

First Circle Luminous Powers:


Call “Imbue by [flavor trait] to store 2 uses of Bolt. For each use, throw a packet for “2 damage by [attack trait.]”

Protective Ward

Call “Imbue by [flavor trait] to store 2 uses of Protective Ward. For each use, touch the recipient and call “Grant 2 Protection by [flavor trait.]”

Second Circle Luminous Powers:

Greater Bolts

Call “Imbue by [flavor trait]’ to store 2 uses of Greater Bolt. For each use, throw a packet for “3 damage by [attack trait.]”

Drive Back

You may only use this power once per battle.

“Disengage” with a melee weapon.

Third Circle Luminous Powers:

Strike Down

A packet attack for “Stun by [attack trait.]”