

"It was easy to get disenchanted back in the States. As a kid, I got into global health because I was all good intentions and wide-eyed optimism. Trust me. You can only go to so many conferences, meet-ups, and "professional socials" before you're irrevocably determined that modern medicine is corrupt. It's all insurance, Big Pharma, and a really perverse sense of international triage.

"In that way, Ariath has been refreshing. Sure, I was frustrated for the first two years: it's surreal to listen to a Badger lecture you about the medicinal properties of prairie grass. Yes, my anatomy "practicals" involved reconciling that some creatures subsist solely on gems. And yes, if you think you understand medicine, and you come to Ariath, you're in for a rude awakening.

"In some ways, it's like starting over. In some ways, however, it's exactly the same: Folk get sick. Folk get hurt. You do your job, and help them."

Dr. Sadie Harper

(Characters who are from Ariath rather than Earth are more likely to call themselves Chirurgeons rather than Physicians, but the difference is one of flavor rather than game mechanics.)

Physician Skills

Physician’s Tools 0 CP

You gain Poison as an attack trait, Weapon as an attack trait for melee and missile attacks, and Medicine and Craft as flavor traits.

Where It Hurts 2 CP (Once per event)

A melee, missile, or firearms attack for “Agony by [Attack Trait.]”

Bedside Manner 1 CP

While you are in a Safe Place that has been decorated with props to appear as an infirmary, you may increase the healing from your Aura of Healing skills to 3. This skill does not stack with any numerical increases to healing.

Not in the Face! 2 CP (Once per event)

You can spray an attacker with painful chemicals to drive them off. Once per event, make a packet attack for “Short Repel by Medicine.” This skill is an exception to the general rule that you cannot use Flavor Traits in attacks. If your target responds to this attack with a defense, you may refresh this skill the next time you refresh Per Battle skills.

True Restorative 2 CP (Once per event)

Once per event, touch a willing or helpless target with a packet and call “Cure Stricken by [flavor trait.]” Alternately, you may expend two endurance to call “Cure Stricken to Dead by [flavor trait.]”

Surgery 2 CP

Roleplay caring for your target’s wounds for one minute. At the end of the minute, call “Heal 2 and Short Drain by Medicine.” If you are in a Safe Place that has been decorated with props to appear as an infirmary, you may increase the value of this heal to 3. This does not stack with other numerical increases to healing.

Advanced First Aid 2 CP (Once per event)

Your time to stabilize a target or cure a maim with First Aid is reduced to 30 seconds. In addition, once per event you may reduce this time to 3 seconds.

Surgeon’s Hands 2 CP

Your practiced manual dexterity makes it a simple matter to use powers one-handed. You may use touch- and packet-delivered powers with a melee weapon or buckler in your off hand, and may even use touch delivered powers with a full sized shield or missile weapon in your off hand. Blocking attacks will cause spell interruption as though you had been struck.

Equipment Method: Doctor’s Bag 2 CP

You use a medical bag, potions, syringes, poultices, and similar items to use your powers. You should roleplay as though you are using them to perform effects. When you use a power, add “With this (item name)” to the beginning of the effect call.

Medicinal Cure 2 CP (Once per battle)

Once per battle you may touch yourself or an ally and call “Cure Metabolic by Medicine.”

Medical Treatment 2 CP (Once per battle)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

You gain two uses of a touch effect for “Heal 2 by [Flavor Trait.]” If you have the skill Aura of Healing, this instead adds two uses to your Aura of Healing pool.

Crash Kit 3 CP (One per event)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Once per event, while you are in a Safe Place that has been decorated with props to appear as an infirmary, you may refresh one use of a skill with a Cure Death effect or a Cure Stricken effect.

Resuscitate 5 CP

(Requires 5 skills in this theme.)

Once per event, touch a dead ally and call “Cure Death and Drain by [Flavor Trait.]”

Clear! [Epic]

Your skills that Cure Death no longer drain the recipient, instead healing them greatly. You may omit “Drain” from any “Cure Death and Drain” effects, and substitute “Heal Ten.”

Sedative [Epic]

Three times per event you may touch a willing or helpless target with a packet and call either "With (Heroic Quality) Stun by Poison" or "With (Heroic Quality) Drain by Poison."

In addition, once per event you may deliver one of these attacks with a melee prop that you have the skill to use. You must be in the rear 90 degree arc and able to see both shoulder blades of your enemy to deliver the skill in this manner. (When you use the skill in this manner, the target need not be willing or helpless.)

Alchemy 2 CP

You can combine plant components to create chemical or alchemical substances with useful effects. This skill may be purchased up to three times; each level allows you to construct more advanced products. See the rules section on Crafting for further information.