

“There’s dark things in the world, kid. I’m sure you’ve seen 'em. Sorcerers, undead, dark spirits, the whole thing. Sometimes the only way to deal with ‘em is to fight fire with fire, and that’s where the Atavists come in. Usually they’re wardens of the darker places in Ariath, whether it’s deep woods or underwater, or some other place where bad things come through. They devote themselves to the ideal of a beast, whether it’s a wolf or a snake or an eagle, and use that to give ‘em a little extra edge. I know there’s some sorta induction ritual most of ‘em go through, but I don’t know what it is. They generally don’t share that kinda thing with outsiders. You can usually tell one of them by the beast-like tattoos or scars they got.”

"Atavists got a tendency towards... anger problems. More’n a few of ‘em go Wicked. That makes most Folk a little on the wary side when they come into town.

“I’m sure you would like to talk with one of ‘em but they mostly keep to themselves. That, and if you do see one of 'em, it usually means something real big and real scary is nearby. If it’s got the local Atavist running? You might wanna consider joinin’ ‘em.”

Leah Wraith, Explorer

(All skills in this theme require at least one Dark Quality to use.)

Atavist Skills

Driven by Instinct 0 CP

You gain Weapon as an attack trait for melee and missile attacks, and Rage, Instinct, and Ferocity as flavor traits.

Heroic Critical Strike 2 CP (Once per event)

A melee attack for “6 damage by [attack trait.]”

Feral Method 1 CP

You perform powers through the force of your personality, and when you use them your inner darkness shows. Add “With [Dark Quality]” to the beginning of all of your effect calls when using Powers.

Equipment Method 2 CP

You use potions, powders, venoms, and other natural craft supplies to perform your powers. You should carry appropriate props, and roleplay as though you are using them to perform touch delivered effects. To use packet delivered powers, touch a packet to one of your tools, such as a vial or medicine bag, before performing the effect call and throwing.

Feral Roar 2 CP (Once per event)

Once per event, a packet attack for “With [Dark Quality,] Repel by Fear.”

Heroic Dodge 2 CP (Once per event)

“With [Dark Quality,] Avoid” to negate one Melee, Missile, Packet, or Firearms attack.

Know Your Pack 3 CP

When you are struck with a Frenzy effect, call “Reduce.” You are still under a Frenzy, but may choose to avoid attacking anyone you consider an ally.

Tireless Rage 4 CP

Once per battle, an attack with a damage effect costs no endurance.

Feral Strikes 5 CP

Your damage with melee attacks that do more than 2 damage is increased by 1. This skill does not stack with other numeric increases to weapon damage.

Back in the Fray 3 CP (Once per event)

Once per event, when you can hear combat going on around you, you may focus for three seconds, and call “With [Dark Quality,] Purge” to negate any one effect except Inflict that is preventing you from fighting. (You may not use this skill to “Purge Death.”)

Berserk Fury 5 CP

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Each time you are struck by an attack with a called or uncalled Damage effect you gain one melee attack for “2 damage by (attack trait.)” Although you can never have more than one attack active at any time, as soon as you deliver that attack you are eligible to gain another attack as an attack strikes you. This ability is always active and has no cost.

High Pain Threshold 4 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Once per battle, call out “Resist” to negate any attack with the Agony or Damage effect.

Killer Instinct 5 (Once per event, 2 endurance)

(Requires 5 skills in this header, and the Cold Hearted trait.)

A melee attack for “With [Dark Quality,] Death by [attack trait.]”

Bloodlust [Epic] (Once per event)

Once per event, choose a target you can see. You may call “No effect” to any attacks with a Mental trait originating from that target, until the target breaks line of sight with you for three seconds, or until you become unconscious.

Undying Rage [Epic](Once per event)

(Requires: Back in the Fray)

After being dead for at least 30 seconds, you may expend a use of “Back in the Fray” to call “With [Dark Quality,] Purge Death and Short Drain to Self.” You must make this effect call in at least a normal speaking voice, and it must be obvious to observers that you have awoken.

You cannot use this skill after you have turned to a spirit, and you must be able to hear combat going on around you.