

Alien Visitors

Hundreds of years ago, the Kudarr came to Ariath as visitors and explorers, using dimensional science to cross over between worlds. For many years, they were able to travel back and forth to their home of Kudrai, but over time the way became more and more difficult. About a century ago, Kudrai became inaccessible entirely, so those Kudarr left on Ariath now are the ones who remained, and their descendants.

Kudrai is very technologically advanced, centuries beyond Earth, and some of this technology has been brought to Ariath. Some members of the race have psionic abilities as well, which are in-born but require training to reach their full potential. Interestingly, though, most Kudarr have no knack for magic use of any sort, even if instructed in the arts by natives. They have created Devices to cast spells for them, but only one Kudarr in twenty has any ability to manipulate magic themselves. Psions, Augmented, and Technics did not exist on Ariath until the arts were brought here by the Kudarr, and the arts of the Device Mage are their invention as well.

Most things the Kudarr need can be crafted out of Vapour, and they can draw power through dimensional borders to run their equipment. Thus, their society is self-sufficent, in terms not only of food and water, but of energy. As a result, they only need to work as much as they wish to to contribute to society. Many of them travel from their base on Ariath to other parts of the world, looking for ways they can make a difference to the natives as well. Their society as a whole is non-interventionist, and does not involve itself in wars between native regions, but individuals may act they wish. On those rare occasions when the race acts as one, for example when Ariath is threatened by large undead, demonic, or other unnatural forces, they bring a force to the conflict that's entirely out of proportion to their relatively small numbers.

Kudarr society on Ariath is based on that of the original military science expedition that brought them here. An expedition leader, with a rank equivalent to "Captain," makes decisions for the expedition as a whole, advised by a lead scientist. Some individual Kudarr are still part of the formal expeditionary hierarchy, but some have resigned and contribute in other ways, and Kudarr born on Ariath may join the hierarchy or not as they wish.

Common Racial Characteristics

In their natural state, Kudarr have deep blue or purple skin. Their faces are accented with white, silver, or grey markings, which sometimes resemble script or scrollwork, but are actually natural patterns. Kudarr appearance varies quite a bit from this norm, though, as they have access to advanced nanotech and biotech science which they use to modify themselves as they like. Some of them even have a limited ability to assume more than one appearance or skin tone. More traditional Kudarr may keep their facial markings even as they change the rest of their visage, but younger or more rebellious individuals may omit them, or even "go native" and change themselves to entirely resemble a native species.

All Kudarr have the "Kudarr" racial trait, and many have the Augmented racial trait as well, whether or not they have sufficient augmentation to be represented by that Theme. Many of them have life-preserving nanotech modificiations that allow them to Stabilize themselves, and a Special Diet allowing them to sustain themselves with Vapour is also common. The Augmented Theme, and all of its skills, are common in Kudarr, and Nannites is a common racial flavor trait.