Faithful of Death

Faithful of Death

"We each of us only get so many years in this world. Some Folk live for years unnumbered, but 'forever' is just a word we say because we're scared of endings. One day even Ariath will pass.

"I know you're afraid, and it's only natural, but I'm here to help you. I know it's hard when you've done this for so long, cheated eternity through unnatural magic, but you needn't fear. You're not ending, just passing into something new. Maybe to a place, or a life, that will treat you better than this one did. Yes, even horrors such as you have become can be purified and live anew; death is fair. It's the fairest thing there is, and it holds no grudges.

"Now, hold my hand, look into the light, and let the tides of the world wash you away."

Teshimi Undertow, Merrow Faithful of Death, to the Fallen known as Cathifax

Faithful of Death Skills:

Grave’s Cold Hands 0 CP

You gain “Fear” and “Aging” as Attack Traits, and “Time,” “Reaping,” and “The Grave” as Flavor Traits.

Abomination’s Bane 3 CP

You may change the attack trait of any of your called attacks to “To Undead.”

Lay to Rest 3 CP

You draw on your faith to return an undead creature to its rightful place in the cycle, ending its suffering. Touch a helpless target with a weapon or packet and call “Deathstrike one.” If the target does not move or resist, you may call “Death to Undead.”

Many undead creatures are immune to normal deathstrikes, instead turning to spirit swiftly when cut down. This skill may be required in order to deathstrike undead that are paralyzed or otherwise incapacitated. In addition, while some undead may swiftly return to the battlefield if cut down, this skill may delay or even prevent their return.

Ask the Departed 2 CP (1 endurance)

If you ask properly, sometimes the dead may pass on their knowledge to you. Spend a point of Endurance, point at your target, and call “By my gesture, Speak to Dead.”

Incantation Method 3 CP

Your powers are magic spells granted to you by divine power.

This skill gives you access to one Power List, chosen from the Open, Offensive, or Support lists. When you use powers from this list, you must perform a verbal incantation of at least six syllables before you begin the effect call. You do not need to perform incantations for spells from other power lists you know, although you may, and are encouraged to do so when it would add to the game atmosphere without hampering you in combat.

Omen of Doom Method 5 CP

Your powers are divine magic granted to you by your deity. You wield no mere spells, but the power of death, a fundamental force of the universe. You need no incantations, items, or other limitations to use them. In addition, you may use powers with a melee weapon, missile weapon, firearm, or buckler in your off hand. Blocking attacks will cause spell interruption as though you had been struck.

Lore of the Grave 3 CP

You gain access to powers from the “Mortal” power list, and may use casting skills to perform them. (See the section on power lists.)

Fear No Other 2 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

Once per battle, call “Resist” to negate an attack with a “Fear,” “Awe,” or “Presence” trait.

Reaper’s Arm 2 CP

You may use powers with a polearm or one-handed spear in your off hand. Blocking attacks will cause spell interruption as though you had been struck.

Back in the Ground 3 CP (Once per event)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

When you learn this skill, choose melee, packet, missile, or firearms. Once per event, you gain an attack of that type for "Death to Undead."

Abeyance 3 CP

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Your time to bleed out is increased to two minutes, and the the time you wait after death and before you become a spirit is increased to ten minutes.

Call of the Grave 5 CP (Once per event, 2 endurance)

(Requires 5 skills in this theme.)

When you learn this skill, choose melee or packet. Once per event, an attack of that form for “With [Heroic Quality,] Death by [attack trait.]” If you attempt to use a Death attack on a target you believe may have the “Folk” trait, you gain the “Cold Hearted” trait until the end of the event.

True Revival [Epic]

Your skills that Cure Death no longer drain the recipient, instead healing them greatly. You may omit “Drain” from any “Cure Death and Drain” effects, and substitute “Heal Ten.”

The Day and Time [Epic]

Your faith gives you limited insight as to when a person’s time may be drawing nigh, and you truly understand that death is but a doorway to another realm. You may perform Deathstrikes, and need not have a Dark Quality. In addition, you may use Deathstrikes and Death Effects without gaining the Cold Hearted trait.