Mythic Race

Mythic Race

“Have you ever noticed how some Folk are just… more of whatever they are than other Folk? And I don't even mean the Sidhe compared to some "lesser" fae or whatever some of them harp on about. It's not an ego thing, it's part of their nature.

"I mean, I once met a human who seemed to be so Human that Ariath itself thought she was special. Luckiest Folk I ever met, and nothing could ever keep her down for long. I don't know what made her that way, but there was just somethin' about her, you know? You could just... tell.

"It's a scary thing to see in action sometimes. I heard stories of a Goblin King who, when some undead monster tried to drive him crazy, just laughed. You could see him heal from it! Or stories of ancient Dwarves who didn't go to death's realm when they died, but rose up from the stone, all better. And there's the Elves who just don't die. Man, I wish I could be immortal...

"Anyway, I don't know why some people are more like that, don't know what qualifications it takes. Training, magic, an accident of birth...who know? But, you know, I'm not sure I'd want to ever meet a Snake or an Owl that had that extra somethin'. That sounds awful..."

Terry, Proprietor of The Rat's Tale Inn

Mythic Race Skills

Mythic Signature 0 CP

You gain one Attack Trait and one Flavor Trait of your choice from any Theme or Themes to represent the nature of your race. (You may not choose the Weapon trait.) You may have both Mythic Signature and Racial Signature.

Nimble Claws 2 CP

You may use powers with a natural weapon in your off hand. Blocking attacks will cause spell interruption as though you had been struck.

Inborn Magic Method 5 CP

Your powers are magical abilities that draw on your racial nature. You need no incantations, items, or other limitations to use them. In addition, you may use powers with a melee weapon, missile weapon, firearm, or buckler in your off hand. Blocking attacks will cause spell interruption as though you had been struck.

Inherent Weaponry 2 CP

Choose either a two-handed weapon, two one-handed weapons, or a weapon and shield. (You may choose missile weapons, but not firearms, and you must have the skill to wield the weapons you choose.) These weapons are part of your body, or are inherently created in some fashion by your racial nature. If they are destroyed, you may reform them by spending thirty seconds of concentration and calling “Repair Weapon.”

Inherent Weapons are part of your body, and cannot be taken away from you. You should reply "no effect" if someone tries to deprive you of them.

Scent of Evil 2 CP (1 endurance)

Like many natural beasts, you can sense the presence of things or people that “just aren’t right.” After a minute's conversation with someone, you may point at them and call either "By my gesture, Diagnose Cold Hearted" or "By my gesture, Diagnose Wicked."

Inherent Magic 3 CP

(Requires 3 skills in this theme, and either Arsenal or Aura of Healing.)

When you take this skill, choose a skill you have, either Arsenal or Aura of Healing. Your pool for that skill is increased by 2.

Long Lived 5 CP

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Members of your race are very long lived, or do not age at all. You are immune to attacks with the Aging trait.

Mythic Rebirth 2 CP

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Your race has some unusual means of returning to life after being killed. When you take this skill, submit a resurrection method to plot that’s appropriate to your character type, including a location where your body will reform when you return to life. You will still take the appropriate adverse effects of death, but you may return from death slightly faster and in a different location.

Regeneration 4 CP

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

For each minute you spend resting, you heal one point of Vitality. This skill does not work if you are unconscious or cannot use game skills.

Feat of Strength 3 CP (Twice per event)

(Requires 5 skills in this theme.)

Twice per event you may do one of the following:

    • Touch a lock attached to a box or other container, and call “Destroy Lock by Might” in a loud voice. The noise may attract monsters or other attention

    • While carrying a helpless person, call “Imbue by Might” and run your full speed (or theirs, whichever is slower) for up to a minute.

    • Call “Purge” to break out of a Physical effect on you.

Natural Affinity 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

(Requires 5 skills in this theme.)

Once per battle, you may absorb an attack delivered by one of your racial signatures. If you are struck with an attack trait or flavor trait that you have taken as one of your Racial Signature or Mythic Signature traits, you may spend a point of endurance and call “Absorb.” Instead of the effect of the attack, take the effect “Heal 5 to self.”

Mythic Defense 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

(Requires 5 skills in this theme.)

When you learn this skill choose either melee, or ranged (packet, missile, or firearms.) Once per battle, spend a point of Endurance to negate an attack of the chosen type. You may call either “Resist” or “Avoid” as appropriate to your character.

Malleable Form [Epic]

Call “Shield” to the first attack that strikes you that has a Physical trait. You may refresh this ability with one minute of rest. This skill is not triggered by uncalled damage.

Miraculous Rebirth [Epic]

(Requires: Mythic Rebirth)

Once per event, when you die and use your Mythic Rebirth skill, you do not take the adverse effects of death.

Your use of this skill cannot be refreshed by any means. It can be used once per event only.

Mythic Regeneration [Epic]

(Requires: Regeneration)

Your regeneration skill works when you are unconscious, or unable to use game skills, but not when you are unstable.

Mythic Disadvantages


You are permanently under a Slow effect, which cannot be cured.


Your race has a tendency or reputation for Wickedness. While you are not, yourself, Wicked, and may not start play with a Wicked trait, your life may be a struggle to not end up that way.

You must always have at least one Dark or Wicked Quality. In addition, you may face disapproval or prejudice from characters who are (rightfully or not) biased against your race.


When you give someone your word, your nature makes it magically binding. Casual conversation is not significant enough to be enforced, but if you give an oath or promise, your mythic nature will enforce it.

If you voluntarily go back on an oath or promise and violate its conditions, within an hour you will fade, die, and become a spirit. If you die in this manner, Cure Death effects will not work on you.

Obligate Mythic Diet

(Requires Special Diet)

Your Special Diet consists of Plant, Metal, or Gem components. You may not use normal food tags or other skills to pay for maintenance, and if you use Red, Green, or Blue components for maintenance, you need four rather than three to equal one food tag.

Truthful Nature

You cannot lie. You may choose not to speak or lie by omission, but you cannot speak a direct falsehood.


Submit an attack trait to plot that is anathema to your race. Attacks with that trait that are not beneficial cause you “2 damage” in addition to their normal effect. You may not use Resistance, Specific Resistance, or Natural Affinity skills to defend against attacks that use your Vulnerability trait.