Faithful of Sorrow

Faithful of Sorrow

“We all spend time in Sorrow's empty halls. A day, a year, a lifetime. The spurned lover, the orphaned child, and the lonely soul are Sorrow's children. So too the stalwart guardian and relentless hunter. Sorrow is all the pains of our lives. But more, sorrow is our armor against those pains, the walls we build to guard against them. And justice for those that wrong us."

"The noblest of Sorrow's faithful spend their lives helping those lost in their grief find their way out again. Others spend them protecting the vulnerable. Me? I'll settle for vengeance. Sometimes, when you're all the way at the bottom, it's the only light that's left. And someone's got to do it."

    • Korbin the Raven, faithful of Sorrow

Faithful of Sorrow Skills

Reminisce 0 CP

You gain “Despair” and “Sleep” as attack traits, and “Sorrow” and “Judgment” as Flavor Traits.

Incantation Method 3 CP

Your powers are magic spells granted to you by divine power.

This skill gives you access to one Power List, chosen from the Open, Offensive, or Support lists. When you use powers from this list, you must perform a verbal incantation of at least six syllables before you begin the effect call. You do not need to perform incantations for spells from other power lists you know, although you may, and are encouraged to do so when it would add to the game atmosphere without hampering you in combat.

Divine Symbol Method 2 CP

Your powers are magic spells granted to you by divine power.

To use your spells, you must have an item with a teardrop motif clearly visible on your person, at least three inches across. If you have Themes for more than one faith, you may choose which deity’s symbol to use, or you may wear more than one.

Dispense Justice 2 CP (1 endurance)

When you find someone guilty of a crime, you may mark them such that others may see their shame. Touch a willing or helpless target, call “Inflict Justice Mark,” and present them with an Inflict card for the mark. (Cards can be obtained at check-in, or you may print your own.) If you wish, before Inflicting the mark you may write a brief in-game message on the back of the Inflict card, which can be read by others with this skill.

In addition, you may detect the presence of Justice Marks on people with whom you converse. After one minute of roleplaying, point at them and call “By my gesture, Diagnose Justice Mark.” If your target has such a mark, they will be forced to reveal it, as well as any message placed with it.

Finally, if you and two other Faithful of Sorrow (whether they have this skill or not) come to an agreement that a Justice Mark has been wrongly placed on someone, you may remove it by touching the marked person and calling “With [Heroic Quality,] Cure Justice Mark.”

Parole 1 CP

Often in war you may face enemies who fight you only for honor, for obligation, or under coercion. Rather than slay them, you may ask for their parole, and allow them to depart the field knowing that they will not re-enter the battle.

Touch a helpless enemy with a weapon or packet as though performing a Deathstrike, but instead call “Affliction one, affliction two, affliction three, Inflict Spirit by Parole.” If the enemy sincerely intends to honor the parole, they will become a spirit, and depart the field.

Only intelligent foes can give honorable parole. This skill will seldom work on enemies that are not Folk.

Designer’s note: If this skill works, your character will know for certain that the subject will honor the parole. If you see the same NPC in the field again, it is clear to you that they are representing another character. Using this skill may decrease the overall difficulty of some battles, since those who depart are prevented from returning.

Read the Heart 2 CP (1 endurance)

After a minute's conversation with someone, you may point at them and call either "By my gesture, Diagnose Cold Hearted" or "By my gesture, Diagnose Wicked."

Punish 2 CP (Per event)

When you take this skill, choose melee, missile, packet, or firearms. Twice per event, gain an attack of this type for "With [Heroic Quality] Agony to Wicked" or "With [Heroic Quality] Agony to Cold Hearted."

Execution 1 CP

If in your opinion someone is guilty of a truly heinous crime, one worthy of nothing less than execution, you may perform a Deathstrike on them without becoming Cold Hearted. To do so, you must speak for at least ten seconds on their crimes, and declare that they are being punished in your deity’s name. This skill is not to be used lightly, and there may be in game consequences if it becomes known that you have used it without due consideration.

If you know that a person is Cold Hearted, or worse, Wicked, that is not enough on its own to justify the use of this skill. However, if other crimes are involved, you would be justified in taking the person’s nature into account when deciding their fate.

Sorrowful Heart 3 CP

You gain access to powers from the “Somber” power list, and may use casting skills to perform them. (See the section on power lists.)

Instrument of Sorrow 5 CP

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

When you strike a target with a "Despair" or "Sorrow" attack that that does three or more points of damage, you gain power from the emotion you have evoked. So long as your target does not negate the attack with a defense, you gain a touch effect for "Heal 2 by Sorrow." This heal effect lasts until used, but you may only have one available at a time.

If you have the Aura of Healing skill, you may instead refresh a single use from your Aura of Healing pool.

Cry for the Fallen 3 CP

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

You may touch a helpless target and call “Stabilize by Sorrow.” This skill has no endurance cost, and you may use it as often as you wish.

Lamentation 2 CP (Once per battle)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

You gain two melee or packet attacks for “2 damage by [Attack trait.]” If you have the skill Arsenal, this instead increases your arsenal pool by 2, and allows you to deliver two uses of Arsenal per battle as melee attacks.

Ponder Your Crimes 5 CP

(Requires 5 skills in this theme.)

When you learn this skill, choose melee or packet. Once per battle, gain an attack of this type for “Short Weakness by [attack trait.]”

At One With Suffering [Epic]

You may focus for three seconds and call "Purge" to end any Agony effects on you. This ability costs no Endurance, and may be used as often as you wish.

Justice and Mercy [Epic]

You may pray to Lacrimosa for knowledge about a person you believe needs your attention, in one of two capacities.

First, if you know of someone who is on the path to Wickedness but who you believe might be redeemed, you may ask for information on how this might be done.

Second, if you believe someone has performed foul enough deeds that they must be killed for justice to be served, but that person has a means of resurrecting or otherwise avoiding their well-earned death, you may ask for insight as to how they might be killed in such a way that the world is truly rid of them.

The information provided is divine insight, and may reveal secrets that could not be found through any other means of information gathering. The skill gives no information on the actual guilt or innocence of the subject, which is for you to decide. Either path may take more than one use of this skill to see through, depending on the situation, and success is not guaranteed.

This is a Between Events skill. You may only use one such skill after each event.