Faithful of the Moon

Faithful of the Moon

“You wish me to tell you your place within our order? Look up at the moon, initiates. It’s full tonight, shining light down upon us. It casts out the shadows almost as well as the sun. But it’s not always like that, is it?”

“The followers of Umbra are as different as her phases. Some lurk in shadows and the safety of the cover of night, stealing breath with knives, or secrets from under pillows, as silent and still as the empty sky when Umbra hides her face. Others tend the temples, the libraries, give order to the secrets and texts we house, for the night is a time of silence and secrets. Others still bathe in the light of the full moon, chase out shadows in darkest night, and defend those of us who walk other paths.”

“We deal in moonbeams and darkness. Precision and secrets. We are an order of secret keepers and philosophers, librarians and warriors, rogues and dreamers. We walk in the darkest places where no light shines and feel at home there, as well as on moonlit drenched battlefields. We wait for night to fall and know, even when the sky is empty, our Goddess watches over us.”

“You must find your own path to walk as a Faithful, be it in shadowed alleys or well lit temples. Take up darkened blades or learn to shoot a bow. Hunt for secrets or those who stole knowledge from our halls. All of these are paths we walk. Which one you choose is a question only you can answer.”

Zenith LaNoct, Shieldbearer of the Crystal Library

Faithful of the Moon Skills:

Umbral Dance 0 CP

You gain “Cold,” “Ice,” and “Gloom” as attack traits, and “Shadow” and “Moonlight” as flavor traits.

Divine Symbol Method 2 CP

Your powers are magic spells granted to you by divine power.

To use your spells, you must have an item with a lunar motif clearly visible on your person, at least three inches across. If you have Themes for more than one faith, you may choose with deity’s symbol to use, or you may wear more than one.

Incantation Method 3 CP

Your powers are magic spells granted to you by divine power. To use Powers, you must perform a audible incantation of at least six syllables before you begin the verbal call.

In addition, this skill gives you access to one Power List, chosen from the Open, Offensive, or Support lists. Even if you know another Method, you must always use incantations for Powers from this list.

Nocturnal Whispers 4 CP

Between events you may send a brief message (one hundred words or less) to any person whose name you know, which will be received in the recipient’s dreams. Distance is not a factor, but the recipient must be in Ariath or in the In-Between or the message will go astray. Messages to characters who do not sleep will fail to be delivered, and unnatural disturbances to the recipient’s dreams may cause the message to be garbled or not arrive.

The recipient will instinctively know who sent them the message, and react accordingly.

This is a between events skill. You may only use one such skill after each event you attend.

Umbral Tools 2 CP

You may cast packet or touch delivered powers with a melee weapon in your off hand, as long as the weapon is black or dark blue, or you are visibly wearing similarly colored clothing. You may also cast touch delivered powers with a bow, slingshot, or crossbow in your offhand if you meet the above condition.

Longbow 2 CP

(Requires: Archery)

You may use a longbow prop in combat. In addition, all of your missile attacks that do 3 or more points of damage are increased by one. This does not stack with any other numerical increases to damage.

Subtle Aim 3 CP

You may deliver melee attacks from Training skills with a bow, crossbow, slingshot, or thrown weapon that you have the skill to use. You may not deliver the Waylay skill as a ranged attack.

Secrets of the Dark 3 CP

You gain access to powers from the “Lunar” power list, and may use casting skills to perform them. (See the section on power lists.)

Secrets of the Ancients 2 CP

You have learned to read the ancient writings found in many ruins, caves, and monuments all over Ariath. You may also translate these writings and write them in plain language for others to read.

An Eye for Weakness 3 CP

Three times per battle, when the target of one of your attacks responds with a “No effect” or “Spirit” defense, your attack and any associated endurance costs are not expended.

Partial Eclipse 2 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

Once per battle, focus for three seconds and call out “Purge” to end all Fire, Light, Awe, and Presence effects on you.

Spill No Secrets 4 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

When you learn this skill, choose melee or packet. You gain an attack with this delivery for “Silence by [Attack Trait.]”

Fade Away 2 CP (Once per event)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Once per event, at night or while you are not within sight of any objects illuminated by direct sunlight, you may turn into a spirit. Cross your hands or weapons in front of yourself, spend two endurance, and say “Imbue Spirit by Shadow.” You gain the “Spirit” trait while this skill is in effect. While you remain motionless you are immune to most types of harm; respond “Spirit” to any Voice, Melee, Missile, Packet, or Firearms attack. Non-beneficial effects “by Gesture,” “By your name,” “To Spirit,” and “By Light” will affect you, and will end the use of this skill immediately, although you may maintain this skill if “Speak to Spirit” is used on you.

You must be wearing dark clothing or an item with a lunar motif on it to use this skill.

Never There 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

(Requires 5 skills in this theme.)

You may call on nearby shadows to conceal you from distant attackers. Call “Avoid by Shadow” to negate a single packet, missile, or firearms attack.

In the Shadows [Epic]

You are immune to “Expose” effects. You need not reply or react to any Expose effect unless you wish to.

In addition, once per event you may call “Resist” to an attack with the “By Your Name” delivery.

These abilities work even if you are currently unable to use game skills.

Night’s Restful Embrace [Epic]

If you fall unstable at night or in an area where you are not within sight of any objects illuminated by direct sunlight, you immediately become stable. You may still be deathstruck, but you cannot bleed to death.