Training Lists

Training Lists

The Training lists contain core groups of critical skills that enable characters to fill certain roles in combat. There are four types of training, each divided into four tiers. The tiers are Apprentice, Journeyman, Master, and Grandmaster. The Trainings are as follows:

Warriors are tough, tenacious melee combatants, skilled in holding a spot on a line or engaging tough foes.

Skirmishers are fast, mobile melee or missile fighters, good at harrying and hit-and-run tactics.

Adepts are specialists in ranged attacks. Depending on their Theme, they might use magic spells, glass globes of volatile poison, or rifles and grenades.

Healers are skilled at keeping their allies on their feet through long battles. Some might use medicine, or prayers, or just an encouraging word. Regardless of their methods, they can heal and protect their allies and cure their ailments, and some can even return the recently slain to life.

Newly created characters start with two tiers worth of training. You can choose to specialize in one area (and be, say, a Journeyman Skirmisher) or take one tier each of two training lists (say, Apprentice Warrior and Apprentice Healer.) Selecting a training tier allows you to spend CP to buy any skills in that tier.

Your character gets access to a third tier of training once you have earned and spent 100 CP, a fourth at 150 CP, and a fifth at 200 CP. You must have the lower tiers in a training before you can access the higher ones: you can’t choose Grandmaster Adept unless you already have Master Adept.