

"The dungeoneers will tell you of worlds under our feet, but they ignore the world thats all around us. I have lived all my life in the Trackless Wood, and I have seen sights no cramped tunnel could rival. The caves are cold and dark compared to the life all around me and the open sky above. There is always a path to take, and always some treasure at the end of that path, be it an ancient palace, buried hoards, or home.

"Speaking of home, it's time to get you to yours. The harrows have quieted down, and I've finished my beer. Follow me, and stick to the path, or you might not see home again for a while yet."

Bathalamael o' the Wood

Explorer Skills

Terrain Advantage 0 CP

You gain Weapon as an attack trait for melee and missile attacks, Thorns as an attack trait, and Craft and Nature as flavor traits.

Nimble 2 CP (Three times per battle)

Up to three times per battle, you may expend a point of Endurance to negate the effect of stepping on a dangerous section of floor by calling “Avoid.” This skill will not protect you from effects caused by moving through barriers, and you cannot use it if both feet are on dangerous flooring at the time.

Expedition Planner 3 CP (Once per event)

Your knowledge of the wilderness is literally life-saving. While in a place where there is no roof between you and the sky above you, your time to bleed out is increased to two minutes. In addition, once per event you may call out “By my voice, ambient Stabilize by Luck.” If you have a Community trait, you may instead call “By my voice, ambient Stabilize to (Community trait) by Luck.”

You may use this voice effect even if you are unconscious or dead, so long as you have not yet become a spirit.

Equipment Method: Borrowed Tools 2 CP

Your powers take the form of limited magic items, pouches of healing herbs, or other handy consumables. You may own up to three such items, and must have at least one on you to use your powers. When you use a power, add “With this (item name)” to the beginning of the effect call.

Give Ground 2 CP (Twice per event)

Twice per event, “Disengage” while wielding a melee weapon.

Monster Lore 3 CP

Three times per battle, when the target of one of your attacks responds with a “No effect” or “Spirit” defense, your attack and any associated endurance costs are not expended.

Read Ancient Script 2 CP

You have learned to read the ancient writings found in many ruins, caves, and monuments all over Ariath. You may also translate these writings and write them in plain language for others to read.

While the Getting’s Good 2 CP

When a guide leads you through the Paths to a destination, or when you lead a group to a destination with the Excursion skill, you are able to safely return. You may lead yourself and any number of people who accompanied you on your journey back to town, so long as you return promptly by the same route you took.

This skill will not open gates or allow you to bypass other obstacles on your way back, and will only help you on the Paths.

Luck 2 CP (Once per event)

Sometimes fortune favors you when your life is in danger. When you are about to bleed out, you may instead become stable. No effect call is needed for this skill, and it can be used while Stricken.

Bow and Blade 3 CP

(Weapon Style)

You may wield a bow in one hand, and a Long or shorter melee weapon in the other, so long as you have the skill for each.

Longbow 2 CP

(Requires: Archery)

You may use a longbow prop in combat. In addition, all of your missile attacks that do 3 or more points of damage are increased by one. This does not stack with any other numerical increases to damage.

Subtle Aim 3 CP

You may deliver melee attacks from Training skills with a bow, crossbow, slingshot, or thrown weapon that you have the skill to use. You may not deliver the Waylay skill as a ranged attack.

Full Quiver 3 CP (Requires: Archery)

Your quiver size is increased to 20. You may make 20 archery shots instead of 10 before you must stop to refresh your quiver.

Preparation 2 CP

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Once per event call out “With [Heroic Quality,] Refresh (skill name) by Craft” to refresh one per event skill.

Excursion 4 CP

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

With enough time, you may be able to find a way through the Paths to a remote location. Between events, submit a planned destination to plot. Success is not guaranteed, but the more you know about your destination, the more likely you are to find a way. You may need to pay your sources of information with coin, gems, or other valuables, and if you fail to provide all that is asked of you, the directions you get may be unreliable or deceptive.

Be warned that finding the place you’re looking for, and surviving the trip is another. This skill gives you no information about dangers at your destination, or your chances of leaving intact.

This is a between-events skill. You may only use one such skill after each event you attend.

Just Missed Me 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

(Requires 5 skills in this theme)

Once per battle, call “Avoid” to negate a melee, missile, packet, or firearms attack.

Fortune Favors the Bold [Epic]

When you leave town to visit another part of Ariath, fortune favors you and your companions on your journey. While there, called damage effects that do five points of damage or less cause you to fall stable rather than unstable.

In addition, twice per event while outside of town, you may call "By your name, (name,) ambient Heal by Luck," to heal one of your companions. (Not yourself.) You may use this ability even if you are unconscious or dead, so long as you have not yet become a spirit.

This ability only works in Ariath, not in the In-Between or anywhere else outside of the borders of the world.

Refuge [Epic]

Four times per event, you may touch an ally (not yourself) with a packet and call "Imbue Safe Place." This will allow the recipient to rest once to refresh Per Battle skills, as though they were in a Safe Place. In addition, you may also use this ability once per event on yourself.

You may not use other skills to refresh uses of Refuge.