

First Circle Science Powers:


A packet attack for “4 damage by [attack trait.]”

Repair Armor

Touch the recipient and call “Repair All Armor by [flavor trait.]”

Second Circle Science Powers:

Greater Repulsion

A packet attack for “Repel by [attack trait.]”

Improvised Attack

Choose an attack trait you have seen used in the last five minutes. (This trait must be in one of these categories: Elemental, Mental, Metabolic, or Physical.) Spend ten seconds roleplaying, and call “Imbue by [attack trait;]” you gain that trait as an attack trait until the end of the current event.

You may only have one additional attack trait from this power at any given time. If you use this power again, the new attack trait replaces the previous one.

Third Circle Science Powers:

Resistant Ward

Call “Imbue by [flavor trait]” to gain two uses of Resistant Ward. For each use, touch a recipient and call “Grant Unique Defense by [flavor trait,] Resist.” The recipient may choose to expend this defense to negate a melee, missile, packet, or firearms attack.