Device Mage

Device Mage

“When the Kudarr came to Ariath, we learned everything we could about magic. We’re curious about everything, and an entirely new phenomenon? We couldn’t resist. We never did learn why most of us can’t use it; as a race, we just don’t have the knack I guess.

“Some of us could never let go of an idea when it caught our imagination, though. So like we do with everything else, we use tech to make up the difference between our limits, and our dreams. Case in point: Patience here. Patience, say hello to our guest.”

Yes, sir. Hello, guest.”

“Good girl. Now, I know she looks like a rifle, but Patience is way more than that. She can fire bullets, too, but most of what she can do is magic. It’s hard to cast spells without sentience, so we build intelligent devices that can do that part for us. All we have to do is make friends, and ask them nicely, and the magic is in our hands.

“...why’s she called Patience? Yeah, everyone asks that. One of my teachers when I was a kid told me I’d never be a great sniper, because there was one thing I was missing.”

    • Kellian, Kudarr Device Mage

(Device Mages may have up to one Device per Method they learn from this Theme. If a Device is destroyed, or a hand-held or weapon device is not in hand, it may not be used to perform Powers. All Devices must be distinctive, yellow-tagged items, and are stealable unless the owner has a skill to prevent that. If a Device Mage finds a new Device in play, they may attempt to learn to use it between events; such attempts should be submitted to plot by PEL.)

Device Mage Skills

Magical Flow 0 CP

You gain Force and Lightning as attack traits, and Magic, Ammo, and Explosion as flavor traits.

Heroic Deflection 2 CP (Once per event)

“With [Heroic Quality,] Parry” to negate one Melee, Missile, Packet, or Firearms attack.

Flash Move 2 CP (Twice per event)

Twice per event, “Disengage” while wielding a melee weapon.

Incantation Method 3 CP

Your powers are magic spells granted to you by one of your devices. Your incantations take the form of commands or requests for your device to cast a certain spell for you. To use Powers, you must perform a audible incantation of at least six syllables before you begin the verbal call.

In addition, this skill gives you access to one Power List, chosen from the Open, Offensive, or Support lists. Even if you know another Method, you must always use incantations for Powers from this list.

Device Method 2 CP (Once per event)

You have a Device that enables spellcasting. This device may be hand-held, or worn. It should be decorated with technological motifs in a style appropriate to your character. You may use Powers with this item so long as it is in your hand, or worn visibly on your person.

Once per event you may gesture with the device (or touch it with a free hand and gesture, if the item is worn) and deliver one of your Aura of Healing or Arsenal uses “By my gesture.”

Weapon Method 3 CP

(Requires: Appropriate melee weapon skill)

One of your melee weapons is a Device that grants you spellcasting ability. Decorate your weapon with technological motifs in a style appropriate to your character. You may use Powers with this weapon in your off hand, and must have the weapon on your person to use powers unless you are using another Method to perform them. Blocking attacks will cause spell interruption as though you had been struck.

Firearms Method 5 CP

(Prerequisite: Firearms)

One of your firearms is a Device that grants you spellcasting ability, and your ranged powers take the form of attacks delivered with that firearm, rather than packet attacks. In addition, if you have the skill Arsenal you may deliver your Arsenal attacks with a firearm as well. You may not use packets to deliver your powers unless you know another Method that allows it.

To use touch-ranged powers, hold your firearm or another character-appropriate tool in one hand, and use the other hand to touch the recipient with a packet, since touching other players with a gun prop might cause safety issues.

Indestructible Device 4 CP

Any Devices you own are reinforced against damage. Call “No effect” to any attempt to Destroy one of them.

To My Hand! 2 CP (Twice per event)

Twice per event, call “With this (item type,) Resist” to negate an attempt to disarm one of your Devices.

Gunnery 2 CP

You may deliver damaging melee attacks from your Warrior or Skirmisher training with a firearm.

Enemy Scan 3 CP

Three times per battle, when the target of one of your attacks responds with a “No effect” or “Spirit” defense, your attack and any associated endurance costs are not expended.

Device Magic 3 CP

You gain access to powers from the “Device” power list, and may use casting skills to perform them. (See the section on power lists.)

Magical Guard 2 CP

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Once per battle, when you block a packet or firearms attack with a melee or missile weapon (not a shield) you may negate the attack by calling "With [Heroic Quality,] Parry."

Power Assault 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

An attack for “4 damage by [attack trait,] which can be used with any Device weapon you have.

Finishing Move 5 CP (One per event)

(Requires 5 skills in this theme.)

When you learn this skill, choose melee, packet, missile, or firearms, as appropriate to your Device. Once per event, an attack of this type for “With [heroic quality,] Stun by [attack trait]” or “With [heroic quality,] Paralyze by [attack trait.]”

Barrier Jacket [Epic]

(Requires: Heavy Armor)

Your clothing has been enhanced by a Device to function as armor. Decorate your outfit in a magical or technological style appropriate to your character concept. So long as it’s clear there is something special and protective about your clothing, it will fulfill the requirements for the Heavy Armor skill, even if it is not bulky and does not look like physical armor.

Genetic Lock [Epic]

Your Devices are linked to your biology and cannot be used to their full potential by anyone else. They will not allow themselves to be taken from you unless you allow it; call “No effect” to any attempt to Disarm you of one of your devices. In addition, call “No effect” if someone attempts to remove one of your devices from your person while you are unconscious or otherwise incapacitated. This ability works even if you are currently unable to use game skills.

If someone else is holding one of your devices against your will, it will attempt to return to you. You may point at the person holding it and call “By my gesture, Disarm Device by [flavor trait.]” You may refresh this ability with one minute of rest.

If you end the event with one of your devices out of your possession, inform staff in your PEL so they may determine the results of your device trying to return to you.

Shaping 2 CP

You can combine vapour components to create useful nanotech and biotech products. This skill may be purchased up to three times; each level allows you to construct more advanced products. See the rules section on Crafting for further information.

Engineering 2 CP

You can combine metal components to create mechanical products with useful functions. This skill may be purchased up to three times; each level allows you to construct more advanced products. See the rules section on Crafting for further information.