

First Circle Imaginary Powers:


A packet attack for “6 damage to Phantasm.”


A packet attack for “Agony by [attack trait.]”

Second Circle Imaginary Powers:

Greater Healing Touch

Call “Imbue by [flavor trait] to store 2 uses of Greater Healing Touch. For each use, touch the recipient and call “Heal 4 by [flavor trait.]”

Power Drain

A packet attack for “Short Paralyze to Construct.”

Third Circle Imaginary Powers:

Revocation of Safety

Call “Imbue by [flavor trait]” to gain a three point Revocation pool. While in a Safe Place, you may spend a point of Revocation to make a packet attack for “Short Repel by [attack trait.]”

You may refresh your Revocation pool by resting for one minute in a Safe Place and spending a point of Endurance. Your Revocation pool does not count as Imbued uses, and is an exception to the normal rule that you may only have Imbued abilities from one Power at a time.