

A New Home

The Caramahz originated ages ago on another world. In their original home, they had a civilization of billions, supported both by magic, and by technology roughly equal to that of mid-twentieth century Earth. Then, invaders from another world came, and tore their culture down.

Most Caramahz were killed during this invasion, and many more were enslaved. Faced with an unwinnable war, those who remained chose to flee. Their flight went on for decades or centuries, and some may be fleeing or hiding still, but at last a few thousand of them found a place where they could stop running: Ariath. Here, welcomed in peace by at least some of the natives, they had a chance to rally, take stock, and gather their strength. With help from their new allies, they slammed closed the doors they had used to arrive, ensuring that their pursuers could never follow them.

This one great task accomplished, their calamity-born unity finally broke. Over the following centuries, groups of Caramahz split off to make their own way, and settled anywhere they could find shelter and solace. In modern Ariath, most Caramahz live outside of civilized nations, or wander the lands in small tribes. They are no longer the unified culture they once were, but they hope their diaspora protects them from being destroyed in a single strike.

The race's loremasters keep the old stories, and make sure that new generations never forget how delicate life can be. All Caramahz know that it's possible to lose everything with no warning, and are vigilant to threats to their new home in Ariath. They also believe that words, and names in particular, have power; they are slow to tell their names to people they do not trust, and are honored to know the name of a new friend.

Common Racial Characteristics

Caramahz have deeply lined grey skin, and small horns on their foreheads. They are strong, physically tough and have thick hide; most Caramahz treat the Armor skill as natural armor, and many have resistances to various physical attack types. Mythic Race Caramahz are likely to have skills like Feat of Strength, Regeneration, and Scent of Evil. As a culture, they take their given word very seriously, and may act as though they are Oathbound or have Truthful Natures even if they do not have the corresponding racial disadvantage.

All Caramahz have the "Caramahz" racial trait, and some may be Subterranean or Sylvan depending on where they have settled. Caramahz have strong traditions of Wonderworkers, Spiritualists, Explorers, and Buddies. Even those who don't have these Themes may have racial signatures from them, such as Confusion, Inspiration, Thorns, Sleep, Glamour, and Nature. Despair is also a common attack trait among Caramahz who have taken their ancestral tragedy close to heart.