

“Someone has to make the call that other people follow. Someone has to stand up and rally everyone behind them. The reasons for doing it generally seem pretty unique individual-to-individual. Whether the person just likes being listened to, or they believe that they need to, or there’s no one else to do it, the end result is pretty much the same. They become an Exemplar.”

“People drawn towards leading tend to be the best of the best or the worst of the worst. If you’re the sort who rallies people for Wicked reasons? I can’t think of anyone who I’d be more worried about. But the sort of person who stands up when everybody’s run out of hope and gives it back to them? Gets them up and fighting again? Those are the sort of people I really admire. I can’t stand on a table and get a whole room ready to dive back into the fray, but I know people who can. And they’re really something special.”

Squire Liam Rook

Exemplar Skills

Lead by Example 0

You gain Awe and Presence as attack traits, Weapon as an attack trait for melee and missile attacks, and Inspiration as a flavor trait.

Can’t Remain Silent 2 CP (One per event)

Once per event, you may call “Purge” to end all Silence and Drain effects on you.

Parole 1 CP

Often in war you may face enemies who fight you only for honor, for obligation, or under coercion. Rather than slay them, you may ask for their parole, and allow them to depart the field knowing that they will not re-enter the battle.

Touch a helpless enemy with a weapon or packet as though performing a Deathstrike, but instead call “Affliction one, affliction two, affliction three, Inflict Spirit by Parole.” If the enemy sincerely intends to honor the parole, they will become a spirit, and depart the field.

Only intelligent foes can give honorable parole. This skill will seldom work on enemies that are not Folk.

Designer’s note: If this skill works, your character will know for certain that the subject will honor the parole. If you see the same NPC in the field again, it is clear to you that they are representing another character. Using this skill may decrease the overall difficulty of some battles, since those who depart are prevented from returning.

Heroic Method 1 CP

You perform powers through the force of your personality, and when you use them you personal qualities shine through. Add “With [Heroic Quality]” to the beginning of all of your effect calls when using Powers.

Empathy 2 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

You gain the ability to Diagnose Mental Traits. In addition, once per battle you may converse with someone for ten seconds (or offer words of support if they are unable to converse,) gesture at them, and call “By my gesture, Cure Mental by Inspiration.”

Read the Heart 2 (1 endurance)

After a minute's conversation with someone, you may point at them and call either "By my gesture, Diagnose Cold Hearted" or "By my gesture, Diagnose Wicked."

Community 2 CP (Once per event, 1 endurance)

Once per event, in combination with other like-minded individuals, you may create a community. Spend at least five minutes’ roleplaying establishing the name and purpose of the community, spend a point of endurance, and call “By my voice, Imbue (Community Name) Trait by Inspiration.” All characters involved gain the name of the community as a Community Trait. (All Community Traits must be approved by plot.)

Any character may refuse to be affected by any effect that targets their Community trait, if they so wish, by calling “Resist.” Community traits may never be used against you.

In addition, you may induct new members into your community. Speak to them for one minute to establish whether they would be a good fit, spend a point of endurance, touch them with a packet and call “Imbue (Community Name) Trait by Inspiration.” You may do this as often as you have endurance to spend.

Inspiring Speech 2 CP (Once per event)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Once per event, you may make an inspiring speech of at least ten seconds’ length to refresh a single use of a Heal with a “By my voice” effect.

Moral Support 2 CP (Once per battle)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

You gain two uses of a touch effect for “Heal 2 by [Flavor Trait.]” If you have the skill Aura of Healing, this instead adds two uses to your Aura of Healing pool.

Morale Building 2 CP (Once per battle)

(Requires 3 skills in this theme.)

Immediately before, during, or immediately after a battle you may address your allies or perform for at least 30 seconds. If they respond to your speech with applause, you may call out “By my voice, Refresh 1 Endurance by Inspiration.” If you have a Community trait, you may instead call “By my voice, Refresh 1 Endurance to (Community trait) by Inspiration.”

If multiple characters with this skill work together, they may all use the Refresh ability with only 30 total seconds of performance between them.

Rally 5 CP (Once per battle, 2 Endurance)

(Requires 5 skills in this theme.)

Once per encounter you may call out “By my voice, Heal by [Flavor Trait.]” If you have a Community trait, you may instead call “By my voice, Heal to (Community trait) by [Flavor Trait.]”

Delegation [Epic] (Once per battle)

You’re good at finding the right person for the job, and motivating them to do it well. Once per battle, when you ask someone to take up a task for you, you may spend a point of endurance to call “By your name, (name,) Refresh Per Battle Skill by [flavor trait.]” You may not use this skill on yourself.

Personal Connection [Epic] (Once per event)

You know your people, and know that sometimes the right encouraging words will get them out of a tough situation. Once per event, you may deliver any Cure skill you know (including Cure Death) “by your name.”