Faithful of the Sun

Faithful of the Sun

"Corona's light is a shining example to everyone. It cleanses and drives out sickness. It shows the true path, and illuminates evil so we can see its real nature.

"Corona's faithful serve the same purposes, each in our own way. We accept that no mortal can live up to perfection, but believe that striving to be the best we can is a noble way to live. If we can serve to inspire others to do the same, all the better.

"My friend Kellian enjoys teasing me for my lack of subtlety, and jokes that this is a tenet of my faith as well. I say, being straightforward is no character flaw."

Visandra Decalos, Faun Paladin of Corona

Faithful of the Sun Skills

Corona’s Influence 0 CP

You gain “Fire” and “Presence” as attack traits, and “Light” and "Glory" as flavor traits.

Corona’s Power 3 CP

You gain access to powers from the “Solar” power list, and may use casting skills to perform them. (See the section on power lists.)

Heroic Deflection 2 CP (Once per event)

“With [Heroic Quality,] Parry” to negate one Melee, Missile, Packet, or Firearms attack.

Divine Symbol Method 2 CP

Your powers are magic spells granted to you by divine power.

To use your spells, you must have an item with a solar motif clearly visible on your person, at least three inches across. If you have Themes for more than one faith, you may choose with deity’s symbol to use, or you may wear more than one.

Incantation Method 3 CP

Your Powers are magic spells granted to you by divine power. To use Powers, you must perform a audible incantation of at least six syllables before you begin the verbal call.

In addition, this skill gives you access to one Power List, chosen from the Open, Offensive, or Support lists. Even if you know another Method, you must always use incantations for Powers from this list.

Out of the Shadow 2 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

Once per battle, focus for three seconds and call out “Purge” to end all Gloom, Shadow, and Darkness effects on you.

Shielded by the Day 3 CP

You may use touch and packet delivered powers with a melee weapon or shield in your off hand, provided the weapon or shield is decorated in a solar motif large enough to be visible in combat. Blocking attacks will cause spell interruption as though you had been struck. With a full sized shield in your off hand, you may not throw packets, but may deliver touch effects.

Draw Down the Sun 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

When you take this skill, choose a packet attack for “4 damage by [attack trait,]” or a packet attack for “Agony by [attack trait.]”

Flare 2 CP (Once per battle)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

You gain two melee or packet attacks for “2 damage by [Attack trait.]” If you have the skill Arsenal, this instead increases your arsenal pool by 2, and allows you to deliver two uses of Arsenal per battle as melee attacks.

Sun’s Glory 2 CP (Once per event)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Once per event, you may rest for ten seconds in an area lit by the sun to refresh a single use of a Heal with a “By my voice” effect.

Radiant Cure 3 CP (Once per event)

(Requires 5 skills in this theme.)

You bathe your surroundings in sunlight, chasing away fell influences. Call out “By my voice, Cure (category) by Light.” You may choose to cure Elemental, Mental, Metabolic, or Physical traits at the time you use the skill. If you have a Community trait, you may instead call out, “By my voice, Cure (category) to (Community Trait) by Light.”

Purifying Light [Epic] (Once per event)

Once per event you may focus for three seconds and call out “Purge by [flavor trait]” to end all ongoing non-beneficial effects on you that are not Inflicts. This skill will also end any Inflict that can be removed by a Cure Elemental, Cure Mental, Cure Metabolic, or Cure Physical. One use of Purifying Light will remove Stricken as well as any other effects it can cure, simultaneously.

(Note that Death is not an ongoing effect, and you cannot use this skill to Purge Death.)

Warrior of Light [Epic]

(Requires: Shielded by the Day)

You may use offensive powers with a full sized shield in your off hand, provided it meets the requirements of Shielded by the Day. Blocking attacks will cause spell interruption as though you had been struck.