

“When Folk think of Undead, they often fixate on legends of shambling corpses, mindless horrors, and vengeful spirits. These stories, I would argue, are the products of the wars of a bygone era.

"Yes, of course, those things exist-- those creatures, consumed by the Darkness that threatens every Folk, inhabit this world. We, however, are not them. Yes, we are Undead-- we are tainted by that same Darkness. As I say to Folk within my Court, those things that make us do not wholly define us. We are the Undead to whom a glimmer of Life is still affixed. We are close to the Wicked, and it behooves us to keep constantly in mind the ever-closer border of that threat.

"Yes, we hunger. Yes, we feed. Yes, we struggle against vices that the Living do not understand. But, and I say this in all earnestness and rational optimism, we are not mindless nor fallen. We are not yet Wicked.”

- Hector Bedevere, Prince of Swords

Undead Skills:

Torments of the Dark 0 CP

You gain Disease and Aging as attack traits, Weapon as an attack trait for melee and missile attacks, and Darkness and Withering as flavor traits.

Nimble Claws 2 CP

You may use powers with a natural weapon in your off hand. Blocking attacks will cause spell interruption as though you had been struck.

Nightfall 1 CP

Once per event, when the sun sets, you may Refresh 5 Endurance.

Corrupted Method 1 CP

(Requires: Dark Quality)

You perform powers through the force of your personality, and when you use them your inner darkness shows. Add “With [Dark Quality]” to the beginning of all of your effect calls when using Powers.

Dark Spirit Pact 3 CP

You gain access to powers from the “Dark Spirit” power list, and may use casting skills to perform them. (See the section on power lists.)

Unaging 5 CP

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

You have passed beyond the bonds of mortality. You are immune to attacks with the Aging trait.

Regeneration 4 CP

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

For each minute you spend resting, you heal one point of Vitality. This skill does not work if you are unconscious or cannot use game skills.

Fade Away 2 CP (Once per event)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Once per event, at night or while you are not within sight of any objects illuminated by direct sunlight, you may turn into a spirit. Cross your hands or weapons in front of yourself, spend two endurance, and say “Imbue Spirit by Darkness.” You gain the “Spirit” trait while this skill is in effect. While you remain motionless you are immune to most types of harm; respond “Spirit” to any Voice, Melee, Missile, Packet, or Firearms attack. Non-beneficial effects “by Gesture,” “By your name,” “To Spirit,” and “By Light” will affect you, and will end the use of this skill immediately, although you may maintain this skill if “Speak to Spirit” is used on you.

You must be wearing racial makeup or costuming that makes you appear touched by undeath to use this skill.

Wither Life 3 CP

(Requires: 3 skills in this Theme, and Aura of Healing)

You may expend one use from your Aura of Healing pool to throw a packet for “2 damage by Aging.”

Altered Metabolism 5 CP

(Requires 5 skills in this theme.)

Call “Shield” to the first attack that strikes you that has a Metabolic trait. You may refresh this ability with one minute of rest.

Contagion 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

(Requires 5 skills in this theme.)

When you take this skill, choose either Short Weakness, Short Silence, or Agony. Once per battle, you may perform a melee attack of this type “by [attack trait.]”

Corpse Feeding 4 CP

(Requires 5 skills in this theme.)

When you deliver a successful Deathstrike to a living opponent you may call “Heal 1 to Self.”

Spectral Form [Epic]

Call “Shield” to the first attack that strikes you that has a Physical trait. You may refresh this ability with one minute of rest. This skill is not triggered by uncalled damage.

Safety of the Grave [Epic]

If you fall unstable at night or in an area where you are not within sight of any objects illuminated by direct sunlight, you immediately become stable. You may still be deathstruck, but you cannot bleed to death.

Frailty is for the Living [Epic]

Your body does not have the vital spots that make killing living beings so easy. You are immune to Deathstrikes (but not Death effects) unless they are delivered by a Special trait, or a Bane trait that affects you. You must call “No effect” if someone attempts to Deathstrike you with a means that does not work.

Undead Disadvantages

Darkened Soul

Something inside you has been tarnished or broken. You have the Cold Hearted trait. (Note that you still cannot perform Deathstrikes unless you have an appropriate skill.) In addition, you must always have at least one Dark or Wicked Quality, and you must use a Dark or Wicked Quality in any Racial or Undead skills that call for a Quality in their verbal.

Hunger for Life

You need to feed on sentient life force to sustain your undead state. This may consist of drinking blood, eating flesh, feeding on fears or doubt, or any similar means appropriate to your specific undead type. Normal food tags will not sustain you, and Special Diet and other skills that pay maintenance will not work for you.

You may touch a willing or helpless target and call “With [Dark Quality,] Waste 1 Endurance to Folk.” If the target does not call a defense, you gain sustenance from them. Once you have fed successfully five times, you may no longer feed this event, and your maintenance for the next event is considered paid.

While you may sustain yourself on living energy, you always feel hungry and are never satisfied. You may not Eat Well.


You are permanently under a Slow effect, which cannot be cured.

Unliving Form

You are unaffected by beneficial effects with metabolic traits. Heal effects to you are reduced by 1, unless they are “To Undead,” “To Self,” or by Darkness or Withering.