

"Of course spirits can be deadly dangerous! Have some respect for my intelligence. Do you think I'd still be here talking to you if I underestimated them? That's just all the more reason we need to learn to control them. Any time my servants are doing things for me, they aren't hurting someone who doesn't deserve it. And there are plenty of people who do deserve it.

"Face it. Dark spirits are part of our world. So are undead. They're not going away. You can mindlessly slaughter them all you want, but there will always be more. If we don't study them, learn to manipulate them, we have no defense against them.

"And it's not like we don't have any other problems. This town is mine to protect, and I'll thank you not to give me grief for using every tool at my disposal to do it."

Timmiz Torchlight, Goblin Sorcerer

(You must have a Dark Quality to use any skills in this Theme, and skills from this theme that call on Heroic Qualities must use a Dark Quality in their effect calls.)

Sorcerer Skills

Corruption of the Dark 0 CP

You gain Disease and Aging as attack traits, and Darkness and Withering as flavor traits.

Strength of Blood 1 CP (5 times per event)

Up to five times per event, you may draw strength from the death of your foes. When successfully Deathstrike a target, or a target roleplays the effect of one of your Death effects, call “With [Dark Quality,] Refresh 1 Endurance to Self.”

Friend of Shadows 3 CP

You may change the flavor trait of your heal effects to “to Undead.” When you do, add 1 to any of your heals with a value of three or higher. This does stack with all other numerical increases to healing.

Reach Across the Divide 2 CP (1 endurance)

You may sometimes reach across the gulf that separates the world of the spirits from our own, and attempt to communicate with them. Spend a point of Endurance, gesture at a being you believe to be a spirit, and call “By my gesture, Speak to Spirit.”

Familiar Spirit 2 CP (Once per event)

A friendly spirit follows you invisibly and can aid you in dire need. Once per event, call “Ambient Heal 2 to Self.” You may use this skill even when if you are unconscious, unstable, or unable to use game skills.

Guardian Spirit 2 CP (Once per event)

A friendly spirit follows you invisibly and can ward enemy attacks. Once per event, call “With [Dark Quality,] Resist” to negate one melee, missile, packet, or firearms attack.

Retribution 3 CP (Once per event)

Once per event, when you use a Resist defense against a packet or firearm delivered attack, you may redirect the attack against a target of your choosing. Instead of Resist, call “With [Dark Quality,] Absorb.” You gain a packet attack with the same effect call as that of the attack you Resisted. This attack may be held briefly before use, but will be expended with no effect when you use another called attack or rest for any reason.

Incantation Method 3 CP

Your powers are magic spells granted to you by your bond with dark spirits. To use Powers, you must perform a audible incantation of at least six syllables before you begin the verbal call.

In addition, this skill gives you access to one Power List, chosen from the Open, Offensive, or Support lists. Even if you know another Method, you must always use incantations for Powers from this list.

Dark Spirit Pact 3 CP

You gain access to powers from the “Dark Spirit” power list, and may use casting skills to perform them. (See the section on power lists.)

Ritual Magic 5 CP

You may attempt to perform rituals whose formulae you find in play. Details of how to perform the ritual, and its likely results and backlashes, will be explained in the formula.

Ritual magic uses arcane means to manipulate a force called the Quiet,which can alter the nature of the world in certain ways. Wise ritualists respect the Quiet, and only ask it to act in accordance with its nature, while fools might try to trick or pervert it, to dire consequence.

Spiritual Circle 5 CP

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

You can perform minor rituals that enhance the effect of your Grant powers. Trace a circle on the ground around yourself and the intended recipient of a Grant, focus for thirty seconds of ritual performance, and use a power with a Grant effect on that character. You gain an additional, free casting of that Grant with no endurance cost to be used within ten minutes on a second ally, so long as you perform a second minor ritual as described above. You may not use Grants cast with this skill on yourself.

Wither Life 3 CP

(Requires: 3 skills in this Theme, and Aura of Healing)

You may expend one use from your Aura of Healing pool to throw a packet for “2 damage by Aging.”

Slay Living 4 CP (Once per event, 2 endurance)

(Requires: 5 skills in this Theme, and the Cold Hearted trait.)

A packet attack for “With [Dark Quality,] Death by Aging.”

Enchanting 2 CP

You can combine gem components to enchant objects with limited magical effects. This skill may be purchased up to three times; each level allows you to construct more advanced products. See the rules section on Crafting for further information.

Life Theft [Epic]

Once per event when you Deathstrike a target, or a target roleplays the effect of one of your Death attacks, you may call “With [Dark Quality,] Refresh (skill name) by [flavor trait]” to Refresh one of your per event skills. When you do so, regain five Endurance.

Radiant Familiar [Epic]

(Requires: Familiar Spirit)

Your familiar spirit is strong enough to aid not only you, but nearby allies as well. Once per event, you may call “By my voice, Ambient Heal by [Flavor Trait.]” You may use this skill even when if you are unconscious, unstable, or unable to use game skills.

(You may not use a Community trait or the Folk trait in this verbal, as your familiar can be neither Folk nor a member of a community.)