Speaking Frankly

Rule of Etiquette: Speaking Frankly

It's very important in Accelerant games that everyone stay in character and help maintain the game atmosphere and immersion. That said, we recognize that there may be times where it's necessary to break character briefly, such as communicating problems to a staff member, or simply relaxing for a bit in your private cabin after a long day of roleplaying. To that end, Crossover has the Speaking Frankly rule.

If you wish to break character to talk to someone, you should use the phrase "May I speak frankly?" If everyone present agrees, then you may break character for purposes of that conversation. Staff characters will generally agree to this request, under the assumption that you have something to communicate that we need to know about.

If anyone present doesn't agree, then you must remain in character around them. It's important that you defer to their opinion on this, and not hassle them over their choice. Remember that Accelerant is based on always being in game, and everyone has the right to be free of out of character conversation in play areas.

"Speaking frankly" should never be used in public areas where it might disrupt the immersion of passers-by, and if other people approach or enter the conversation, you must return to speaking in character.