

First Circle Lunar Powers:

Healing Touch

Call “Imbue by [flavor trait] to store 2 uses of Healing Touch. For each use, touch the recipient and call “Heal 2 by [flavor trait.]”


Call “Imbue by [flavor trait] to store 2 uses of Hinder. For each use, throw a packet for “Short Slow by [attack trait.]”

Second Circle Lunar Powers:

Drive Back

You may only use this power once per battle.

“Disengage” with a melee weapon.

Secrets Kept

A packet attack for “Silence by [attack trait.]”

Third Circle Lunar Powers:

Keeper of Lost Lore

You may use this power when you see a text prop or other physical object containing information, but cannot get access to it. Call “Imbue by [flavor trait]” within the next five minutes to forge a connection to the knowledge the document held. This power will work even if the document was destroyed, immobile, or in the possession of another character.

In your PEL, describe which document you used this power on. If the item contained usable information, plot will provide you a copy of it (unless it had extraordinary protections) to represent the knowledge gained through your connection to it. You may still need to translate or decode the document, if appropriate. This power does not count as a Between Events Skill.

(Note that this Power might fail if used on documents that are the personal property of players, or that staff otherwise does not have access to copies of. Use of this power on other people’s character sheets is not recommended.)

Once per event, if you use this power, you may use Journeyman’s Recovery to regain the Third Circle Power Use.