Treasure Bearer

Treasure Bearer

"You know this blade has power, but you don't know her history. Even I don't know all of it, and I've held her for over fifty years. I wish I could have learned more, but some things are just lost.

"She has slain not one, but two of the Fallen, and banished a dark spirit from our world forever. She has saved the lives of more people than you're ever likely to speak to in your life. Once, she sat in a frozen cave for a hundred and fifty years, and turned away three Folk who discovered her until the right bearer finally came along.

"When you carry her, she will guide your hand, and teach you, and when you grow into her power she'll be the truest friend you'll ever have. But the most important thing you need to know is that when I hand her to you, she doesn't become your property. You become part of her story."

The late Weston Mallory, former bearer of Mourningdance

Treasure Bearers have a magical Treasure that is the source of many of their abilities. All Treasures must be distinctive, yellow-tagged items, and are stealable unless the owner has a skill to prevent theft.

You may only use skills from this Theme if your Treasure is on your person and ready for use, as appropriate to its form; a weapon must be in hand, armor must be worn, a wand must be in hand for use, etc. Other characters may use your Treasure as if it were a normal item of its type, but cannot use any skills or properties you gain from the item.

If you begin play with the Treasure Bearer Theme, you should describe the item you wish to have in your character history, and work with plot staff to make it part of your story. You may not begin play with this Theme unless you have an approved character history.

To learn this Theme during play, in addition to purchasing a new Theme as normal, you must also find a Treasure in play. To attempt to attune yourself to a Treasure you have found this way, notify plot in your PEL.

If you wish to learn Treasure Bearer in play but haven't found an item you feel is appropriate to your character, contact plot and we'll help you find a way to include one in your story.

Treasure Bearer Skills

Magical Signature 0 CP

You gain one attack trait and one flavor trait appropriate to your Treasure. If you have found a Treasure in play, it may have these traits listed on the tag. If you are creating one for your character during the character creation process, choose one attack trait and one flavor trait from any theme, and submit them as part of your character history for plot approval.

Heroic First Circle Power Use 1 CP (Once per event)

Once per event you may use a First Circle power from any list you know.

Heroic Defense 2 CP (Once per event)

Once per event, call out “With this [item,] Resist,” or “With this [item,] Parry” to negate one Melee, Missile, Packet, or Firearms attack. The item type in the effect call should represent the nature of your Treasure.

Weapon Method 3 CP

(Requires: Appropriate melee weapon skill)

Your Treasure is a melee weapon or buckler (not a full sized shield) that grants you spellcasting ability. You may use Powers with this weapon in your off hand, and must have the weapon on your person to use powers unless you are using another Method to perform them. Blocking attacks will cause spell interruption as though you had been struck.

Equipment Method 1 CP

Your Treasure is either a worn item that grants you spellcasting ability, or a weapon or buckler that can grant such ability while sheathed or carried rather than in hand. To use powers, your Treasure must be on your person and visible.

Incantation Method 3 CP

Your powers are magic spells granted to you by your Treasure. Your incantations take the form of commands or requests for your treasure to cast a certain spell for you. To use Powers, you must perform a audible incantation of at least six syllables before you begin the verbal call.

In addition, this skill gives you access to one Power List, chosen from the Open, Offensive, or Support lists. Even if you know another Method, you must always use incantations for Powers from this list.

Magical Insight 3 CP

Your Treasure will sometimes advise you as to which tactics to best use against a given enemy. Three times per battle, when the target of one of your attacks responds with a “No effect” or “Spirit” defense, your attack and any associated endurance costs are not expended.

Indestructible Treasure 4 CP

Your Treasure is enchanted to be impervious to damage. Call “No effect” to any attempt to Destroy it.

Tireless Treasure 2 CP (Once per battle)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

You treasure is a true ally, and carries some of the weight of your labors. Once per battle a power, melee attack, or defense costs one less Endurance.

Augmented Attack 1 CP (Once per event)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Once per event you may call on your Treasure to strengthen one of your attacks. Add “With this (treasure,)” to the effect call, and change the trait of the attack to your Treasure’s Flavor Trait. This is an exception to the general rule that flavor traits cannot be used in attacks.

Blessed Aid 3 CP (Once per event)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Once per event, call “With this (treasure,) Refresh (skill name) by Magic” to refresh one per event or per battle skill with a beneficial effect.

Aura of Ages 2 CP (Once per battle)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

When you take this skill, choose either Arsenal, Healing, or Flurry:

Arsenal: You gain two melee or packet attacks for “2 damage by [Attack trait.]” If you have the skill Arsenal, this instead increases your arsenal pool by 2.

Healing: You gain two uses of a touch effect for “Heal 2 by [Flavor Trait.]” If you have the skill Aura of Healing, this instead adds two uses to your Aura of Healing pool.

Flurry: You gain two melee attacks for "2 damage by [Attack Trait.]"

Legendary Treasure 5 CP

(Requires 5 skills in this theme.)

Choose one of the following skill types: Powers with a damage effect, Healing effects, Missile damage, or Melee damage. Your Treasure adds +1 to the damage or healing of the chosen skills with a value of three or more. This does not stack with other numerical increases to damage or healing.

Bonded Treasure [Epic]

Your treasure is loyal to you, and your bond with it is deep and strong. Call “No effect” to any attempt to Disarm you of your treasure. In addition, call “No effect” if someone attempts to remove your treasure from your person while you are unconscious or otherwise incapacitated. This ability works even if you are currently unable to use game skills.

You may hand your treasure over to others willingly, but no matter what becomes of it, it will return to you somehow. If anyone tries to keep it from you, ill is likely to befall them until you regain it. If you end the event with your Treasure out of your possession, inform staff in your PEL.

Full Attunement [Epic]

Requires: Treasure Bearer

You have become fully a part of your Treasure's story, and gained access to its strongest ability. When you take this skill, choose one Treasure you own; you gain access to its unique power.

The unique power of some Treasures may be clear to the bearer immediately, but in other cases the bearer may need to undergo a quest, or otherwise go to some effort to discover what their Treasure's unique power is. Such quests will usually be connected in some way to the bearer's Trouble. You may not take this skill until you have discovered your Treasure's unique power.