

First Circle Craft Powers:


A packet attack for “Short Weakness by [attack trait.]”

Healing Touch

Call “Imbue by [flavor trait] to store 2 uses of Healing Touch. For each use, touch the recipient and call “Heal 2 by [flavor trait.]”

Second Circle Craft Powers:

Break Limb

A packet attack for “Maim by [attack trait.]”

Greater Life Drain

A packet attack for “4 damage by [attack trait.]” If this attack affects the target, you gain a stored use of a touch effect for “Heal 4 by [flavor trait.]” You may only have one such touch effect active at a time.

Third Circle Craft Powers:

Good Fortune

Gather up to five other people in a Safe Place, and roleplay for five minutes in a manner appropriate to one of your themes. This may take the form of a fortune telling ritual, medical treatment, nanotech enhancement, or similar.

At the end of the five minutes, touch each of the five people, call “Imbue by [flavor trait,]” and give them an Imbue Fortune tag. (You may get Imbue Fortune tags at check-in, or print them yourself.) In addition to the five recipients, the caster receives a Good Fortune Imbue as well. This Imbue allows the recipient to become stable rather than bleeding to death once before the end of the event.

As Good Fortune is not a Grant, it does count against the limit of Grants you may have. A single recipient may only receive Good Fortune once per event.