

Wise in the Ways 0 CP

You gain Fear, Thorns, and Poison as Attack Traits, and Nature, Craft, Transformation, and Curse as Flavor Traits.

Bane of the Formless 3 CP

You know how to mix powders and chemicals to eat away at the bodies of slimes and oozes. You may change the attack trait of any of your called attacks to “To Formless.”

Tools of the Craft Method 2 CP (Once per event)

You use a wand, an orb, or vials as a foci to cast arcane spells. You must have one of these props in your off hand to use Powers, unless you are using another Method to perform them. In addition, once per event you may point at a target with a wand or orb and deliver a single use of Arsenal or Aura of Healing as a “By my gesture” attack.

Incantation Method 3 CP

Your powers are magic spells granted to you by your understanding of natural forces. To use Powers, you must perform a audible incantation of at least six syllables before you begin the verbal call.

In addition, this skill gives you access to one Power List, chosen from the Open, Offensive, or Support lists. Even if you know another Method, you must always use incantations for Powers from this list.

Divination 3 CP

You have means of discerning truths through study of patterns. After an event, you may submit a question to plot. The answer will be brief, and not guaranteed, but if you get an answer it will always be true at the time the question was asked.

Witches learn early that Divination cannot be used to predict the future, to plumb the depths of the past, or to read the thoughts of another. This skill will fail unless the answer relates to factual, verifiable current events.

This is a between-events skill. You may only use one such skill per event.

Ritual Magic 5 CP

You may attempt to perform rituals whose formulae you find in play. Details of how to perform the ritual, and its likely results and backlashes, will be explained in the formula.

Ritual magic uses arcane means to manipulate a force called the Quiet,which can alter the nature of the world in certain ways. Wise ritualists respect the Quiet, and only ask it to act in accordance with its nature, while fools might try to trick or pervert it, to dire consequence.

Strong Metabolism 3 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

Once per battle, call “Resist” to negate an attack with a Metabolic trait.

Ways of the Craft 3 CP

You gain access to powers from the “Craft” power list, and may use casting skills to perform them. (See the section on power lists.)

Healing Ointment 2 CP (Once per battle)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

You gain two uses of a touch effect for “Heal 2 by [Flavor Trait.]” If you have the skill Aura of Healing, this instead adds two uses to your Aura of Healing pool.

Minor Transformation 3 CP

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Once per event, a packet attack for “With [heroic quality,] Short Weakness by Transformation” or “With [heroic quality,] Short Silence by Transformation.” This skill is an exception to the general rule that you cannot use a flavor trait in an attack.

First Circle Power Use 4 CP (Once per battle, 1 Endurance)

(Requires 5 skills in this theme.)

Once per battle you may spend a point of Endurance to use a First Circle power from any list you know.

Read the Weave [Epic]

You have a limited ability to predict events in your immediate future. One per battle, when a character is guiding you someplace out of town or through a gate, or coming into town to help you prepare for an upcoming battle, you make take them aside briefly to confirm some intuition you have about the situation. Spend two points of Endurance, touch the willing guide, and call "Imbue by Prediction."

In most cases, the guide reply to your intuition with a "yes" or "no" answer. In rare cases, they may elaborate further. If the guide is unable to answer your question, the Endurance you spent on this ability is refreshed.

The guide's answer is not their own opinion, but rather a game effect describing the result of your reading of the weave. It is not guaranteed to be true, as circumstances change and no magic can account for the free choices of Folk. However, the results of this skill are extremely reliable.

Witch's Curse [Epic]

Once per event you may perform a packet attack for "(Effect) by Curse." You may choose Weakness, Silence, or Stricken at the time you use the attack. If the attack misses, you may spend one minute of focus performing a minor ritual to regain use of your curse.

This skill is an exception to the normal rule that Flavor traits may not be used in attacks.

Enchanting 2 CP

You can combine gem components to enchant objects with limited magical effects. This skill may be purchased up to three times; each level allows you to construct more advanced products. See the rules section on Crafting for further information.

Alchemy 2 CP

You can combine plant components to create chemical or alchemical substances with useful effects. This skill may be purchased up to three times; each level allows you to construct more advanced products. See the rules section on Crafting for further information.