Wonder Worker

Wonder Worker

"There's some who say Wonder Workers get their powers from tapping into Folk's imagination or fears. And sure, if you want to talk about it that way, I suppose it's not wrong... But I get my powers by reaching through the walls of reality to the In-Between, and drawing forth what I need. They got fucking everything there. Light. Darkness. Love, hate, jealousy, friendship, elation. The Most Beautiful Sunsets. Literally everything you can imagine, and quite a few things you can't. Leaving this reality for that limitless place is The Best Drug Ever. And trust me on this one, honey, I checked."

"And like any drug - like imagination - people get lost in it. In the pleasure, or in possibilities the real world denies them. Or they wander into the darkness. Limitless possibilities includes quite a few wonderful things, but there are some ... terrors that are best unseen. There's no bad trip like a bad trip to the In Between."

"So if you go, take a good guide. And be nice to them, will ya? It takes a special kind of loon to keep going back."

- Ragged Sara

Wonder Worker Skills

World of Imagination 0 CP

You gain Confusion and Sleep as Attack Traits, and Glamour, Enchantment, and Transformation as Flavor Traits.

Horrors of the Dark 0 CP

(Requires: at least one Dark Quality)

You gain Fear as an attack trait, and Nightmare as a Flavor Trait.

Destroy Enchantments 3 CP

You may change the attack trait of any of your non-beneficial called attacks to "to Construct."

Bane of the Imaginary 3 CP

You may change the attack trait of any of your non-beneficial called attacks to "to Phantasm."

Incantation Method 3 CP

Your powers are magic spells granted to you by the power of imagination. To use Powers, you must perform an audible incantation of at least six syllables before you begin the verbal call.

In addition, this skill gives you access to one Power List, chosen from the Open, Offensive, or Support lists. Even if you know another Method, you must always use incantations for Powers from this list.

Heroic Method 1 CP

You perform powers through the force of your personality, and when you use them your personal qualities shine through. Add “With [Heroic Quality]” to the beginning of all of your effect calls when using Powers.

Hero's Blade 2 CP

(Requires: No Dark or Wicked qualities)

You may use packet or touch delivered powers with a one-handed sword in your off hand. In addition, you may use a one-handed blade to deliver beneficial touch effects to helpless targets by touching them softly with the blade while you deliver the entire verbal of the effect. Blocking attacks will cause spell interruption as though you had been struck.

Walk the In-Between 1 CP

You may open existing gates to the In-Between, the realm of imagination and potential between worlds. When you find such a gate, focus on it for ten seconds and call “Imbue by Wonder.”

You will often be able to enter the gate and bring a group with you; details will be found on the gate clarification. The In-Between is a wild and varied place, and the places beyond such gates will often contain unusual conditions and environments.

Seeker Beyond 4 CP

(Requires: Walk the In-Between)

With enough time, you may be able to find or create a gate to a specific part of the In-Between. Between events, submit a planned destination to plot. Success is not guaranteed, but the In-Between contains multitudes, and there is always a chance that what you are looking for is out there. Once you have found a way, constructing the gate to get there may require gems or other components, and if you fail to provide all of them, the gate may be unstable or unpredictable.

Be warned that the In-Between is no safe place, and the farther from Ariath you range, the more dangerous it may become.

This is a between-events skill. You may only use one such skill after each event you attend.

Power of the Imagination 3 CP

You gain access to powers from the “Imaginary power list, and may use casting skills to perform them. (See the section on power lists.)

Flashing Blade 2 CP (Once per battle)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

You gain two melee or packet attacks for “2 damage by [Attack trait.]” If you have the skill Arsenal, this instead increases your arsenal pool by 2, and allows you to deliver two uses of Arsenal per battle as melee attacks.

Magical Guard 2 CP (Once per battle)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Once per battle, when you block a packet or firearms attack with a melee weapon (not a shield) you may negate the attack by calling "With [Heroic Quality,] Parry."

Blessing of Hospitality 4 CP

(Requires 5 skills in this theme.)

You may ward a Safe Place to protect those who rest there at night. Take your ease and converse in the building for one minute with one of the residents or owners. Once you have finished, place an Imbue Hospitality tag on the door, and see that it is lit with a glowstick or such so that potential intruders will take heed of it. (You may get Imbue tags at check-in, or you may print your own.) So long as this blessing remains, between the hours of 2 AM and 10 AM no one will be able to harm anyone in the building, or take any of their possessions, without their consent.

The first three times each event that you bless a Safe Place, you gain two Endurance. This gain may take you above your normal maximum. You may gain this benefit even if someone else has already blessed the Safe Place in question.

Enchanting 2 CP

You can combine gem components to enchant objects with limited magical effects. This skill may be purchased up to three times; each level allows you to construct more advanced products. See the rules section on Crafting for further information.

Fool's Visage [Epic]

You may use glamours to alter your appearance and fool even expert observers. So long as you are conscious and able to use game skills, you may respond either "yes" or "no" to any Diagnose effect, as you choose.

Wondrous Conduit [Epic]

You can call raw imagination from the In-Between and shape it as you wish. Once per battle, you may perform a First or Second Circle power on a list you know, or a "Per Battle" melee or missile attack that you know that has a Short, Agony, Damage, or Maim effect, without expending either the ability use or the Endurance. (Powers with a Grant effect always cost Endurance.)