Faithful of Joy

Faithful of Joy

“When I first came to Ariath, I wondered what I would find here. I didn’t even realize what was going on, you know? And, looking back, to say that I found Joy sounds kind of silly, but at the same time… It’s true.”

“Joy isn’t just about bringing the traditional stuff, like laughter and song. It’s also about freedom, that surge of adrenaline when you take a literal or metaphorical leap. Sometimes freedom means you mess up, and it hurts. But that pain is the joy of a lesson learned. Joy is the rain on a battlefield after war, washing away the blood and helping ease the remains into the ground.”

“Gala is all of that to us. She helps us find stories worth telling and helps us share them with others around us to bring them joy as well. She shows us the Joy in binding the wounds of an ally on the battlefield and the Joy in a drink around the fire. I can’t speak to Gala’s other worshippers, but I walk across the world sharing stories of sisterhood and victory because I’ve seen what happens when people don’t do that. And it’s not pretty.”

Rhiannon Hope, Follower of Gala

Faithful of Joy Skills:

Bearer of Good Cheer 0 CP

You gain Confusion as an attack trait, and Hope, Joy, and Inspiration as flavor traits.

Incantation Method 3 CP

Your powers are magic spells granted to you by divine power. To use Powers, you must perform a audible incantation of at least six syllables before you begin the verbal call.

In addition, this skill gives you access to one Power List, chosen from the Open, Offensive, or Support lists. Even if you know another Method, you must always use incantations for Powers from this list.

Good Turn 2 CP (Once per event)

Once per event when you are not in a combat situation, do a good turn or random act of kindness for someone. If they seem appreciative or cheered up by your efforts, you may refresh one of your Per Event skills.

Story Time! 1 CP (Once per event)

Once per event, spend at least a minute telling a joke, sharing a story, singing a song, or otherwise conversing or performing to entertain a group of people. When you are finished, call out “My my voice, Refresh 3 endurance by Joy” as loudly as you were speaking. Multiple people with this skill may combine their use of it in the same period of time.

Heroic Method 1 CP

You perform powers through the force of your personality, and when you use them you personal qualities shine through. Add “With [Heroic Quality]” to the beginning of all of your effect calls when using Powers.

Tricky Moves 2 CP (Once per event)

A melee or packet attack for “Disarm by [attack trait.]” If used as a packet attack, this skill does not end your use of the “Peaceful Healer” skill.

Carefree Wanderer 2 CP

Fortune guides your steps when you’re in the wilderness. When a guide leads you through the Paths to a destination, you are able to safely return. You may lead yourself and any number of people who accompanied you on your journey back to town, so long as you return promptly by the same route you took.

This skill will not open gates or allow you to bypass other obstacles on your way back, and will only help you on the Paths.

Luck 2 CP (Once per event)

Sometimes fortune favors you when your life is in danger. When you are about to bleed out, you may instead become stable. No effect call is needed for this skill, and it can be used while Stricken.

Joyous Heart 3 CP

You gain access to powers from the “Cheer” power list, and may use casting skills to perform them. (See the section on power lists.)

Peaceful Healer 3 CP

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

So long as you wield no weapon and do no harm, you spread happiness wherever you go.

If you have not had a weapon in your hand since you last refreshed your per encounter skills, and have not launched any attacks except Repels, you may enhance your healing.You gain an additional point in your Aura of Healing pool for each two points it currently holds; so, a six point Aura of Healing pool would be increased to nine.

If you hold a weapon in your hand or use a non-beneficial effect that is not a Repel, you lose all points in your Aura of Healing pool, and cannot use this skill again until you refresh your Per Encounter skills.

Let Me Work 2 CP (Once per event)

(Requires Peaceful Healer)

While using Peaceful Healer, if you are attacked while healing someone or otherwise giving them care, you may point at your attacker and call "By my Gesture, Repel by [flavor trait.]" You may maintain this gesture for only as long as you are caring for your patient, and may not approach the target of the repel.

This skill is an exception to the general rule that you cannot use Flavor traits for attacks.

Life of the Party 5 CP

(Requires 5 skills in this theme.)

When you spend time lifting the spirits of those around you, you are an inspiration to them. Focus for one minute, conversing or cheering people up, and use a power with a Grant effect on an ally. You gain an additional, free casting of that Grant with no endurance cost to be used immediately on a second ally present. You may not use Grants cast with this skill on yourself.

When using Powers that Imbue you with multiple castings, you may apply the Life of the Party bonus to each casting as long as you satisfy the conditions of the skill each time.

Give Me a Moment! [Epic] (Once per event, two Endurance)

Once per event, you may call out “By my voice, Short Repel by Confusion.”

Miraculous Rescue [Epic]

Once per event, your faith and luck allow you to cheat death. When you would normally turn to spirit and go to death, instead turn to spirit and return to the area of your dwelling. Find an area in or near it that is unobserved, and call “Cure Spirit by Joy.” You are alive, and need not visit death. Make up an improbable story about the miraculous twist of fate that saved you at the last moment.

Your use of this skill cannot be refreshed by any means. It can be used once per event only.