Dark Spirit

Dark Spirit

First Circle Dark Spirit Powers:

Healing Touch

Call “Imbue by [flavor trait] to store 2 uses of Healing Touch. For each use, touch the recipient and call “Heal 2 by [flavor trait.]”


Call “Imbue by [flavor trait] to store 2 uses of Bolt. For each use, throw a packet for “2 damage by [attack trait.]”

Second Circle Dark Spirit Powers:


A packet attack for “Short Drain by [attack trait.]”

Greater Life Drain

A packet attack for “4 damage by [attack trait.]” If this attack affects the target, you gain a stored use of a touch effect for “Heal 4 by [flavor trait.]” You may only have one such touch effect active at a time.

Third Circle Dark Spirit Powers:


A packet attack for “Death by [attack trait.]” If you attempt to use this power on a target you believe may have the “Folk” trait, you gain the “Cold Hearted” trait until the end of the current event.