Themes (Racial)

Racial Themes

Characters with Racial Themes may spend up to 20 of their CP on skills from the Racial Skills list, rather than 10. In addition, they may buy skills from the Racial Theme. Skills from the Racial Abilities list count as being from your Racial Theme for the purposes of prerequisites, though any individual racial ability may not be counted toward more than one Racial Theme.

Each Racial Theme has skills that require a certain number of other skills in the Theme before you can buy them. To encourage racial variety, there are more of these in each Racial Theme than there are in the other themes. As a result, there is a limit as to how many of these higher tier skills you may take:

    • “Requires 3 skills in this Theme:” You may take up to two of these skills.

    • “Requires 5 skills in this Theme:” You may only take one of these skills.

You may also take up to two Racial Disadvantages. Each one you take allows you to buy any one additional skill from the Theme, above the maximums listed above. (Disadvantages do not count as skills, and cannot be used to fill the requirement for prerequisites.)

The Racial Themes are:

Augmented, for characters enhanced by technology.

Mythic Race, for characters whose race is made strong by Ariath's native magic.

Undead, for characters whose bodies have been corrupted by dark spirits.