

"I see you've noticed the crystals. Yes, I was a student of the Kudarr, and they taught me when they took me in. Or rather, they granted me parole when we foolishly attempted to rob their scouting mission, and I left my brothers-in-arms to beg them to let me change and teach me their ways.

"The mind is a powerful thing, you see, and it can heal as well as harm, given a chance. I've heard some Earthers say with a laugh that "a mind is a terrible thing to waste" but it's no joke.

"You came to be wounded in body, but I can see the terrors of the undead you fought left scars in your mind as well. Come, hold the crystal, let me touch my thoughts to yours, and I will heal your wounds and ease your troubles as well.

"And should the dead return, you will see how strong the mind can be."

Tannin, formerly of the Band of the Red Paw

Psion Skills

Power of the Mind 0 CP

You gain Will, Sleep, and Force as attack traits, and Empathy, Pain, and Insight as flavor traits.

Concentration Method 5 CP

Your powers are psionic abilities cast through mental effort alone. You need no incantations, items, or other limitations to use them. In addition, you may use powers with a melee weapon, firearm, or buckler in your off hand, and you may touch cast beneficial powers with a missile prop in your off hand. Blocking attacks will cause spell interruption as though you had been struck.

Equipment Method (Crystal) 1 CP

Your powers are psionic abilities. You use a crystal or similar item to focus your mental force. This focus must be either held in one hand or worn visibly, and you must touch it momentarily before using any power.

Parole 1 CP

Often in war you may face enemies who fight you only for honor, for obligation, or under coercion. Rather than slay them, you may ask for their parole, and allow them to depart the field knowing that they will not re-enter the battle.

Touch a helpless enemy with a weapon or packet as though performing a Deathstrike, but instead call “Affliction one, affliction two, affliction three, Inflict Spirit by Parole.” If the enemy sincerely intends to honor the parole, they will become a spirit, and depart the field.

Only intelligent foes can give honorable parole. This skill will seldom work on enemies that are not Folk.

Designer’s note: If this skill works, your character will know for certain that the subject will honor the parole. If you see the same NPC in the field again, it is clear to you that they are representing another character. Using this skill may decrease the overall difficulty of some battles, since those who depart are prevented from returning.

Vitality Transfer 2 CP (Once per event)

Touch the recipient with a packet and call "Cure Stricken by [Flavor Trait.]"

Read the Heart 2 (1 endurance)

After a minute's conversation with someone, you may point at them and call either "By my gesture, Diagnose Cold Hearted" or "By my gesture, Diagnose Wicked."

Psionic Power 3 CP

You gain access to powers from the "Psionic” power list, and may use casting skills to perform them. (See the section on power lists.)

Read Weakness 3 CP

Three times per battle, when the target of one of your attacks responds with a “No effect” or “Spirit” defense, your attack and any associated endurance costs are not expended.

Touch Thoughts 2 CP

You gain the ability to Diagnose Mental traits by touching a willing or helpless target. In addition, you may focus for one minute to share thoughts and feelings with a willing or helpless character. This may range from intuition about the recipient’s troubles, to a full psychic connection with that character. Both characters must be willing to participate in this exchange or it will fail.

Empathic Healer 4 CP

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

You can lend your own life force to others to heal their injuries. Touch a willing or helpless target and call "Heal by Empathy." You immediately lose a point of Vitality as though you had taken called damage. Neither armor nor Protection will mitigate this vitality loss.

True Empathic Conduit 3 CP

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Your Empathy for the wounded and dying is deep and strong. You may touch a helpless target and call “Stabilize by Empathy.” This skill has no endurance cost, and you may use it as often as you wish.

First Circle Power Use 4 CP (Once per battle, 1 Endurance)

(Requires 5 skills in this theme.)

Once per battle you may spend a point of Endurance to use a First Circle power from any list you know.

Mental Fortress [Epic]

Once per event, choose a target you can see. You may call “No effect” to any attacks with a Mental trait originating from that target, until the target breaks line of sight with you for three seconds, or until you become unconscious.

Total Focus [Epic]

Your meditative discipline allows you to use powers despite any distraction. Once per battle, you may choose a target and call out "Concentrate" to them. You may then launch a single use of a Power at them even if you are being hit.