winding river and large waterfalls. In these places, the cost of hasty decisions is multiplied.

Out in the Gloom

The frequent shifting of earth and rock and reversing of water courses are dangers unique to the Realm, and they make accurate maps and warnings nearly impossible. It is only the abundance of lichen, mushrooms, and small fauna that makes starvation unlikely for those who become lost or stranded.

Of the known underground seas, none share the same essential character. The Riptide Sea is salt water, and has both tides and vicious currents, while the Great Ink is mirror smooth and no more than a fathom deep for most of its untold length. Each has canny sailors who risk their dangers. The first is rife with deadly whirlpools and pirates, the second is home to nomadic Merfolk, who range from peaceful and aloof to those that prowl, akin to Wicked angler fish.

There are, in addition, wondrous places out in the lands where Folk no longer travel: a desert of fine white sand, a valley of scintillating crystal like a stained glass forest, even a mythical labyrinth, but these lie among places that unwise to travel without many well-armed companions. Since before history there have been many terrible things which have taken refuge in, or perhaps been driven into, the deepest parts of Ariath. Much of lies below is secret, and old, and forgotten, and perhaps resentful.

Other Places of Note


A Goblin settlement on the Riptide Sea, near the Eastern edge of the Forest of Mushrooms. It has become a collecting point for brave explorers, pirates, and Kingdom dissidents. The town holds a great many of people, although the counting and naming of persons in that place is violently discouraged. Often called a Wicked place, it provides a safer entry into the Forest, and its hardy people are well-prepared to repel raids coming from land or sea.


Located NorthWest and Deepward of the Great Shallow Sea, Goldblood is more of a elaborate mining camp, moving at an remarkably slow pace. Its residents prosper from not only mining the rich ores of the Deeps, but from refining and crafting within the rambling multilevel settlement itself. Despite the punishing heat, intermittent bursts of deadly volcanic gases, and ever-present threat of a tunnel collapse, there are many who risk travel to Goldblood. It is a temptation for those looking for rare minerals, unusual gemstones to culture, and even substances with magical properties. The frequency of deaths, abundance of greed, and acts of genius result in a community that is as lawless as it is energetic.

The Rose Hall

On a peninsula rising high over the waters of the Great Ink stands a citadel known as the Rose Hall. Basalt blocks of unusual shape form its streets and looming walls. Its origin is disputed among historians; however it has held a settlement of some fashion for scores, or perhaps hundreds, of years.

The Rose Hall is open to travelers and trade despite the wary and cool treatment strangers receive from its residents, who are largely Undead. It has been remarked that despite the large number of the Undead present there are no indications as to what, if any allegiance or allegiances the residents have for the Undead Courts. Indeed, perhaps due to a healthy regard for privacy, direct inquiries regarding personal information regarding locals or offering good natured gossip receive cold stares, or an abrupt ending to the conversation in return.

Crystal Vines

Travelling the Realm, one frequently encounters luminous streaks of crystal, growing vine-like across surfaces or arcing overhead. It is believed that this phenomena is a contaminant from ancient petriculture, which has spread over millennia. Although this taints many places across the realm it can also be a boon to explorers. It is not advisable, however, to use the growths for orientation as they change and spread unpredictably.