

First Circle Nurturing Powers:

Healing Touch

Call “Imbue by [flavor trait]” to store 2 uses of Healing Touch. For each use, touch the recipient and call “Heal 2 by [flavor trait.]”

Heal Wounds

A packet attack for “Heal 4 by [flavor trait.]”

Protective Ward

Call “Imbue by [flavor trait] to store 2 uses of Protective Ward. For each use, touch the recipient and call “Grant 2 Protection by [flavor trait.]”

Skillful Strikes

Call “Imbue by [flavor trait]” to store 2 uses of Skillful Strikes. For each use, touch the recipient and call “Grant Melee Attack by [flavor trait,] 2 damage by [attack trait.]”

Second Circle Nurturing Powers:

Borrowed Blast

Touch the recipient and call “Grant (delivery) Attack, 3 damage by [attack trait].” You may choose packet, missile, or firearms as the delivery type.

Critical Strike

Touch the recipient and call “Grant Melee Attack, 4 damage by [attack trait].”

Greater Healing Touch

Call “Imbue by [flavor trait] to store 2 uses of Greater Healing Touch. For each use, touch the recipient and call “Heal 4 by [flavor trait.]”

Painful Strike

Touch the recipient and call “Grant Melee Attack, Agony by [attack trait.]”

Third Circle Nurturing Powers:


Call “Imbue by [flavor trait]” to gain an Armory pool of five points. You may spend a point from your Armory pool to touch a recipient and call “Grant Melee Attack, 2 damage by [attack trait.]”

You may refresh your Armory pool by resting for five minutes in a safe place. Your Armory pool does not count as Imbued uses, and is an exception to the normal rule that you may only have Imbued abilities from one Power at a time.


You can transform certain rare plant components into nourishment. Touch the recipient and call “Grant Vitality by [flavor trait.]”

This power consumes a plant component that states on the tag that it can be used for the Nourish power. If you cast this spell, you may use Journeyman’s Recovery to recover the Third Circle power use.


Touch the recipient and call “Grant Melee Attack, 7 damage by [attack trait].”