Recording Policy

Crossover: Mobile Devices, and Recording Policy

Due to feedback we've heard about people using mobile devices to record audio and video at the recent Crossover event, it's obvious we need to have a clear policy about recording in game.

In short: Don't.

In most circumstances, it's illegal in the state of New Hampshire to record people without their consent. In a situation like an active larp, it's nearly impossible to get the consent of everyone participating without being disruptive.

Going forward, the only situation in which it will be acceptable to record in game activity will be staff planned encounters where everyone knows going in that recording will take place. Unless a staff character tells you, "Let me clarify, you are allowed to record," you are not.

Outside of these very limited situations, recording other players will be considered a violation of our harassment policy, and will be penalized accordingly.

You may take still pictures of other participants, so long as you have clear permission from them to do so. It's also acceptable to record yourself, for the purposes of audio journals and such, if you find a way to do so in reasonable privacy.

If you have any questions or comments about this policy, please contact me privately.

Thank you.