
Ariathan Currency

Grains, Motes, and Keystones

The residents of Ariath use small, translucent, gem-like discs of coalesced magic as currency. The lowest value discs, amber in color, are referred to as "grains." Green discs are worth five grains, blue "motes" are worth ten grains, and purple discs are worth five motes, or fifty grains. In addition to these discs, larger gems (called "keystones") are worth one hundred grains, but they are rare and seldom used as currency.

Grains, motes, and keystones form naturally, and can be found anywhere in the world. In addition to trade, they have numerous everyday uses. For instance, farmers know how to work the magic from grains into their fields to increase crop yield or make their work go more easily, fishermen can use them to increase catches, and crafters need them to create some advanced products. Since grains are expended in these tasks and disappear, there is always a steady demand for them.

Typically, a farmer or forager will ask for one mote (ten grains) in trade for enough food to live on for a few days*. Well-prepared or fine quality fare** is likely to sell for three to five times that. The farmer or merchant will then keep some of those grains as profit for their labor, and use the rest to help produce more food.

Keystones contain very potent magic, and are often used for powerful rituals or other specialized magical processes. Rituals that require a keystone cannot be completed with any number of grains or motes; only a keystone will do, so people who need them for magical purposes seldom spend them.

Estivallian Paper Money

Apart from grains, the only other commonly seen money is a form of paper note issued by the nation of Estivall. The country issues several denominations of bills, meant to be equal to varying amounts of grains or motes.

While citizens of Estivall are required to take these bills in trade, they have never caught on outside that country, and few other residents of Ariath will accept them.

*Maintenance for one event.

**Enough to Eat Well, and gain either a Grant 1 Vitality, or a Grant 5 Endurance.