CP Policy

CP Policy

For CP Update inquiries, please contact us at: CrossoverLarp.CP@gmail.com

Crossover characters begin with 50 CP. The maximum CP a character may have for the opening year of 2016 is 70, and the maximum increases by 20 points every year of  play after that. This was interrupted by the pandemic hiatus; the cap for 2024 is 170, and it will be 190 in 2025. CP earned in excess of this cap may be transferred to a secondary character or another player at your discretion.

Characters may start with a maximum of 55 CP at the opening event, but may "bank" CP if necessary toward the rest of 2016, and spend it after the opener.

As the campaign goes on, we may at our discretion increase the starting CP slightly for new characters.

Base CP Awards:

Players may earn the following amounts of CP toward their Crossover character by either PCing our events, or volunteering at other games we have established CP exchange with.

Event Award: 1 CP

Post Event Letter: .5 CP

Setup or Cleanup: .5 CP

Additional bonus for staying until cleanup is complete: .5 CP

Other CP Awards:

Pre-registering for a Crossover event at least three weeks in advance: .5 CP

Approved Character Background: 1 CP

(Background must be submitted at least three weeks before the event you're attending.)

Opener or Finale NPC Bonus: 1 CP

(For volunteering at the first or final event of any other campaign.)

"Waitlist" NPCing bonus: .5 CP

(If we are forced to put any players on a waitlist because the event is full, we encourage them to NPC instead. If you do, you'll earn bonus Crossover CP, and have the opportunity to play as your PC for a few hours during the event. NPCing will also automatically put you at the head of the list to PC your next event and avoid any waitlist.)

We have established CP Exchange with the followings games already, and we'll be updating with more shortly.

Cottington Woods





Lione Rampant


Hellcat Jive

