

"I'm not the one you should be congratulating. I'm not the savior of this city. My squire is."

"Don't look at me like that. You talk about how I saved this city, that I rallied its people within the final hour to hold out against the invaders. You don't talk about who saved me, who rallied me within the final hour. You all look at me as some great hero, but you don't even see him."

"There are those among you who you'll rarely think to thank, but you need them more than you realize. They're the ones who raise your spirit when you're low, who break the mood with a joke. They're always there with you, and they always have your back. Folk aren't monoliths. They can't stand alone, no matter how larger than life they seem. And it's these people who really deserve your awards. I may have said the words that kept you fighting today, but he keeps me fighting every moment of every day. And he makes me better. He drives me to be the person that he thinks I am. And that does more good than I could ever do alone."

Dame Yvonna Morgath, Savior of Lirassa

Buddy Skills

Hit it With a Stick 0 CP

You gain Confusion as an attack trait, “Weapon” as an Attack Trait for melee and missile attacks, and “Inspiration” as a Flavor Trait.

Heroic Dodge 2 CP (Once per event)

“With [Heroic Quality,] Avoid” to negate one Melee, Missile, Packet, or Firearms attack.

Heroic First Circle Power Use 1 CP (Once per event)

Once per event you may use a First Circle power from any list you know.

Heroic Method 1 CP

You perform powers through the force of your personality, and when you use them you personal qualities shine through. Add “With [Heroic Quality]” to the beginning of all of your effect calls when using Powers.

Whatever’s Handy 3 CP

You may use any one-handed melee weapon of longsword length or less, any two-handed weapon, and any buckler, so long as the props in question look improvised. In addition, you may use the Buckler and Two-Weapon fighting styles with these improvised props, and you may use them to block missile attacks.

You may touch-cast beneficial effects while holding improvised props in your off hand. Blocking attacks will cause spell interruption as though you had been struck.

Improvised Weapon 2 CP (Once per event)

Once per event, when your weapon or shield is Destroyed, focus for ten seconds, looking around for something else to fight with, and call “Repair Weapon” or “Repair Shield.”

Irreverence 2 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

Call out “Resist” to negate an attack with the Fear, Awe, or Presence traits.

Community 2 CP (Once per event, 1 endurance)

Once per event, in combination with other like-minded individuals, you may create a community. Spend at least five minutes’ roleplaying establishing the name and purpose of the community, spend a point of endurance, and call “By my voice, Imbue (Community Name) Trait by Inspiration.” All characters involved gain the name of the community as a Community Trait. (All Community Traits must be approved by plot.)

Any character may refuse to be affected by any effect that targets their Community trait, if they so wish, by calling “Resist.” Community traits may never be used against you.

In addition, you may induct new members into your community. Speak to them for one minute to establish whether they would be a good fit, spend a point of endurance, touch them with a packet and call “Imbue (Community Name) Trait by Inspiration.” You may do this as often as you have endurance to spend.

Comic Relief 1 CP (Once per event)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Once per event, while you are under an ongoing affliction (Root, Maim, Drain, etc) you may make a joke about your condition at your own expense. If the joke gets a reaction (not necessarily laughter) you may regain 5 endurance. This skill has no effect call, and may be used even if you are otherwise unable to use game skills, so long as you are able to successfully roleplay the joke in some manner.

Dude, Are You Ok? 2 CP (Once per battle)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Gain two uses of “Heal 2 by [flavor trait.]” If you have the skill Aura of Healing, this instead adds two uses to your Aura of Healing pool.

Don’t Die on Me, Man! 5 CP (Once per event, 2 endurance)

(Requires 5 skills in this theme.)

Once per event, touch a dead ally and call “Cure Death and Drain by [Flavor Trait.]”

Buddy System [Epic]

Once per event you may choose a partner whose name you know, that you intend to fight alongside. You gain a single additional use of the heal from “Dude, Are You Ok?” that you may use on this partner. You may refit this ability with a minute of rest.

In addition, once per event when you are killed you may make a brief speech to the effect of “They got me!” even though you are dead. If you choose to use this ability, you must do so immediately after you die. Once this speech is complete, you may call “By your name, (partner’s name,) Ambient Refresh Per Event Skill by [flavor trait]” to help your partner save you or avenge your death.

Outrun the Explosion [Epic] (Once per event)

Once per event, you may call “Reduce” when affected by a “By my Gesture,” “By My Voice” or “To the Room” attack with a Damage or Death effect, and instead take a “Slam” effect. One use of this defense will negate the entire attack, even if it is a Double or Triple attack.